"Mizen should have been asked why he went to Bucks Row, but he was not"
He may well have been - and said he was signalled by Neil.
"Mizen should have told his superiors about the carmen, but he did not"
As evidenced!
He may well have been - and said he was signalled by Neil.
"Mizen should have told his superiors about the carmen, but he did not"
As evidenced!
"Mizen should have been asked by Baxter why he didn't give that important info before Inquest Day 2, but he was not"
Or it would have been in the records, most probably.
Or it would have been in the records, most probably.
"Mizen should have been banned (from the boards) for the commited offence, he was not"
Not your choice, or mine.
Not your choice, or mine.
And sometimes it is wiser not to cause too much smoke, since the public will sense the flames. Any which way, there you are.
"The Lloyds reporter should have told the police about the carmen, he did not"
We don´t know, David. He may have - but he may have waited for Lloyds to be sure of an exclusive. After that, he may have told the police - there´s no knowing. But the evidence is in accordance with him keeping the information back.
We don´t know, David. He may have - but he may have waited for Lloyds to be sure of an exclusive. After that, he may have told the police - there´s no knowing. But the evidence is in accordance with him keeping the information back.
Means I may be right ???
"The police should have known about the carmen (since the Lloyds reporter proves that the story had leaked out as soon as Friday afternoon or evening), but they knew nothing"
That all depends on the character of the leak. Let´s theorize that Paul knew a Lloyds reporter and told him he had a smashing story - for a very cheap payment. That´s just one explanation, hundreds of others may exist.
That all depends on the character of the leak. Let´s theorize that Paul knew a Lloyds reporter and told him he had a smashing story - for a very cheap payment. That´s just one explanation, hundreds of others may exist.

"The Lloyds reporter should have been Chief-Inspector, he was not"
Easy, David, easy ... don´t let your frustration get the better of you!
Easy, David, easy ... don´t let your frustration get the better of you!
I'll make it clear for you, Fish.
It means : what a reporter can find in less than one day, the police can't find in 3 days ? (that's what your theory is suggesting)
So here you are.
"We should also play shuddas, or shuldas, with Paul's interview, Fish."
Any day, David. Any day.
" if Cross was the Ripper, he should have never touched Paul's shoulder."
Which hand, David? And are you saying that he "must" have had blood on it?
Any day, David. Any day.
" if Cross was the Ripper, he should have never touched Paul's shoulder."
Which hand, David? And are you saying that he "must" have had blood on it?
But much worse for your theory.
Read that Paul's interview again.
"Was your Ripper cunning or not ?"
In many a sense, he was.
In many a sense, he was.