Originally posted by Kattrup
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Secondly, the Barretts most certainly didn't lift the phrase '...very little the matter with...' from Bernard Ryan's paraphrased narrative. Those exact words came from Dr Fuller's own mouth, and the Barretts could only have known that from checking the primary source, which you imply they didn't do and had no need to do. [Christie also paraphrases, but writes: 'The doctor told him that nothing was seriously wrong with him...'.] And nobody, as far as I know, has yet demonstrated which source provided the Barretts with Florie's lie to Sir Jim, that the purpose of her visit to London was to attend to an aunt, and not to a lover.
It beats me why Orsam felt the need to demonstrate the bleedin' obvious: that nobody but Jim and Florie would have been privy to their private conversations, so once he had established in his own mind that the real JM was not trying to recall and record actual events and conversations in his own ledger, every such reference had to be the result of just three possibilities:
1) adapted/copied from a source that can be deemed reliable
2) adapted/copied from an apparently erroneous source, or at least one that cannot be deemed reliable at this remove
3) invented by the diary author
That's it.
So without the diary author to ask, Florie's 'aunt' could have been 1), 2) or 3), and all Orsam was really doing was to judge the quality of the hoax, by concluding that the hoaxer copied blindly from an erroneous source: Addison.
But because we can never know how a private conversation went between Jim and Flo - a pair of adulterous liars in real life - the diary author could have got it wrong, but equally could have got it right by accident. This is never going to be resolved because we don't have a reliable primary source.
I'm wondering if Orsam had to go looking for another error, more fatal even than 'one off instance' [??], because of something he once posted. I thought he must have been joking at the time, because the logic eluded me, but now I'm not so sure. He opined that the diary would have had to be genuine to come out of Battlecrease House, but 'one off instance' proved the real James Maybrick could not have written it, ergo it did not come out of James Maybrick's old home.
Anyone got any better ideas why Orsam went all out to bag himself an aunt, if she wasn't needed to be an understudy for his 'one off instance'?