Originally posted by Errata
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And of course its true. Many jewish or even muslim people, eat pork, drink , fornicate and generally behave to what I have coined Begg's law.
Human beings are prone to urr.
However that isn't what Fido is saying.
Fido is saying that it is against Jewish tradition and belief to eat pork pies.
And that is true.
Part of Jewish law is not eating unclean meat. Just because you eat pork pies doesnt mean that every Rabi secretly has a stash of friebentous cans hidden in his bottom draw. Indeed I am good freinds with Jewish people who take observing the sabbath and eating cucha food very seriously..
Because One rabi eats a pork pie it would not be true to say most rabi's eat pork pies. Eating Pork pies is against jewish religious beleif. And many people who practice do take it seriously.
Fido is saying that Lying for personal Kudos is against Anderson's religeous beleifs (which are complicated) And as far as I'm aware that is true.
Whether Anderson would brake those beliefs and damn his soul is an accessment made by Fido ie Taking Andersons religeon and balanced against those religous practices he believed in.
I think Begg would ask where can you show Anderson was a bad 'Bretherine Christian' and where he urr'd against his religeous beliefs.
This belief system is complicated and Anderson wrote many books on the subject...he believed this stuff
The second coming of christ in his life time, hell, damnation and a fast approaching judgement day where he would answer to God for all his sins (now if I believed that I'd be very careful what I wrote).
PS you'll have to forgive my dyslexic spelling its gome very bad today.