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Lechmere's Behavior in Buck's Row

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
    Actually DVV I was pointing out the issues with respect to these suspects which are the reasons I think they haven't obtained traction - with the exception of Kosminski, who obviously has to a degree.
    I wasn't inviting a debate on these issues or dissing others to promote my favoured suspect.
    I certainly didn't suggest anyone was a crook for promoting any theory. Get a grip man.
    Don't try to con me, mate.
    I ain't Paul.
    The way you comment every Hutch thread, or insert Hutch in your own threads, is quite telling.
    And if you'd use your brain without bias, you wouldn't repeat Fleming could work in a circus, or that MJK's Joe wasnt the mad plasterer. Nonsense.

    Hope some day we will both disagree and discuss, but I'm not sure you're ready yet.

    For the time being, I hope you enjoy the Volvo-eater company - and please keep him by your side.
    Last edited by DVV; 06-28-2014, 05:13 PM.


    • #92
      I can assure you I have no need to con you.
      I try and avoid Hutchinson where possible actually as the debate is tedious.


      • #93
        Ok, so let's debate tranquillou-bilou in the future.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Hunter View Post
          That's secondary. Promoting "suspects" is the essance- naturally followed by deconstructing the viability of others as more tenuous than one's own... Or maybe its the chicken or the egg.

          Truth is certainly not the essance because it is an unacceptable uncertainty.
          Aye, truth has been replaced by Negative Evidence, the only commodity in abundance these days. The attraction is clear, you can make it up as you go.
          Regards, Jon S.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Lechmere View Post

            So affecting to scratch your head and chuckle over an allegedly guilty man behaving like a psychopath, when if he was guilty he would have been a psychopath, leaves me wondering if that’s the best you’ve got.
            Well, the best I've got in response to this is to type "Ha ha ha". And even that is more than it deserves. But I'll expand....and IF he was NOT guilty than he's a just a normal guy acting normally (i.e. showing no consciousness of guilt whatsoever). Since we have nothing to tell us that Cross was a psychopath EXCEPT your presumption that he was Jack the Ripper.....I feel pretty confident in siding with normal guy acting normally bit.

            This is going nowhere. You are married to the Cross is the Ripper thing and more power to you. I hope you and Fisheman live a long life together and prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. It's a great idea. I'd like it to be true. Alas, I'm not willing to suspend disbelief in order to buy this clunker your selling.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Patrick S View Post
              Barnaby, Your scenario, like most, presupposes that Cross could see the future. "If he moves the body (he) eliminates his tactic of simply telling Mizen that he is wanted in Buck's Row. Now they have to go off in search of a PC and tell him that a woman has been knifed to death in Buck's Row." He's been in Paul's company likely less than a minute or two. You have his lines to the PC he's not encountered yet scripted and the actions that will make his words to that PC credible already planned.
              Hi Patrick,

              As written, technically you are correct. I am presuming the future which Cross could not have known. But humans are capable of thinking into the future, and if Cross were the killer he no doubt could quickly gauge likelihoods of getting searched if a murder was known and there was blood was all over him versus "hey let's go off and find a policeman for this poor woman."


              • #97
                Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                Hello Patrick.

                "I don't think that I can name ten people that could make a credible Jack the Ripper. Many are interesting. Few are - for me - realistic."

                Goes double for me, mate.

                Being skeptical is good. But have we gotten so skeptical that it is unhealthly? You all don't want to have a sit down with Kelly, Cross, Druitt, Cohen, Kosminski, Barnett, Bury, Hutch, Chapman, Feigenbaum? I could go on but off the top of my head those are the characters with whom I'd like to talk. The top three are in order of my favorite suspects. James Kelly has been my fav for a long time but I wish I could put him at/around every murder scene like Cross can be placed! Or at least one. But who cares his story makes the best screenplay that I hastily write!!!!
                Last edited by Barnaby; 06-28-2014, 08:50 PM.


                • #98
                  G'day Barnaby

                  But hey I think his story makes the best movie.
                  Do you mean Kelly's story?

                  It may well make a good story if he's the ripper but if he was just in hiding it might be pretty boring, no?
                  G U T

                  There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                  • #99
                    Yes, he has family issues, wife issues, inadequacy issues, killed wife, escaped from prison, worked with a knife as an upholsterer, etc. Of course the movie needs to climax at MJK and the sudden search for him but then break until his reappearance at Broadmoor decades later and that is a weakness no doubt.


                    • Originally posted by Barnaby View Post
                      Yes, he has family issues, wife issues, inadequacy issues, killed wife, escaped from prison, worked with a knife as an upholsterer, etc. Of course the movie needs to climax at MJK and the sudden search for him but then break until his reappearance at Broadmoor decades later and that is a weakness no doubt.
                      Yep as the ripper it might just work.

                      By the way a lot worse suspects here than James.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                      • romance

                        Hello Barnaby. Thanks.

                        "James Kelly has been my fav for a long time but I wish I could put him at/around every murder scene like Cross can be placed!"

                        Or even in London.

                        "But who cares, his story makes the best screenplay that I hastily write!"

                        If it is romance you seek, I'd suggest Dr. Stanley. His is most poignant of all. If only his existence could be established.



                        • Originally posted by Barnaby View Post
                          Being skeptical is good. But have we gotten so skeptical that it is unhealthly? You all don't want to have a sit down with Kelly, Cross, Druitt, Cohen, Kosminski, Barnett, Bury, Hutch, Chapman, Feigenbaum? I could go on but off the top of my head those are the characters with whom I'd like to talk. The top three are in order of my favorite suspects. James Kelly has been my fav for a long time but I wish I could put him at/around every murder scene like Cross can be placed! Or at least one. But who cares his story makes the best screenplay that I hastily write!!!!
                          I didn't say I wouldn't love to talk to them. I would. I just don't find them all that credible. On this subject, all we can do is give our opinions. You like James Kelly. Lech and Fisherman like Lechmere/Cross. In my opinion, Jack the Ripper, was "none of the above". I believe that it's more likely he's an anonymous person, whose name appears nowhere among the lists of suspects, witnesses, writers, artists, etc. I don't believe he wrote letters. Believe me, I'm open to believe otherwise. In my younger days, I was more easily swayed. As a teenager I believed it was Druitt. I've taken Tumbltey out for a spin. Kosloski. Kosminski. All disappointed, ultimately. I don't have a favorite in the race, at this point. What I do have is an example of the kind of man I'm talking about: Edward Buchan. Obviously, I think the chances of him being the Ripper are very low. All we know of him comes from a news report. On the day of Mary Kelly's funeral he walked outside cut his own throat. There is a bit more detail, but that's irrelevant here. As I said, he probably wasn't the man. The likelihood is that his name NEVER appeared in print. I guess you could say, at this point, I'm not betting on any of the favorites. I'm taking the field.


                          • Imagine this scene in say Leman Street police station in early September 1888.

                            Abberline: Is there anyone we should bring in for questioning?
                            Reid: What about Cross?
                            A: But didn't he approach Paul? He could have run away if he was the culprit.
                            R: Possibly, but these killers can be cool characters, psychopaths even, and given the 'fight or flight' option experienced by soldiers through the ages, perhaps he turned to face the intruder and to take control of the situation.
                            A: Stuff and nonsense. No one would ever turn and face an intruder in such circumstances. You are making me guffaw into my pipe. And you say he might be a psychopath? Have you a clinical diagnosis to back up that circular argument? No, I'm not interested in interviewing Cross without the requisite doctor's note. Now get out of my office you idiot.

                            Patrick - you could walk into the role of Abberline in this little playet.


                            • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
                              Imagine this scene in say Leman Street police station in early September 1888.

                              Abberline: Is there anyone we should bring in for questioning?
                              Reid: What about Cross?
                              A: But didn't he approach Paul? He could have run away if he was the culprit.
                              R: Possibly, but these killers can be cool characters, psychopaths even, and given the 'fight or flight' option experienced by soldiers through the ages, perhaps he turned to face the intruder and to take control of the situation.
                              A: Stuff and nonsense. No one would ever turn and face an intruder in such circumstances. You are making me guffaw into my pipe. And you say he might be a psychopath? Have you a clinical diagnosis to back up that circular argument? No, I'm not interested in interviewing Cross without the requisite doctor's note. Now get out of my office you idiot.

                              Patrick - you could walk into the role of Abberline in this little playet.
                              I was born to play that role.


                              • ( James Kelly has been my fav for a long time but I wish I could put him at/around every murder scene like Cross can be placed )

                                This is the difference between an occasional killer and a serial killer !

