Originally posted by Sir Robert Anderson
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does say he's left his mark.
But how coincidental is it that of all the letter
combinations possible in a 26 character alphabet, 1,352
to be exact (if my math is correct), that those two
particular letters were chosen? And if they are some
sort of photographic artifact, why does nothing of
the sort appear in the photo of the table with the
viscera piled on it? Presumably both pictures were
taken with the same camera at the same time, by
the same photographer.
And then there's this:
New York Times November 10, 1888
Anothor murder by the Whitechapel assassin is reported, and unless he
becomes alarmed and abandons his project, as announced in writing near
the body of one of his victims, of making the number of his atrocious
crimes an even score, and then giving himself up to the police, many
more will apparently follow, as the London police seem absolutely
powerless to put an end to these mysterious crimes....
Brooklyn Eagle Tuesday December 28, 1897
Circumstantial Evidence
An interesting story of the "Jack the Ripper" Murder
A chat about circumstantial testimony in murder cases,
apropos of the Luetgert case, brings to mind a remarkable
instance of the fallibility of human testimony as regards
the identification of the human body, of more recent date
than any instance quoted yesterday. It is part of the history
of that remarkable series of atrocious muders committed in the
Whitechapel district of London, in the autumn of 1888, by a man
who is known indefinitely in criminal annals as "Jack the Ripper".
His fourth victim was a widow named Mary Ann Chapman. Her mutiliated
body was found at daylight in the yard of a house in Hanbury
Street. On the shutter of the adjoining dwelling there was found
scribbled with challk the following message from the mysterious
assassin: "I have murdered four, and will murder sixteen more before
I surrender myself to the police." Sir Charles Warren, who was in
charge of the Scotland Yard detective force, caused this prophecy
to be erased and was subsequently severely criticised for having done
so without securing a photographic reproduction of the murderer's
Shirley Harrison The American connection p. 168
Quoted from the New York World November 10, 1888
"...Profiting from the previous blunders the police called
a photographer to take pictures of the room before the body
was removed. This gives rise to a report that there was
more handwriting on the wall, though three or four people
who were allowed to enter the room say they did not observe
it. But possibly they were too excited to notice such details..."
So apparently there were contemporaneous reports that
someone was writing on walls at the crime scenes during
the autumn of 1888.