Originally posted by Iconoclast
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Oh, wait, there is. Mike's research notes were not individually dated, and were not handed over to Shirley in any case until the summer of 1992, when her own research into Maybrick and the available literature was well under way. Mike claimed on at least two occasions on the record - for what it's worth - that he had never heard of Ryan's book before Shirley asked him if he'd read it. Palmer obviously has to believe Mike was lying about this, but it ain't necessarily so. It's also fairly obvious that when Mike was claiming inside knowledge of the diary's creation, his best bet was to cling to Ryan's book as his own personal Maybrick bible. It's just a shame that he screwed up when trying to impress Alan Gray, and had Maybrick confirming in his private diary what Ryan went on to write the following century. Ryan got it right because Maybrick himself said so! You had to be there - at least in spirit - to catch wonderful moments like this. Mike was either a fool to trip himself up so easily, or a master of the double bluff.
The problem with your arguments, RJ, is that you only ever seek out those which support your theory on the Barretts (a theory which is so ridiculous as to be utterly risible). So you present angles as though they are facts. This is your greatest weakness.
It's a shame. If you could overcome this blinkered, narrow-minded, tunnel-visioned myopia, your thoughts might actually add some value to the debate. Mind you, it's easy to sympathise with your condition given how constraining those bloody drainpipes you peer down are.
It's a shame. If you could overcome this blinkered, narrow-minded, tunnel-visioned myopia, your thoughts might actually add some value to the debate. Mind you, it's easy to sympathise with your condition given how constraining those bloody drainpipes you peer down are.
That's why Palmer needs to confront Anne sooner rather than later with his beliefs, because she will know if he is right or wrong about her - or not even close.
Until he does that small thing, he is destined to keep returning here with the same old arguments on repeat, which won't even apply until the Barretts have been proven guilty as charged.