Originally posted by rjpalmer
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When you sit typing this stuff, do you actually stop to wonder if you are misrepresenting the person's comments or even just not trying hard enough to understand the point they are making?
The mocking tone does nothing for your argument. I assume that many of your readers pity you for lacking any sort of logical rigour.
So, let's try it again with what we actually know (for reasonably certain):
Mar 9, Eddie Lyons possibly finds the Victorian scrapbook in Battlecrease
Mar 9, With or without the actual scrapbook in his possession, Mike Barrett rings Rupert Crew to see if they are interested in the diary of Jack the Ripper
Now you'll notice that I have excluded all of your mocking "dashing over to the pub to give away the crown jewels in exchange for a toilet roll" comments because - of course - we don't know exactly how it panned-out.
We don't know if Mike didn't get the scrapbook until the Tuesday or the Wednesday of that week.
We don't know if Eddie received £25 from Mike Barret for the scrapbook (this is just a supposition).
What we do know - and it's crucial - is that Lyons didn't describe the scrapbook as "it might be important" for another four months (July 21 1992, IIRC) when speaking with colleague Brian Rawes as he collected the firm's van from Battlecrease House where Eddie was now definitely working (as he's in the timesheet) and very possibly bricking himself because by then it's common knowledge in the pub he favours along with Mike Barrett that the latter has taken an old book to Landarn and appears to be about to publish it. At this point, Lyons would undoubtedly have twigged-on that he had sold a potentially very valuable historical document, and that he had done so for a song, a fact which would not assuage in the slightest his fear of the consequences of his actions in Battlecrease on the morning of Monday, March 9, 1992.
So let's not stick the "it might be important" bit in out of context to try to mock even more than you were. Let's try our best to stick with the facts and theorise around those.