Originally posted by rjpalmer
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By the way, Shirley's discussion of Anne's 'horror' at her divorce can be found on page 280 of the "American Connection."
It's unclear to me why you think Harrison was lying about it.
It's unclear to me why you think Harrison was lying about it.
I'm not sure what any of this has to do with your theory that by 13th April 1992 Anne had found herself up to her neck in deceit, fakery and fraud, but just stayed in the background saying nothing for the next two years. By July 1994, Anne had not only embraced the "horrific" concept of divorce, but added another sinful string to her bow, by lying through her teeth about the diary's true origins.
I have no concept of how a Catholic would rate their deadly sins on a scale of one to ten. I'd ask Jacob Rees-Mogg if he had more than two brain cells. But if divorce as a concept, prior to 1994, was "horrific" to Anne, I wonder what adjective one would use to describe what you have accused her of doing from March 1992, to cover up her husband's fraud and her own participation.
If you recall, you accused Anne of lying about her knowledge and involvement in Mike's effort to obtain a Victorian diary in which to transfer her 'novella'. Do you now think she may not have known about this after all, until she handed a cheque to Mike in May 1992, who was being chased by Martin Earl? I'm still struggling with the concept of Anne helping to create what she knew to be a fake, which Mike planned to pass off as genuine. If she was hoping Doreen would take one look and send him packing, was it beyond her to make sure of it, and salve her Catholic conscience, by including in the text, for example, a few deliberate, but 'incontrovertible, unequivocal and undeniable' anachronisms?