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Why on earth is Maybrick the most popular suspect on this site???

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  • Why on earth is Maybrick the most popular suspect on this site???

    Considering this site claims to be the authority on the Ripper murders, it's frankly laughable that people visiting here should vote Maybrick as the No 1 candidate for the Whitechapel Murders. I don't know if it's just random people stumbling upon the site with little knowledge of the case who've voted for him, or Ripperologists who think its ironic. In any case I think the current suspect voting system should be scrapped and only be made available to people who are registered. Also the list of candidates should be updated too. Yes I'm a newbie, but I can tell **** from shinola. And a flaccid joke that's more than out stayed its welcome.

  • #2
    Maybrick as Ripper?
    For the memory of my sweet, ambereyed and animal-loving mother (1932-2007). Be happy in Heaven.


    • #3
      I think the results of that poll are old to be honest. I would be willing to bet that many of the Maybrick proponents have had a change of faith in the last few years.

      A lot of it has to do with the "novelty" factor. When Tumblety was first revealed as a suspect he was very high on the list for a few years. Then when more people actually did their own research about him as a suspect I think they too had a change of heart. After Cornwall's book Sickert shot up there for awhile. Then after "From Hell" the "Royal Conspiracy" theory shot up in the poll.

      I think you're right that the results are laregely due to people who are new to the case voting. Plus if the person isn't registered they can vote as many times as they want. I agree that the poll should be held again and should be ONLY for registered users. I suspect the results would be vastly different.

      Just my 2 cents.


      • #4
        'Er- I dont think we have a FAVOURITE 'suspect' here to be honest...that isn't what Casebook is about......
        'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


        • #5
          i, for one think is was MAYBRICK!

          I've read the diary 7 times, and there is so many facts in it that weren't available to the public that i am totaly convinced!


          • #6
            Originally posted by alucard View Post
            Considering this site claims to be the authority on the Ripper murders, it's frankly laughable that people visiting here should vote Maybrick as the No 1 candidate for the Whitechapel Murders. I don't know if it's just random people stumbling upon the site with little knowledge of the case who've voted for him, or Ripperologists who think its ironic. In any case I think the current suspect voting system should be scrapped and only be made available to people who are registered. Also the list of candidates should be updated too. Yes I'm a newbie, but I can tell **** from shinola. And a flaccid joke that's more than out stayed its welcome.
            Hello alucard

            I don't think you will find that the most informed posters on this site believe Maybrick "did it." Nonetheless there is a popular sentiment out there that Maybrick may have been the one. The real truth, however, is that there is a lack of real evidence to say that anyone was the Ripper. Still that doesn't stop us all wondering who it might have been.....

            Christopher T. George
            Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
            just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
            For information about RipperCon, go to
            RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


            • #7
              Being a Casebook member and acquiring the access to vote doesnt make anyone a Ripper expert....nor a Ripper suspect expert. I know cause Im one and have been for some 3 years now.

              The poles are for fun...they are not science.

              Maybrick, Sickert, Sir John Williams, HRH, Gull, Carrol, ....there are many, many men who are called suspects and none who have any known connection to the Ripper murders.

              Best regards


              • #8

                Hello Pinkerton. I agree. For a year or so the new chap, Mann, will lead the polls (or so I predict).

                Meanwhile, the old flatulator type Ripperologists like me will continue to plod on with the police suspects.

                (Mike, what the devil are you doing on this thread, young man? [snicker!])

                The best.


                • #9
                  The poles are for fun...they are not science.

                  Take that Nikolas Copernicus!

                  "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


                  • #10
                    I think the majority of the suspects are a bit silly to be honest and think it's kind of slanderous seeing as there's absolutely no proof whatsoever that any one of them were involved in or even linked to any of the Whitechapel murders in any way, canonical or otherwise. The only ones who had any ties to the victims were Kidney (please) and Fleming (is it any wonder he went daft in an asylum after having a supposed loved one butchered?). There is nothing to indicate that any of the suspects were responsible for even one of the murders. It's true there are a selection of domestic abusers (like the aforementioned boyfriends), murderers and weirdos among the suspects, but looking at each of those cases individually it's kind of obvious in most of them that they weren't the Ripper. But they sell books and so they'll always remain 'suspects', whether they were guilty or not.


                    • #11

                      Hello M & P. And, of course, a very few of them were suspected by SY.

                      The best.


                      • #12
                        True, but at least two of those were suspected for next to no (known) reason.


                        • #13

                          Hello M & P. No "known" reason. A wise codicil. (Would that Sir MM had not destroyed his "evidence"--if he had any.)

                          The best.


                          • #14
                            Fleming (is it any wonder he went daft in an asylum after having a supposed loved one butchered?).
                            Well, to be fair, it's not as if we can argue that a committal to a lunatic asylum for the rest of one's life was the naturally expected behaviour of a man whose presumed loved one had been butchered four years previously. It's hardly the done thing under such circumstances. So yes, I'd say it's more than reasonable to "wonder" why such a fate befell Fleming, especially with his mother on record as stating that insanity had been in the family for well over a century.


                            • #15
                              Don't get me wrong, I do think Fleming is one of the 'better' suspects, but at the same time if I was on jury duty and I had to convict this guy I wouldn't be able to just because he was deemed insane (and a melancholic and daft one at that). That and if there was a long running history of mental issues in his family, you have to take in account that maybe Mary's death may have played a part in an eventual trigger or something.

                              I know (well, think, 'cause I can't remember if it was this Joe or the other dude ) that he knocked Mary around and that is a complete c-word-ish thing to do, but being a bastard and a bruiser doesn't necessary equate to being capable of killing someone, least of all to make that same someone into the mess that Mary was in when she died. I'm not sure if domestic abuse was more common in those days either, so that's another component to take into account.

                              It could be a crime of passion, but at the same time it could've been the Ripper, who I'm not really convinced Fleming was.

