David wrote:
I responded:
David then responded:
So now I'm left wondering why David was asking me about any references in our book (which he has read) to any serious consideration being given to an 11-day Barrett forgery possibility, if he a) already knew there were no such references and b) already knew why. 
Could it be that between posts (and before I told David the ad was not seen by Keith until December 2004) a little bird told him why Ripper Diary had failed to mention this 'crucial' piece of information or to go into a detailed study of the logistics of Mike receiving and rejecting the red diary on or around March 28th 1992; attending an auction at O&L and acquiring the guard book; then getting straight down to the task of removing any suspicious or provably post-Victorian traces of its previous usage before Anne copied out the text by hand; and finally showing their work to Doreen on April 13th?
What I have never seen anyone do until now is adjust the chronology in Mike's affidavit with the acquisition of the 1891 diary in mind and give serious consideration to whether the diary could have been forged in an 11 day period after 26 March 1992 but before 13 April. Now, perhaps you will tell me that it was all given very deep consideration as soon as the details emerged about the 1891 diary acquisition but, if so, could you direct me to where I find anything said about this in writing, including your book?
I know for a fact that Keith Skinner gave all Mike's claims - dodgy chronology and all - very deep consideration, before, during and after Anne helped him trace the 1891 diary acquisition to late March 1992. But if you have read Ripper Diary you will know that we made little if any attempt to analyse what may have been going on in the heads of the various diary and watch personalities, or to suggest guilt or innocence, or to draw any personal conclusions from the then available evidence, because our purpose was to tell the story of the first ten years (1992-2002), as it unfolded, using only documented sources of what was said or done.
Originally posted by David Orsam
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Could it be that between posts (and before I told David the ad was not seen by Keith until December 2004) a little bird told him why Ripper Diary had failed to mention this 'crucial' piece of information or to go into a detailed study of the logistics of Mike receiving and rejecting the red diary on or around March 28th 1992; attending an auction at O&L and acquiring the guard book; then getting straight down to the task of removing any suspicious or provably post-Victorian traces of its previous usage before Anne copied out the text by hand; and finally showing their work to Doreen on April 13th?