Again apologies if going over old ground. I just wish to get something completely straight.
Also we have the census records stating Lechmere was a carman. Apart from the quote above is there any concrete proof he worked for Pickfords and was not a carman for another company, apologies I'm not an expert here. I know about the RTA but I'm sure I've read there were other people named Cross that it possibly could have been. I also know Pickford's www site state there is no records of a Lechmere working for them and I know Stow etc have stated there are zero employee records available for this time period.
So I just want to get straight in my head that the only evidence we have of Charles Lechmere working for Pickfords is his own say so. Sorry again if this is old ground being trod on.
Originally posted by The East London Observer on Saturday, 8th September, 1888
So I just want to get straight in my head that the only evidence we have of Charles Lechmere working for Pickfords is his own say so. Sorry again if this is old ground being trod on.
