Originally posted by rjpalmer
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I'm missing something here, but then I'm an idiot, so it's probably for the best if Palmer has finally put me on 'ignore'. For years I was bringing him down to my level and beating him with my experience.

If the 'key' witness is Eddie, and it involves him 'twocking' an old book from Battlecrease - which he pretty much admitted to another key witness back in July 1992, and again in June 1993 when he lied about putting it in a skip, but has understandably denied everything since - maybe it's just me being an idiot again, but we knew he wasn't exactly Mr Reliable in the first place. What's he done now, to reveal himself as 'wholly' unreliable?
If Palmer is thinking of one of the other 'key' witnesses - and there are several who can be described as such - let's hope they all reveal themselves to be as wholly unreliable as each other, so Palmer can then wholly rely on nobody knowing anything while everyone pretended to know something.
There is no comparison here with Auction Theory, if that is where Palmer was hoping to lead his dwindling troops. The only witness to what he desperately needs to have happened on 31st March 1992, and the days leading up to 13th April, was someone who is no longer with us and would have needed a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word 'reliability' and even then would have spelled it 'ReLIARbilly'.