Originally posted by Stephen Thomas
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That is the flipside to the journal-as-genuine argument, and indeed the only flipside because the letters are there (you yourself admit to seeing them 'quite clearly', which qualifies you for the Soothsayer Fearless Crusader Medal, incidentally). As the letters are there, the journal (within reason) is either genuine or a forgery which was prompted by the forger first spotting the letters. It's not a killer blow - whether you imagine limp or not. It's simply the other possibility.
Some relevant points at this juncture:
1) No-one had ever identified what the letters were before (though researcher Simon Wood had mentioned them to Paul Begg around 1988) so the forger is first to do so. From this, he or she has to work backwards to think of Florence Maybrick, and therefore James Maybrick. Yep, a respectable Liverpool cotton merchant with no criminal record. Hmmm ... hardly an obvious choice for a forger. (For the record, Simon Wood can no longer see those letters he first saw in 1988 as they have been smudged by the thousands of people who have been able to see them since.)
2) Our forger has more good fortune in the writing of this journal than is realistically possible outside of a philanthropic casino. Everything just keeps working for him. Maybrick just keeps fitting the known evidence. His wife even writes a letter which the forger can refer to in the journal. An actual Ripper letter to (of all newspapers) the Liverpool Echo attempts to prove it is from the genuine Jack by referring to DIEGO LAURENZ (for the uninitiated, Diego is Spanish for James, and Laurenz sounds like Florence). Impossibly good fortune! There's more, but it's all been said so many times on this site that you would need to read back to review it all.
3) The forger's material work - the ink, the scrapbook - has never been 'outed'. "We just can't shake it" said Keith Skinner in the early 1990s; and nothing has changed. No surprise, really, as we can't shake the truth unless we turn it upside down and simply say it's a lie.
Guys, I have an endless supply of Soothsayer Fearless Crusader Medals - you can all have one if you get out of the long grass and join the fight!
