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The Chapman murder and Charles Lechmere

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  • Hi Dave,

    I looked on the Abe Books website and found someone called Richard Sylvanus Williams who has a number of Ripperana back Issues for sale at £4 a pop. Having placed my order, the individual copies have dropped off the site, but he is still advertising a complete run of copies 1 to 61 for the princely sum of £199.00. There are also several other sellers with individual copies for sale.

    Rather a grand name, don't you think, Richard Sylvanus Williams. I'd be willing to bet that when he started work as a Saturday boy at Waterstones he was known as Dirty Dick.

    Re: Lech's book. Put me down for a copy too.

    Last edited by MrBarnett; 12-31-2013, 12:46 AM.


    • I'm going to have to stop presenting all my info on here as it's taking all my time up and there will be nothing original in the book!
      I used to work in the main Waterstones when it was Dillons. But under a boring name.


      • Hi Lechmere,

        I wish you well with the book. Can I put in my order now? One copy, please, inscribed 'To Mr Wishy Washy'.

        And one last inane question, which you can ignore if you are too busy: do you know when in 1888 Charles moved to Doveton Street?




        • From his children's school records - the day they left one school and started another - in mid June 1888.


          • Hi Lechmere,

            Thanks for that and best of luck with the book.



            • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
              So Lechmere told Mizen he was called Lechmere and then went to a police station and said he was called Cross.
              Yes that's likely
              I said it was possible but, like your good self, I was speculating. I agree that your interpretation is the more likely scenario.
              I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


              • I'm glad to hear that Bridewell!


                • Actually Bridewell, I find your observation very interesting. The second part to the Tabram inquest is just a week old, and the soldiers that were pointed out did seem to have a rather weak alibi. Whether it was them, or other soldiers that were with her, someone with the appearance of authority was seen. Someone showing up in a role of authority could do a great deal of harm to the family of a witness, unless they show up with the wrong name; a name they were told only a bad person would use no matter who they seemed to be.
                  I confess that altruistic and cynically selfish talk seem to me about equally unreal. With all humility, I think 'whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might,' infinitely more important than the vain attempt to love one's neighbour as one's self. If you want to hit a bird on the wing you must have all your will in focus, you must not be thinking about yourself, and equally, you must not be thinking about your neighbour; you must be living with your eye on that bird. Every achievement is a bird on the wing.
                  Oliver Wendell Holmes


                  • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
                    I used to work in the main Waterstones when it was Dillons.
                    Not Dillons betwixt Malet and Gower Streets? If so, happy memories!
                    Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                    "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                    • Sam,

                      'Betwixt' ? You don't have family in Herefordshire by any chance...



                      • Of course, none of the last five or six pages of this thread have had nothing to do with the Chapman murder.


                        • And I'm still not convinced that Lechmere was anywhere near Whitechapel during the murders of Nichols and Chapman.

                          Yours truly,

                          Tom Wescott


                          • Yes opposite Senate House - why have you happy memories of the place ?
                            One of the sections I looked after was crime fiction...

                            Tom are you trying to unsolve the case?

                            Scott you have barely commented on the posts relating to the Chapman murder!


                            • Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
                              And I'm still not convinced that Lechmere was anywhere near Whitechapel during the murders of Nichols and Chapman.

                              Yours truly,

                              Tom Wescott

                              Would you care to elaborate?

                              Happy New Year.



                              • The case so far:

                                If Lechmere was JTR and was interrupted in his mutilation, he would naturally feel a certain resentment towards Paul.

                                Having been seen at the murder scene he might want to deflect any suspicion onto the only other person known to be in the vicinity at the time.

                                Lechmere knew where Paul worked and the next murder occurred near by.

                                There was an uncharacteristically short interval between the murders of Nichols and Chapman.

                                Paul’s late attendance at the inquest suggests the police initially had trouble locating him. If so, the most likely person to have given them a clue to his whereabouts (i.e. workplace) was Lechmere.

                                Dew’s account, painting Paul in a suspicious light, probably originated in police circles. And the only person who could have given the police this version of events was Lechmere.

                                Any more coconuts for the row before the balls start to fly?

                                Last edited by MrBarnett; 01-01-2014, 07:23 AM.

