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New JTR book about Kosminski

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  • #16
    Hello all,

    I actually set up a thread for this book on November the 14th, here..

    best wishes

    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....


    • #17
      Originally posted by mariab
      I'm curious if anyone still takes Kamynski/the Fido theory into consideration nowadays? I've heard that there are inacurracies in the research pertaining to this theory.
      I really don't know, that's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to this book.

      Originally posted by mariab
      He he, in my reading of the Macnaghten Memoranda, there is another suspect included in the MM as a result of concrete evidence against him. That suspect is Le Grand – named as “Ostrog“ in the Macnaghten Memoranda.
      You're being cute, as it's not fair to say Le Grand was 'included' when he was not. However, it seems likely that Ostrog (who was not a suspect) was only included because he was confused (by Macnaghten or someone else) for Le Grand. Le Grand, and not Ostrog, fits the descriptions given. Had even one iota of research or investigation gone into the Memoranda, the memoranda would either cease to exist or would be a completely different read from what it now is.

      Yours truly,

      Tom Wescott


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
        You're being cute, as it's not fair to say Le Grand was 'included' when he was not. However, it seems likely that Ostrog (who was not a suspect) was only included because he was confused (by Macnaghten or someone else) for Le Grand. Le Grand, and not Ostrog, fits the descriptions given.
        That's precisely what I'm saying, i.e., the underlined part from your quote is the same as what I've posted. Ostrog was possibly mixed for Le Grand, due to the fact that they both had engaged in criminal activity in Paris. Next month I'm going to research the criminal records in Paris for any evidence having (possibly) survived for both Ostrog and Le Grand, even if it doesn't appear that Le Grand was ever arrested in Paris, like Ostrog.
        And I'm not trying to be “cute“, it's just a theory I have. Actually, hardly a new theory, since it's completely transparent that Ostrog's criminal description in the MM fits Le Grand. Thus Le Grand was unknowingly included in the MM.

        Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
        Had even one iota of research or investigation gone into the Memoranda, the memoranda would either cease to exist or would be a completely different read from what it now is.
        Precisely, and this is an additional reason why many Ripperologists have serious doubts about Kozminski. On the other side, I (personally) can see where from the evidence on Ostrog as a “suspect“ is coming, thus I'm willing to consider Kozminski as another mixup, as long as someone (Rob House) conducts the necessary research.

        PS.: I see Rob House currently perusing this thread. ;-) I hope he responds!
        (Yes, I'm completely pathetic in netiquette...)
        Last edited by mariab; 02-15-2011, 11:52 PM.
        Best regards,


        • #19
          Jack the Ripper and the Case for Scotland Yards Prime suspect

          Jack the Ripper and the Case for Scotland Yards Prime Suspect, $14.10

          Give some recent comments I thought I better actually get around to reading this book.. Then had a little difficulty finding it on Amazon…probably because its on the American Amazon (Obviously) but found this link and made a successful order.

          Came to the UK at just over £17 with the shipping, so looking forward to its arrival especially as I'm now well into editing a new project on the subject, It should prove useful, Robs always precise and carful with his facts and research.

          Yours Jeff


          • #20
            Petty bourgeois

            Well my book finally arrived and I have been trying to catch a few early morning grabs before work..

            Firstly I;d like to thank Rob personally for his acknowledgement which I was unaware of and will obviously reciprocate in any future production.

            There was one thing that struck out to me on Page 33.

            Rob gives several revelations I had not noticed before. I was wondering what was meant by the description of the Kosminski Brothers as 'Petty Bourgeois' as to me this sounds like greater affluence than I had previously supposed while living in Poland.

            Also it appears that if Aaron did start working at ten his original occupation is given as Taylor?

            And that his Mothers fathers occupation was given as 'Butcher'

            I wonder if anybody else had commented on this before?

            Many thanks Rob

            Yours Jeff


            • #21
              Finally reached the end.. and just say what a well researched and considered book it is..

              While Rob House concludes Aaron Kosminski as the most probable suspect, he recognises 'beyond reasonable proof' is always going to be impossible to prove in 2015..

              That said more information appears to surface all the time. I presume that Rob was unaware that Woolfe Kozminski was living in Provenance Street at the time of the murders and interestingly appears to have moved to Yalford Street in March 1889..

              In fact all roads appear to lead to March 1889..

              Cox and Sagar stop survey lance, Abberline is sent back to head quarters.. and the case is generally put on low alert

              A great book, everyone should read it. I particularly found Rob's research on Lust killers interesting, his comment on Sutcliffe, and his final picture of a Schizophrenic serial killer with underlying sociopathic cluster B personality disorders, as something I have also given a lot of thought to over the last year.

              Hopefully it at least quashes the argument that Aarons known medical notes from February 1891 discount him being a lust serial killer in !888. Actually the exact opposite which makes Andersons comments all the more compelling.

              Cheers Rob

              Yours Jeff


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jeff Leahy View Post

                In fact all roads appear to lead to March 1889..

                Cox and Sagar stop survey lance, Abberline is sent back to head quarters.. and the case is generally put on low alert
                And put back on high alert in July, '89.

                I'm a little surprised that you if all people are just now reading Rob's book.
                Best Wishes,

                When evidence is not to be had, theories abound. Even the most plausible of them do not carry conviction- London Times Nov. 10.1888


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Hunter View Post
                  And put back on high alert in July, '89.

                  I'm a little surprised that you if all people are just now reading Rob's book.
                  Hi Hunter

                  I started work on a new project. And the claim was laid at my door that my new theory had been covered in Robs book. So it seemed a good idea to double check I wasn't inadvertently putting forward an idea already expressed.

                  And as always you end up considering some new ideas.

                  I thought Robs observations about Anderson's earliest claims only a year (14months) after Kosminski went into a Public Asylum in Feb 1891, extremely interesting.

                  While Rob does indeed touch on the idea that Cox and Sagar are talking about a serveylance following the murder of MJK, and prints the Dublin Express article 12th Dec that police were investigating private lunatic asylums..

                  He never takes that to the ultimate conclusion that Aaron entered a Private Asylum in Surrey MArch 1889 (AS claimed by MacAnughten) explaining why the murders stopped until July 1889. i.e. Aaron enter two separate asylums on two separate occasions.

                  While I appreciate Rob has done brilliant work in the area hopefully it is one that there is still room to expand upon

                  Many thanks

                  Yours Jeff
                  Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 03-14-2015, 07:58 AM.

