Trevor Marriott:
The abdomens were stabbed and ripped open that is fact.
If you with "stabbed" mean that the knife must enter through the skin to enable ripping the belly up, then you are correct.
Why would a killer do that to a body if he had a design on removing specific organs.
If he was intent on removing organs, then a prerequisite would actually be to rip the abdomen open. Otherwise, he would have a dilemma on his hands.
By stabbing the abdomen that would likely as not damage the organs.
You may need to define the "stabbing" you are talking about.
So as far as The Whtechapem victims are concerned there is nothing to suggest that murder and mutilation were not the motive.
True. But there is also the question WHY the killer wanted to mutilate (killing was likely more a means to aquire a body to work with).
Placed by design is the doctors opinion nothing more.
It´s good enough for me. I don´t see who could be better served to make that call. The colon section was stretched out alongside Eddowes´ body, and the killer needed to cut it in two places to get it out.
You keep going on about the colon take a look at the pic.
There are different parts of the colon.
Yes. Which is why the killer was able to take out a part of the colon.
You dont know which parts they are referring ...
Actually I do, since it was stated.
stabbing someone and ripping the abdomen open would likely as not sever some part of the colon.
It could well damage the colon. But to sever it entirely is another thing. But let´s accept that this happened. The next thing is that you need to sever it in TWO places to remove part of it. How did that come about, Trevor? And why was it always the colon that suffered this fate? Why no other intestine?
You have formerly tried and miserably failed to lead on that taking away the abdominal wall in sections could be collateral damage.
It cant.
Now you are trying it with the colon.
It does not work here either.
So you are reading into something that is not there to be read.
Nope. I am pinpointing something tht should have been pinpointed long before. Like how Jackson and Chapman and Eddowes all had their uteri cut out.
But that was probably collateral damage too, was it not?
The abdomens were stabbed and ripped open that is fact.
If you with "stabbed" mean that the knife must enter through the skin to enable ripping the belly up, then you are correct.
Why would a killer do that to a body if he had a design on removing specific organs.
If he was intent on removing organs, then a prerequisite would actually be to rip the abdomen open. Otherwise, he would have a dilemma on his hands.
By stabbing the abdomen that would likely as not damage the organs.
You may need to define the "stabbing" you are talking about.
So as far as The Whtechapem victims are concerned there is nothing to suggest that murder and mutilation were not the motive.
True. But there is also the question WHY the killer wanted to mutilate (killing was likely more a means to aquire a body to work with).
Placed by design is the doctors opinion nothing more.
It´s good enough for me. I don´t see who could be better served to make that call. The colon section was stretched out alongside Eddowes´ body, and the killer needed to cut it in two places to get it out.
You keep going on about the colon take a look at the pic.
There are different parts of the colon.
Yes. Which is why the killer was able to take out a part of the colon.
You dont know which parts they are referring ...
Actually I do, since it was stated.
stabbing someone and ripping the abdomen open would likely as not sever some part of the colon.
It could well damage the colon. But to sever it entirely is another thing. But let´s accept that this happened. The next thing is that you need to sever it in TWO places to remove part of it. How did that come about, Trevor? And why was it always the colon that suffered this fate? Why no other intestine?
You have formerly tried and miserably failed to lead on that taking away the abdominal wall in sections could be collateral damage.
It cant.
Now you are trying it with the colon.
It does not work here either.
So you are reading into something that is not there to be read.
Nope. I am pinpointing something tht should have been pinpointed long before. Like how Jackson and Chapman and Eddowes all had their uteri cut out.
But that was probably collateral damage too, was it not?
