A rather salutary question occurred to me last evening and it has stayed with me sufficiently through my long dark night of the soul to ask it here:
Am I the only person on the planet (at least, those who read and/or post on Casebook) who believe that James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper and that James Maybrick wrote the Maybrick scrapbook text?
For obvious reasons, I'm not expecting a flood of positive replies here on Casebook. If there are any souls out there of a kindred spirit, there's a half decent chance they aren't registered but simply read.
So, if you believe that James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper and that James Maybrick wrote the Maybrick scrapbook text, I'd like to ask you to drop me an email to historyvsmaybrick@gmail.com with the subject line, "I Agree". I may even reply with a Dear Reader Merit Badge (it's not bribery before anyone starts!) which I will have to make if anyone actually responds.
If no-one responds, it would rather beg the question of why was I investing so much time over the years proselytising and fighting to defend a belief no-one else believes, would it not?
This is going to be very interesting indeed. If it transpires that I am a lone voice in the vast wilderness of the web.net then I may just decide to go back to my previous cause instead ...
Ike Iconoclast
Iconoclast to the Stars
Am I the only person on the planet (at least, those who read and/or post on Casebook) who believe that James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper and that James Maybrick wrote the Maybrick scrapbook text?
For obvious reasons, I'm not expecting a flood of positive replies here on Casebook. If there are any souls out there of a kindred spirit, there's a half decent chance they aren't registered but simply read.
So, if you believe that James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper and that James Maybrick wrote the Maybrick scrapbook text, I'd like to ask you to drop me an email to historyvsmaybrick@gmail.com with the subject line, "I Agree". I may even reply with a Dear Reader Merit Badge (it's not bribery before anyone starts!) which I will have to make if anyone actually responds.
If no-one responds, it would rather beg the question of why was I investing so much time over the years proselytising and fighting to defend a belief no-one else believes, would it not?
This is going to be very interesting indeed. If it transpires that I am a lone voice in the vast wilderness of the web.net then I may just decide to go back to my previous cause instead ...
Ike Iconoclast
Iconoclast to the Stars