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The cross/lechmere theory - a newbie's thoughts

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  • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    Why not there is no reason to suspect him of any foul play

    And here exactly where the bug lies..

    Here we have the third unsolved murder in Whitechapel and you see no reason to suspect a man spotted alone in the dark near the recently cut open woman.

    I will suspect inspector Gadget and his dog if I am against a serie of unsolved murders.

    I wonder if we are allowing our personal feelings towards Fisherman's theory take the best of our judgment.

    The Baron


    • Originally posted by The Baron View Post
      And here exactly where the bug lies..

      Here we have the third unsolved murder in Whitechapel and you see no reason to suspect a man spotted alone in the dark near the recently cut open woman.
      Person of interest whom will have been questioned and cleared, obviously. Suspect him, me, absolutely not. Like I said he did exactly what any innocent man would do after discovering a body. In fact to be nit-picking here he did not find the body, Paul AND Cross found the body together.

      Originally posted by The Baron View Post
      I wonder if we are allowing our personal feelings towards Fisherman's theory take the best of our judgment.
      No I'm allowing common sense, logic and the evidence to form my judgement. I've asked Christer, I've asked Ed Stow, I've asked a whole Facebook group to give me one single FACT Cross/Lechmere is guilty and to this day nothing has been forthcoming, not one single fact. Can you oblige?


      • Originally posted by The Baron View Post


        How do you know that Lechmere is a body finder and not a killer?!

        We have Mizen who was approached by two carmen at that early morning telling him there is a woman in Buck's Row that might be dead.

        You and Geddy consider Paul suspicious, and Geddy stated that Paul blatantly lies.

        Who's words are we going to take?!

        Do we take Lechmere's own words that he was just the finder and not the killer?

        Or do we take Paul's the liar words (only this time) who wouldn't have known what Lechmere might have done to the woman?!

        The Baron
        That’s the worst ‘gotcha’ ever Baron. You need to think clearly.

        I haven’t said that I suspect Paul of being the killer. I have simply suggested that there is more that is strange about him than there is about Cross. By that I mean the Lloyd’s interview where he virtually airbrushes Cross out of the story.

        As for what Cross might or might not have done or said…Paul is irrelevant because if Cross killed her it was before Paul arrived on the scene (I’m absolutely amazed that I’m having to explain this)

        Cross said that he found the body and nothing contradicts that.
        Paul saw Cross standing away from the body in the middle of the road and nothing contradicts that.

        Therefore, nothing suggests that Cross was the killer. Absolutely nothing apart from the pathetically weak ‘well, he might have done it.’ Just as John Davis ‘might have done it.’ Or George Morris ‘might have done it.’

        All that we have for Cross as a suspect is - we cannot categorically prove that he didn’t kill her. That’s it (if we eliminate the inventions of course)

        And as that applies to 99.5% of suspects it means absolutely nothing.


        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Originally posted by Newbie View Post
          So, if Lechmere was the killer, Paul would have cut off escape route #1.

          I imagine dozens of people would brow beat us severely if we suggested Jack the Ripper panicked.
          Baron's scenario requires that the Ripper panic upon seeing a police officer a few blocks away from the crime scene.

          If Lechmere was the killer, Paul was approaching down the worst possible route for getting away. It was by far the longest route until a corner could be turned and every step would have taken Lechmere further away from work.
          "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

          "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


          • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

            I wonder if we are allowing our personal feelings towards Fisherman's theory take the best of our judgment.

            The Baron

            That wins the 2024 Ironic Comment of the Year Award.

            My congratulations.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

              That’s the worst ‘gotcha’ ever Baron. You need to think clearly.

              I haven’t said that I suspect Paul of being the killer. I have simply suggested that there is more that is strange about him than there is about Cross. By that I mean the Lloyd’s interview where he virtually airbrushes Cross out of the story.

              As for what Cross might or might not have done or said…Paul is irrelevant because if Cross killed her it was before Paul arrived on the scene (I’m absolutely amazed that I’m having to explain this)

              Cross said that he found the body and nothing contradicts that.
              Paul saw Cross standing away from the body in the middle of the road and nothing contradicts that.

              Therefore, nothing suggests that Cross was the killer. Absolutely nothing apart from the pathetically weak ‘well, he might have done it.’ Just as John Davis ‘might have done it.’ Or George Morris ‘might have done it.’

              All that we have for Cross as a suspect is - we cannot categorically prove that he didn’t kill her. That’s it (if we eliminate the inventions of course)

              And as that applies to 99.5% of suspects it means absolutely nothing.


              So you know that Lechmere was a finder and not a killer because:

              you think he was the finder and not the killer..


              The Baron


              • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                Baron's scenario requires that the Ripper panic upon seeing a police officer a few blocks away from the crime scene.

                If Lechmere was the killer, Paul was approaching down the worst possible route for getting away. It was by far the longest route until a corner could be turned and every step would have taken Lechmere further away from work.


                Thats why he waited for Paul and went with him back west.

                The Baron


                • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                  Nop, this is the most safe direction, to be seen going towards a murder spot is better than to be seen leaving it.

                  The Baron
                  PC Mizen could not have seen Lechmere leaving the murder location - it was several blocks away, around a corner. And Mizen would have no way of knowing there was a murder unless someone told him. To Mizen, Lechmere would have been just a man walking to work.

                  Immediately turning around when he saw a police officer would have been the most suspicious thing Lechmere could have done short of dancing about waving a bloody knife. Heading any other direction, including towards PC Mizen, would have been less suspicious. But even if Lechmere had panicked on sight of a policeman, going straight back a few blocks to the murder site was a far worse choice than turning north or south on Thomas Street or turning north on Queen Ann Street, or turning south on Court Street, or entering Winthrop Street instead of Bucks Row.
                  "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                  "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                  • Originally posted by Newbie View Post

                    A lot here Geddy,
                    I'll just focus on some things -
                    If you want me to focus on others, just say so.

                    A. He can't here Cross's footsteps ahead of him over 70 yards, but he hears the sound of Cross's rag wiping against the knife from 70 - 80 yards away?
                    * I am not Geddy.

                    * Robert Paul was never asked and end never said what distance he saw or heard Lechmere at.

                    * I never said what you claim I said.

                    Requires that Robert Paul neither see nor hear Lechmere clean and put away a knife, move from facing west crouched over the body on the south pavement to standing in the middle of the road facing east. Some versions also throw in Lechmere lifting up the body to try to pull the skirts down. If Paul noticed any of this, then Lechmere's story would have been an obvious lie to Paul. By Paul's own testimony, he was initially afraid of Lechmere, which to any killer smarter than a paving stone, would have been interpreted as Paul knows he is the murderer and must be silenced.​

                    Note the word "seeing". Cleaning a knife would require movement of a light colored object to wipe off a reflective object. Movement draws attention. Color contrast draws attention. Reflected light draws attention.

                    You also ignore the rest of what I said. If Lechmere was the killer he had to move from facing west crouched over the body on the south pavement to standing in the middle of the road facing east without being seen or heard by Paul.
                    "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                    "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                    • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                      The Baron
                      Is your 'real' name Iain by any chance?


                      • Originally posted by Newbie View Post
                        B. You mean Cross's (he didn't use Lechmere) testimony?
                        Paul didn't see Cross under the lights of the Albion Brewery, so we can infer the minimum distance Cross was ahead of Paul once Paul entered Bath Street. We can also infer the distance Paul was behind Cross, once Cross spotted him. Taking those two things into account, Paul was traveling clearly faster than Cross.
                        Nothing in Paul's statement tells us anything about whether he was walking slower, faster, or the same pace as Cross.

                        As has been repeatedly pointed out, there were no lights on the northern side of Albion Brewery. All we know is that the distance from Robert Paul's home to Bath street means that Cross was at least 40 yards ahead of Paul at that point.
                        "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                        "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                        • Originally posted by Newbie View Post
                          I thought about the eyes wide open bit in PC Neil's testmony... how dark was it? PC Neil used a lantern to discern the face.
                          Lechmere seemed to prefer that Paul not find that out, but it would hardly sink him if Paul did.

                          Lechmere certainly seemed to position himself over the upper portion - holding her hand,
                          compelling Paul to investigate the lower region.
                          That is not an accurate summary.

                          "Witness [Paul] felt her hands and face, and they were cold. He knelt down to see if he could hear her breathe, but could not, and he thought she was dead." ​- 18 September 1888 Times.

                          "He [Paul] put his hand to the woman's breast and felt a slight breath, such a one as might be felt in a child two or three months old.​" 22 September 1888 East London Advertiser

                          If anyone was positioned over "the upper portion" it was Robert Paul. He felt Nichols' hands. He felt Nichols' face. He leaned close to try to hear if Nichols was breathing. He touched Nichols' chest.

                          Originally posted by Newbie View Post
                          If I were Paul, I'd be half watching the new guy to my left who I first spotted moments ago, next to the body.
                          That is not an accurate summary either.

                          "He [Paul] left home about a quarter to 4 on the Friday morning and as he was passing up Buck's-row he saw a man standing in the middle of the road.​" - 18 September 1888 Times.

                          Standing in the middle of the road would put Cross at least 3 or 4 yards away from the body, not right next to it.

                          And initially, Paul was much more than "half watching the new guy".

                          "He came a little towards me, but as I knew the dangerous character of the locality I tried to give him a wide berth. Few people like to come up and down here without being on their guard, for there are such terrible gangs about. There have been many knocked down and robbed at that spot." Robert Paul, 2 September 1888 Lloyd's Weekly News.

                          And we know that in spite of being initially on his guard, Paul would conclude there was nothing suspicious about Cross.
                          "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                          "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                          • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                            How do you know that Lechmere is a body finder and not a killer?!
                            We look at all of the murders, since this was the work of a serial killer. Three witnesses put Chapman's death after Lechmere would have started work. Killing Stride and Eddowes would have required staying up 23+ hours or getting up 3+ hours on his only day off.

                            "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                            "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                            • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                              Three witnesses put Chapman's death after Lechmere would have started work.

                              I bet you didn't know I am team earlier TOD for this one.

                              The Baron


                              • Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                                I bet you didn't know I am team earlier TOD for this one.
                                Even with the earlier ToD at 4am he still would have been at work. For Lechmere to have killed Chapman she would have had to be killed about 3:45am. I've not read any estimates that early.

