Hi, I’m a chaste newbie, so be nice!
Just a thought, but with regards to the fact that Swanson didn’t provide Koz’s first name in his Marginalia…Perhaps he felt it unnecessary? In other words, perhaps Koz was such a well know suspect, and so well know to the police, that he deemed “Kosminski” to be sufficient? If indeed he was the “prime suspect”, this would seem logical. After all, when we talk about Elvis Presley, to sometimes simply say “Presley”, same with “Kennedy”, or “Lennon”? The first name can seem superfluous?
Considering the swathes of paperwork including suspect dossiers that are missing/destroyed, it may not be implausible to consider that he was far more well known to the contemporary Peelers than he is to us?
Just a thought….
Just a thought, but with regards to the fact that Swanson didn’t provide Koz’s first name in his Marginalia…Perhaps he felt it unnecessary? In other words, perhaps Koz was such a well know suspect, and so well know to the police, that he deemed “Kosminski” to be sufficient? If indeed he was the “prime suspect”, this would seem logical. After all, when we talk about Elvis Presley, to sometimes simply say “Presley”, same with “Kennedy”, or “Lennon”? The first name can seem superfluous?
Considering the swathes of paperwork including suspect dossiers that are missing/destroyed, it may not be implausible to consider that he was far more well known to the contemporary Peelers than he is to us?
Just a thought….