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Acquiring A Victorian Diary

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  • Originally posted by jmenges View Post
    I’d hazard a guess that there’s more people who believe it could be an old forgery written by neither Maybrick or Barrett than believe it was the work of one or the other.

    I disagree I think most people believe Barrett was involved in the forging of the diary.


    • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

      Considering how the Diary came to the attention of the public and how Mike Barrett conducted himself as regards the diary the onus is very much on those that believe the Diary is true to prove it not the other way around.
      Hey John, the best way to deal with the troll is to ignore him.


      • Originally posted by jmenges View Post
        I’d hazard a guess that there’s more people who believe it could be an old forgery written by neither Maybrick or Barrett than believe it was the work of one or the other.

        I beg to differ. I don't believe there are that many gullible people out there.


        • Originally posted by Observer View Post

          Hey John, the best way to deal with the troll is to ignore him.
          I'm just waiting for a satisfactory answer to my question with actual proof. If no one answers the question then I'll have to conclude there is no evidence that the diary is genuine.
          Last edited by John Wheat; 09-14-2019, 09:06 PM.


          • Well the only thing that this diary proves is that Maybrick was NOT the ripper.

            The Baron


            • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

              I disagree I think most people believe Barrett was involved in the forging of the diary.

              You can safely say all of them John, ignoring the 0.001 is healthy and neutral.

              The Baron


              • Originally posted by Observer View Post

                Hey John, the best way to deal with the troll is to ignore him.
                He's either a WUM who revels in flogging this dead horse or he's bought the hoax hook, line and sinker.

                There are perfectly lucid people who believe in flat earth, chemtrails etc. Might as well add the Maybrick diary to the list.


                • Originally posted by Graham View Post

                  ...and also said repeatedly that he didn't forge it.

                  right so lying is consistant with a hoaxer, a conman and a forger, all which involve lying to some extent or another.
                  Last edited by Abby Normal; 09-15-2019, 01:13 PM.
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • Originally posted by jmenges View Post
                    I’d hazard a guess that there’s more people who believe it could be an old forgery written by neither Maybrick or Barrett than believe it was the work of one or the other.

                    theres also people who beleive that there are fairies in your garden, but thankfully not many, and they are gamefully ridiculed, and rightfully so.

                    it really is just so silly.
                    "Is all that we see or seem
                    but a dream within a dream?"

                    -Edgar Allan Poe

                    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                    -Frederick G. Abberline


                    • believe those that think it’s more likely the Diary originated from say, around WWII or a bit earlier, than that Mike and/or Anne Barrett composed the thing, should be “gamefully ridiculed”?
                      If that’s where the discussion of the Diary is currently at on these boards, then its not worth anyone’s time taking about it.



                      • If Shiva came down from heaven and said Mike Barrett forged it, the diary defenders still wouldnt belive it, so i guess your right.
                        "Is all that we see or seem
                        but a dream within a dream?"

                        -Edgar Allan Poe

                        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                        -Frederick G. Abberline


                        • I don’t know who you would categorize as “Diary defenders” but those ripper researchers and other concerned parties who were there and involved in the preliminary investigations, spending time with and interviewing Mike and Anne for hours and hours, who say that they don’t believe either one of them were capable of forging the Diary, have always left the door open for any evidence that proves otherwise. On this very thread it has been stated that if certain proof is obtainable it would be game-set-match.
                          Your sweeping generalizations of those who are skeptical that Barrett created it, but are nevertheless still researching the Diary’s origins says more about you than it does them.



                          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                            If Shiva came down from heaven and said Mike Barrett forged it, the diary defenders still wouldnt belive it, so i guess your right.
                            If Shiva came down from anywhere and said anything, I'd believe it.

                            The challenge that you are going to find on this site is that there are a (quite small) group of posters who are totally intolerant of anything even distantly pro-Maybrick, which ultimately makes their ceaseless criticisms of such little value to the rest of us. If - even occasionally - they contributed something of worth (some research, some new insight, some new anything), then they would have a place here, but their moaning, empty, vacuous, worthless mutterings just bore those of us who have not fallen for the utterly stupid line that the Barretts wrote the Maybrick scrapbook which is what really is "just so silly" here.

                            Materials: HistoryvsMaybrick – Dropbox


                            • Originally posted by jmenges View Post
                              I don’t know who you would categorize as “Diary defenders” but those ripper researchers and other concerned parties who were there and involved in the preliminary investigations, spending time with and interviewing Mike and Anne for hours and hours, who say that they don’t believe either one of them were capable of forging the Diary, have always left the door open for any evidence that proves otherwise. On this very thread it has been stated that if certain proof is obtainable it would be game-set-match.
                              Your sweeping generalizations of those who are skeptical that Barrett created it, but are nevertheless still researching the Diary’s origins says more about you than it does them.

                              Would it be too much to say, indeed, that they are actually the trolls and wind-up merchants here on the Maybrick arm of the Casebook?
                              Materials: HistoryvsMaybrick – Dropbox


                              • Originally posted by Iconoclast View Post

                                If Shiva came down from anywhere and said anything, I'd believe it.

                                The challenge that you are going to find on this site is that there are a (quite small) group of posters who are totally intolerant of anything even distantly pro-Maybrick, which ultimately makes their ceaseless criticisms of such little value to the rest of us. If - even occasionally - they contributed something of worth (some research, some new insight, some new anything), then they would have a place here, but their moaning, empty, vacuous, worthless mutterings just bore those of us who have not fallen for the utterly stupid line that the Barretts wrote the Maybrick scrapbook which is what really is "just so silly" here.

                                Quite right, Ike, and well said. I'm not really sure why these people you describe are so absolutely and totally certain that the Barretts conceived, composed and wrote the bloody thing, when it seems plain to me, from everything I've read about them, Mike in particular, that they were not sufficiently equipped. Anne...not sure. I would like to believe her story that the Diary came from her papa, but I just finished re-reading Feldman's book, and there really does have to be doubt about that claim. He seemed convinced, but I do wonder if he was. I continue in my belief that Maybrick almost certainly (never be 100% certain of anything, my dad taught me) did not write the Diary, but that is was created a long time before it came to light in the early 1990's. (I can already hear the howls of derision). Just what the truth is, don't think we'll ever know, to be honest. But it wasn't the Barretts. I'd stake my (somewhat tarnished) reputation on that.

                                Let me know what your favourite tipple is, Ike, and I'll have one this very evening.

                                We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze

