I personally find your post well thought out and very reasonable on many points.
The only issue being we do not know if Lechmere used Cross often but it is fair to hypocise that he may have.
And I don't consider your post long; a post is as long as it needs to be to communicate the ideas in it.
If you look at some of the exchanges between Fishermen and myself you will get a view on LONG LONG posts.
All the best
Thanks for that Steve
I just can't see any advantage gained by using that name because he didn't disappear. He wasn't trying to say when he was spoken to after August 31st 'not me mate, my names Lechmere not Cross. I wasn't even there.' And so if there was no advantage to be had there is nothing suspicious about it.
Ps what have I done wrong here? Why isn't your quote shaded?
I personally find your post well thought out and very reasonable on many points.
The only issue being we do not know if Lechmere used Cross often but it is fair to hypocise that he may have.
And I don't consider your post long; a post is as long as it needs to be to communicate the ideas in it.
If you look at some of the exchanges between Fishermen and myself you will get a view on LONG LONG posts.
All the best
Thanks for that Steve
I just can't see any advantage gained by using that name because he didn't disappear. He wasn't trying to say when he was spoken to after August 31st 'not me mate, my names Lechmere not Cross. I wasn't even there.' And so if there was no advantage to be had there is nothing suspicious about it.
Ps what have I done wrong here? Why isn't your quote shaded?