Originally posted by Lombro2
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I don't think you've quite understood what Caz said. She said her late father-in-law regularly used the expression "one off" in normal language from as early as the 1970s. She wasn't saying that she was unaware of it in 1992, as you claim to be.
Your own experience isn't relevant because you tell us you were living in a foreign country at the time. Over here in the UK, I can assure you that "one off" was a very common expression by 1992. I've already proved this for you with actual examples.
I've no idea why you've wrapped "after 2000 when it took off" in quotation marks. This might be true in foreign countries such as the United States but it was well known and well used in England in the 1980s..... but not, of course, the 1880s when it didn't exist at all.