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Lechmere/Cross "name issue" Part 2

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 12 – Oswald Grey/Stoll

    From the Times of 18 June 1924, reporting on the death of Adelaide Stoll:

    "Mrs Adelaide Stoll…married a retired sea captain named Stoll, who owned a Liverpool music hall. Sir Oswald, who took his stepfather's name, and succeeded to the music hall…"

    Further Research:

    In 1862 Adelaide McDonnell from Dublin married Oswald Gray. The couple went to Australia. In 1864 they gave birth to Roderick Gray and 1866 they gave birth to Oswald Gray in Melbourne. They had returned to England by 1868 because their daughter, Blanche, was born in Liverpol in that year.

    Oswald Gray Senior died in Liverpool on 26 December 1870.

    The 1871 census records Adelaide Gray living with Roderick and Oswald Gray, along with little Blanche, in Liverpool.

    In 1879 Adelaide Gray married John George Stoll in Lancashire. But John George Stoll died on 16 April 1880.

    The 1881 census records Adelaide Stoll, a widow, living with her sons, identified as Roderick and Oswald Gray, aged 17 and 15 respectively. Roderick was a clerk in the corn trade, Oswald was a clerk at a General Merchants. Blanche Gray aged 13, is also living at the same address.

    At some point, Oswald took on his late stepfather’s name of Stoll. Newspaper reports in respect of theatrical notices from July 1883 start to refer to him as Oswald Stoll, in charge of communications at the Liverpool Parthenon Music Hall (of which his mother was the proprietor, having inherited it from Oswald's stepfather). He appears in the 1891 census as Oswald Stoll, a music hall proprietor, living in Wales with his sister now called Blanche Stoll.

    Oswald married Harriet Lewis in 1892 in Glamorganshire. He did so as "Oswald Stoll otherwise Gray".

    The 1901 census records Oswald Stoll, 35, Music Hall Director living with Harriet Stoll, his wife, aged 26. They have a daughter, May Stoll, born in Cardiff, aged 6.

    In 1903, after his wife died in the previous year, Oswald Gray Stoll married Millicent Shaw in the Strand. At least, Oswald Gray Stoll was the name on the wedding certificate but it was signed "Oswald Stoll".

    Stoll was knighted in 1919 to become Sir Oswald Stoll. He died in 1942 with his name on his death certificate being Oswald Gray Stoll.

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 11 – Thomas Leonard/Wainwright

    From the Lancaster Gazette, 24 November 1883

    "On Monday, Mr Clarke Aspinall, the Liverpool city coroner, held an inquiry touching the death of Thomas Leonard, a seaman, twenty-four years of age, whose body was found by a fisherman on Friday last in mid-channel between Garston and Eastham. It appears that the deceased, who sailed under the name of Wainwright, that being his stepfather's name, was engaged on board the City of Chester to proceed to New York."

    Further research:

    UK Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths at Sea, 1844-1890

    Entry dated 18 October 1883 for Thomas Wainwright, age 25 (sic), Able Seaman (“AB”) “jumped overboard” from the City of Chester.

    Liverpool, England, Register of Catholic Burials, 1813-1988

    Thomas Leonard, age 24, No. 2 Court, Comus Street, buried at Ford Cemetery on 20 November 1883 (the day after the inquest on 19 November).

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 10 – William Yem/Smith

    From the Cardiff Times, 15 May 1897


    The body of a man named William Smith, 44 years of age, of Jeddo street has been found in the old dock Newport. Deceased was a dock labourer and being unmarried lived with his parents....At the inquest held at the Town Hall on Thursday evening - before the Deputy Coroner (Mr Digby Powell) - it was stated that the deceased's real surname was Yem, but that he went by his stepfather's name of Smith."

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 9 – Thomas Pomfret/Newton

    From the Hull Packet, 8 December 1854


    …The prisoner is a cordwainer eighteen years of age, and was apprehended at [illegible] on Friday last, under the name of Thomas Watson; he was known in Hull as Thomas Newton (which is the name of his step-father) but when under examination said his name was Thomas Pomfret - which has been ascertained to be correct. He was the illegitimate son of a female named Pomfret, who is now married to a person named Newton. Young Pomfret had been taught the business of a shoemaker."

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 8 – Harry Hawke/Lakey

    From the North Devon Journal, 10 April 1873 reporting on the sinking of the White Star steamship, Atlantic, off Halifax, on 1 April after it struck a rock:

    "The Western Morning News states that several persons living in the vicinity of Vinegar Hill, Plymouth, were passengers on the ill-fated vessel. One William Glanville, a bricklayer, whose relatives reside in Nelson-street, has been in America for three years, and was so pleased at his prosperous and flourishing prospects in the country that he returned home recently and, on the 16th March married a young woman named Annie Morrish. The sister of the latter, named Emily, the sunday before Glanville was married was also united in wedlock to a young man named Henry Hawke, but familiarly known by the name of his stepfather, Lakey, with whom and Mrs Hawke. his mother. he lived, in Wellington-street. Young Hawke when at Plymouth worked at the Coxide Sugar Refinery.....Mrs Hawke (Emily Morrish) was left at home but intended to join her relatives in a short time."

    Further research:

    No record of birth found but William’s full name (at birth) was evidently William Henry Hawke and he must have been born in 1848, the son of Elizabeth Hawke (probably an illegitimate birth).

    In 1851 Elizabeth Hawke married John Lakey.

    John Lakey and Elizabeth Lakey are recorded in the 1861 census living in Devon with their "son" William H. Lakey (although he was John Lakey’s stepson), then aged 13, and their other sons John and Frederick.

    The 1871 census records William Henry Lakey, aged 23, the "son" of John Lakey (a fellmonger) and Elizabeth Lakey still living in Devon.

    On 9 March 1873, William married Emily Morrish in Plymouth. The marriage certificate records his name as William Henry Hawke Lakey and William signed the certificate as "W.H. Hawke Lakey". His father is named on the certificate as John Hawke Lakey, fellmonger, (which is definitely a reference to his stepfather, John Lakey, who married Elizabeth Hawke three years after William was born and who did not have the middle name of "Hawke"; thus being a faux reference).

    Did William die at sea in the Atlantic disaster in April 1873? The list of those who perished includes a "William Hawk". However, when Emily Hawke gave birth to Annie on 17 July 1874, the father’s name on the birth certificate is given as William Henry Hawke, a labourer in the sugar refinery. So William must have survived.

    On 25 April 1878, Emily, now recorded on her daughter’s birth certificate as Emily Lakey, gave birth to Emily Jane Hawke (with Hawke thus being her second middle name) with her father’s name being given William Henry Hawke Lakey, a labourer.

    On 25 September 1879, Emily Lakey gave birth to John William Hawke, the son of William Henry Hawke Lakey, a labourer.

    The 1881 census records William H. Hawke, fellmonger, aged 33, living with his wife, Emily and his four children, Annie, Elizabeth, Emily and John at 25 Melbourne Street in Plymouth.

    On 5 September 1881, Nellie Florence Lakey was born, the daughter of William Henry Hawke Lakey, now said to be a fellmonger, the same occupation of William’s stepfather,

    On 22 November 1884, the father of newly born Mary Ann Hawke Lakey is said to be William Henry Lakey (with no "Hawke" in his name), said to be a labourer.

    At the time of the 1891 census, William might have been ill, for Emily Hawke is living alone in Plymouth with her five children but also living in the same building is John Lakey, fellmonger, aged 59, now a widower, and his son John, aged 39, a stoker.

    Hawke had certainly died by 1901 as the census of that year records Lakey’s widow, Emily H. Lakey, laundress aged 50, living in Plymouth in the home of her father-in-law, John Lakey, aged 69, a retired fellmonger. The "H" which has suddenly appeared in her name presumably stands for Hawke. She is living with her children, W.H. Lakey, 21 and Mary H. Lakey, 16.

    The 1911 census records Lakey’s widow as Emily Hawke Lakey, 60, living in Plymouth.

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 7 – George Thompson/Grey

    From the Newcastle Courant, 15 July 1881

    Inquest on the body of Thomas Scott, miner, Dinington [alleged to have been murdered by Robert Rowell and George Grey, both miners, of Seaton Burn]…

    "Joseph Hudspeth, miner, Seaton Burn, who said: I knew the deceased, Thomas Scott.... Rowell lives at Seaton Burn and is a pitman; and Grey lives at the same place, and is also a pitman. Grey's proper name is George Thompson, but he was known by the name of Grey - the name of his stepfather."

    [Verdict of Wilful murder returned against Robert Rowell and George Grey]

    Note: At the Assizes, in October 1881, Robert Rowell and George Gray (sic) were tried for Scott’s murder (but the grand jury threw out the bill)

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 6 – John Grant/ Mason

    From the Durham Chronicle, 6 November 1857, reporting a hearing at the Durham Police Court:

    "John Mason, a putter at Cassop pit, charged with having absented himself from his employment…

    Grandfather; I bought up and christened him. His name is John Grant. Mr Hays: How has he acquired the name of Mason? Is that the name of his stepfather? Grandfather: Yes sir."

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 5 – Charles Jones a.k.a. Taylor

    Report of Jones v Jones divorce case in the Portsmouth Evening News, 7 June 1889 (petitioner: Mrs Harriet Vale Jones)

    "The respondent, Charles Jones, was then called by his counsel. He said he had taken the name of his step-father, which was Taylor, and drove a coach for him. He denied that his wife about bought a landau [carriage] for him. She had advanced a small sum of money to enable him to complete the purchase."

    Further research:

    Charles Jones was born on 8 November 1847 on the Isle of Wight, the son of Charles and Fanny Jones nee Attrill. Charles Jones Senior is said to be a plasterer on his birth certificate.

    Charles Jones Senior appears to have died in 1848 and his widow married an innkeeper called James Taylor in Newport in 1851.

    In the 1861 census, Charles Jones is living with James Taylor, a licensed victualler, said to be his father, and his mother, Fanny Taylor, at the Royal Albert public house in Taylor’s Row, Ryde, along with his sister Agness Jones. Four other children of James and Fanny with the surname of Taylor are also living in the same property.

    From the Isle of Wight Observer, 13 May 1865

    "An application was received from Mr James Taylor, of Monkton Street, for a license for his step-son, Charles Jones, for a driver’s license; the license had been previously refused by the committee. The present application, however, was backed by a number of responsible signatures.
    MR JAMES HARBOUR said he had asked Jones to go on a job and he refused; he afterwards went, but said he would not have gone unless he liked [to]. Not that he intended to vote against the application, but he should be cautioned not to repeat such conduct."

    In the 1871 census, Charles Jones, now an assistant in business aged 23 is said to be living with his father James Taylor, an innkeeper and postmaster, and his mother Fanny, at the Victoria Tavern, Monkton Street, Ryde.

    Isle of Wight Observer, 16 August 1873

    Ryde Petty Sessions:

    "Charles Jones, driver, of Monkton-street, was summoned for having unlawfully refused to drive a gentleman named John Richardson, to East Cowes, after having been engaged to do so.
    The case was called on twice, defendant made his appearance in the dock, but as Mr. Richardson was not present to prosecute, the summons was dismissed, his Worship remarking that another summons could be taken out if thought necessary."

    Charles Jones, now a postmaster, said on his marriage certificate to be the son of a plasterer, Charles Jones (deceased), married Harriet Vale Hunt in the Isle of Wight on 7 May 1878. He signs his name “Charles Jones”.

    From the Isle of Wight Observer, 11 May 1878, reporting on a case at the Ryde Petty Sessions on Monday 6 May:

    Case of William Holbrook, mariner, of Clay Lane, who had been summoned by Inspector Peet, RSPCA, for cruelly ill-treating a horse by over driving it.

    "Charles Taylor of Monkton Street, said that he was foreman to his father, a postmaster."
    [His evidence about what he saw followed. Holbrook was convicted and fined £1].

    The 1881 census records Charles Jones, a postmaster aged 34, living with his wife, Harriet Vale Jones, aged 40, in Ryde, Isle of Wight.

    Isle of Wight Observer, 24 May 1884

    Ryde Petty Sessions:

    Reports that a coach owner allowed a coach to remain in one place longer than was necessary for taking up and setting down passengers and says “Arthur Whittingstall of John Street, and Charles Jones, of Monkton Street, were also summoned on similar charges, and were each fined 5s with costs.”

    Divorce petition filed by Harriet Vale Jones on 12 December 1888. Parties are “Harriet Vale Jones otherwise Taylor v Charles Jones otherwise Taylor”.

    Isle of Wight Observer, 25 March 1893

    "SAD DEATH - We are sorry to record the death of Charles Taylor (whose real name is, however, Jones), a son-in-law of Mr. Taylor, the well-known postmaster, of Monkton street. The deceased (whose long connection with the coaches had made him very well known amongst those whose avocations take them to the Esplanade) was first missed on Friday last. It was, however, supposed he had gone away on a visit. As no tidings could be obtained of him, his brother, Mr. William Taylor, decided on Wednesday afternoon to break into the residence of the deceased, at Dunstans, and there deceased was found lying dead in his bed. The medical opinion seems to be that he had been dead at least since Friday, and that an apoplectic fit was the cause of death. The Coroner had not considered it necessary to hold an inquest. Deceased was about 48 years of age.

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 4 – Phillip Jones Pallot a.k.a. Main

    From the Belfast News-Letter 30 November 1907

    "SUICIDE BY FIRE. An inquest was held yesterday on the body of Phillip Maine, alias Pallot."

    From the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, 5 December 1907

    "The City Coroner (Mr B.A. Dyer) held an inquest at the Guildhall, Bath, on Friday on the body of Phillip Jones Pallott, aged 41, a native of Batheaston, who set fire to himself in a cell at the Bath Central Police Station on Sunday evening and succumbed to his injuries at the Royal United Hospital on the following Tuesday evening...Anna Pallott of 31, Cousin-street, Sunderland, widow, said her husband had gone by the name of Maine, that being the name of his stepfather. His business was that of hairdresser. For over two years he had been a licensed victualler. She saw him last a week ago last Sunday. He left the bar about ten minutes past nine to go for an hour's walk. She had not seen him since until she saw the body at the hospital that day....

    Henry Maine, of Church Street, Bathford, a coachman, stepfather of the deceased, said he saw his stepson for the last time at Larkhall last Sunday...

    PC Maynard, a constable in the Bath City Police Force, said on Sunday evening last, about 8.40, he saw the deceased at Larkhall. Witness said to him, "Is your name Philip Maine?" and he replied "yes". Witness then said, "You are wanted on a charge of embezzling the sum of eleven guineas from Sunderland". He replied, "Yes, I'm the man".

    [In his possession were two testimonials]

    The testimonials were handed to the Coroner, and from one he noticed that the deceased was spoken of as Philip Maine up to 1905.

    Coroner (to Mrs Pallott): Did he always go by that name? Yes, he always went by that name in Sunderland. I was married as Pallott-Maine."

    [Verdict - suicide whilst temporarily insane]

    Further research:

    Philippe Jones Pallot was born in Jersey on 16 July 1866. His father was Philippe Pallot, a builder, his mother was originally Jane Jones.

    The father must have died within a few years of the birth, for in 1871 Jane is living in Somerset as the wife of Henry Main. Philippe is recorded in the census as Philip J. Main, aged 7, the son of Henry Main.

    In the 1881 census, however, although still living with his stepfather Henry Main and his mother Jane Main, Philip’s name is given as Phillip J. Pallot, age 14, and he is said to be Henry’s stepson.

    The Civil Marriage Registration index records the marriage of Philip Pollot (sic) Maine in 1898 in Sunderland to Hannah Foster Wilson.

    The civil registration birth index records the birth of a son, Philip Pallot Maine, in Sunderland in 1898. It also records the birth of Jennie Maine in Sunderland in 1900.

    In the 1901 census, Phillip senior is recorded as living in Sunderland in the name of Philip Maine, a hairdresser, aged 35, with his wife Hannah Maine and his son Philip, aged 2, and daughter Jenny, aged 8 months.

    The civil registration death index states that Philip J. Pallot died in 1907 aged 41.

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 3 – Harry George a.k.a. Cox

    From the Northampton Mercury, 5 January 1894

    "Another terrible accident, the second within a few days, has occurred at Wellingborough, the victim in this case being a young ironstone labourer employed at the works of the Wellingborough Iron company, on the Finedon-road. His name is Harry George, or Cox, as he was sometimes called, that being the name of his stepfather, and his home was in Little Park-street, where he lived happily with his wife since his marriage about two years ago."

    Further Research:

    Harry George was born out of wedlock in Wellingborough in 1869. His mother was Mary Ann George, an unmarried woman, herself of illegitimate birth (her mother being Susan George) and she was born in the Union Workhouse in Wellingborough in August 1840. Mary Ann’s mother, Sarah, married Charles Byfield in 1854, some fourteen years after her birth.

    On 6 June 1875 Mary Ann George married Frederick Cox in Wellingborough. However, Frederick Cox died in September 1879 at the age of 31.

    We first find Harry in the 1881 census living with his mother Mary Ann Cox in Wellingborough. He is recorded as Harry George, aged 12.

    He also features as Harry George in the 1891 census, aged 22, a furnace man, when he is still living with his mother at 10 Little Park Street. Also living at the same address is Mary Ann Taylor, a charwoman, and she married Harry in about 1892 (although I have not found any actual evidence of the marriage).

    Harry and Mary Ann gave birth to two children, Winifred in 1893 and Harry in 1894 (the latter born after his father’s death). These children’s names were recorded as Winifred (George) and Harry (George) on their birth certificates with their father being Harry George. His wife’s name on both certificates is said to be Mary Ann George formerly Taylor.

    As we know from the newspaper report, Harry George died in 1894 and the 1901 census records one Ellen George living at 10 Park Street with her children Winifred and Harry. I do not know why Mary Ann George has suddenly become Ellen George; perhaps it is because her mother-in-law, who was also still living at the same address, was called Mary Ann (she had since married Edmund Pacey to become Mary Ann Pacey) so that Mary Ann George became Ellen to avoid confusion. In any event, Mary Ann George married Alfred George Clarke in Wellingborough in 1904.

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 2 – George Plummer a.k.a. Harding

    From the Bradford Observer of 28 April 1875

    "A tragedy occurred at Brandon Colliery, Durham, Monday afternoon, a young woman named Sarah Forster, aged nineteen, having been shot by her intended husband, George Plummer, or as he is more commonly known, George Harding (The latter being the name of his stepfather) a young man of twenty-one. It appears that Plummer went to work at Brandon Colliery a few months ago, from Chester Moor Colliery, and took up his residence along with his stepfather, Charles Harding. On quitting Chester Moor Colliery, he left behind him the young woman Sarah Forster, with whom he had been on terms of intimacy for some time past, and whom he proposed to marry. The wedding is stated to have been fixed to take place on Monday next, and the intended bride arranged to leave the house of her father, who is the second engineer at Chester Moor Colliery, and journey to the home of her future husband at Brandon, on Monday afternoon, there to stay until the ceremony was performed. Plummer, it appears, has been disabled from working for the last two months, in consequence of illness, but after dinner on Monday he departed from Durham to meet his intended bride. A little before four o'clock the pair who were looked upon as soon to become man and wife were seen approaching Harding's house at Brandon. At this time they were to all appearances on the most affectionate terms, and Plummer was carrying what has since been ascertained to have been his intended wife's wedding dress, while she was also loaded with sundry parcels. They were received at the door of Harding's house by Mrs Harding, who led the way, after the customary greetings, to the best room in the house...."
    [To cut a long story short, Plummer shot Forster in the face, no known motive. He was found not guilty of murder due to insanity at Durham assizes and sent to Broadmoor lunatic asylum]

    Further research:

    George Herbert Plummer was born in Writhlington, Somerset, in 1853 (he was baptised on 13 November 1853). His father was George Plummer, a coal miner, his mother was originally Mary Elizabeth Ford. The couple married on 14 September 1851.

    The 1861 census records George H. Plummer, aged 7, living in Durham. His father appears to have died shortly before he was born and young George is now living with his stepfather Uriah Harding and his mother, recorded in the census as Mary E. Harding.

    The couple can't actually have been married at the time the census was taken in April 1861, for Mary Elizabeth Plummer married Uriah Harding on 13 October 1861 in Durham.

    In the 1871 census George Plummer, aged 17, is described as a coal miner and is still living with Uriah Harding and his mother.

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  • David Orsam
    Case Study 1 – William Adams a.k.a. Slack

    Report of an inquest into seven victims of a disaster at the Barnsley Colliery. It followed newspaper reports that one victim was called William Slack but who was stated in the inquest to be William Adams, aged 28, a brakesman.

    From the Sheffield Evening Telegraph of 16 November 1907

    "The evidence was all formal except in the case of Adams. Mrs Adams explained in view of the fact that the name of her husband had been published as Slack that deceased commonly went by the name of Slack because that was the name of his step-father who married his (deceased's) mother when he was quite young. His proper name, the wife stated, was Adams."

    Further Research

    William Adams was born in 1879 in Barnsley. His parents were Richard Adams and Emma Marsh. Richard Adams must have died in the two years following William’s birth for Emma Adams is described as a widow in the 1881 census. In late 1881, Emma married Tom Slack, a coal miner.

    William Adams, aged 11, was living with Tom Slack and Emma Slack in Barnsley in the 1891 census and identified as Tom Slack’s stepson.

    The 1901 census records William Adams, brakesman in a colliery, aged 21, living on his own as a boarder.

    William Adams married Edith Robinson on 18 August 1904 with the groom signing the certificate in the name of William Adams. They had two children, Douglas in 1905 and Jessie in 1907.

    Douglas Adams was born, according to his birth certificate, on 5 August 1905 and baptised in that name on 20 September 1905. His sister, Jessie Adams, was born on 22 August 1907. On both occasions their father’s name is stated on the certificates as William Adams.

    Edith Adams is found in the 1911 census in Barnsley as a widow living with her two children.

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  • David Orsam
    started a topic Lechmere/Cross "name issue" Part 2

    Lechmere/Cross "name issue" Part 2

    It has been claimed that in calling himself Charles Cross, the man who was born as Charles Lechmere gave a false name.

    According to Fisherman:

    "Lechmere-Cross bye bye" thread, #1, 2 October 2015,

    "…my definition of a false name is any name that is not the name officially registered." (Lechmere-Cross by bye bye thread, 2 October 2015)

    At a time when compulsory registration of births had only been introduced 13 years earlier, there must have been thousands of men who did not have "officially registered" names. Thus, either these men lived under false names for their entire lives or there is something wrong with Fisherman’s definition.

    I suggest that it was not uncommon for men in the nineteenth century to bear two legitimate names in circumstances where they had either been adopted or had lived with a stepfather from a young age so that their "officially registered" name (if they had one) was not the name by which they were known as an adult.

    Following Kattrup’s lead, I have carried out some research, starting from newspaper reports, into men who held two surnames, mainly in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. It is my conclusion that in circumstances where a man was officially registered under his father’s name but was known by his stepfather’s surname, this was not regarded as a false name but an alternative name.

    In a sequence of posts in this thread I will be presenting a number of case studies and then posting some discussion about them.