Subject title says it all. Let's discuss his psychological makeup based on what we know. Seems every time I read something on that, it's always referencing him being schizophrenic, which I don't agree with. So let's discuss, debate, add to, correct, etc etc.
first, the statements of Anderson and Macnaghten:
Anderson: "...In saying that he was a Polish Jew I am merely stating a definitely ascertained fact. And my words are meant to specify race, not religion. For it would outrage all religious sentiment to talk of the religion of a loathsome creature whose utterly unmentionable vices reduced him to a lower level than that of the brute."
Macnaghten:"(2) Kosminski- a Polish Jew- & resident of Whitechapel. This man became insane owing to many years indulgence in solitary vices. He had a great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, & had strong homicidal tendencies: he was removed to a lunatic asylum about March 1889. There were many circumstances connected with this man which made him a strong 'suspct'. "
Most authors agree that the "utterly unmentionable vices" and "indulgence in solitary vices" is likely to be frequent or public masterbation. This would indicate a condition called Hypersexuality.
Hypersexuality in women is known as "nymphomania". In men, it is known as "satyriasis". It is a disorder in which sufferers' desire to engage in sexual activity is abnormally high. It is characterized by an obsession with sex and decreased sexual inhibition. The most interesting part of Hypersexuality, as it relates to this subject, is that it is a primary symptom of Bipolar Disorder. Studies have shown that Hypersexuality is exhibited in 60%-80% of all Bipolar Disorder cases. As far as I have been able to find, Hypersexuality is not a symptom, or at least a primary symptom of Schizophrenia.
Many people often confuse Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. The reasons for the confusion is understandable: both disorders share many of the same symptoms, causes, and psychotic manifestations (like hallucinations and delusions). But they are not the same thing. And they also are not the controversial phenomenon known as "multiple personality disorder". Schizophrenia is possibly best described as a "split from reality". Bipolar Disorder is a disorder where the personality shows two distinct phases: mania and depression.
Bipolar Disorder is also known as Manic Depressive Disorder. It is a disorder whose onset is usually in early adulthood. The phases of mania are separated by periods of 'normalcy" (depression). The causes of Bipolar Disorder are believed to be:
-life events and experiences
-childhood precursors
- neurological abnormalities
The reason I boldened "life events and experiences" is because it is believed that Aaron Kosminski's family probably lived in the forced Pale Settlements in Poland where he would have faced overcrowding and proverty. He more than likely also experienced the anti-semetic and violent pogroms. It has been proposed that he may have even seen his mother, sisters, or other female relatives raped. There is also the issue of the missing father. I have not been able to find anything on when Kosminski's father died, or how he died. But it is doubtless that Kosminski would have faced a very traumatic childhood. For much more detailed info on this, read the excellent books by Martin Fido (The Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack the Ripper) and Paul Begg (Jack The Ripper: The Facts). I am also eagerly awaiting the forthcoming Kosminski related book by some of our members here on the Casebook.
Approximately 50% of sufferers of Bipolar Disorder state that they experienced traumatic childhoods which have included physical and sexual abuse, and witnessing violence.
Some symptoms of the Manic phase of Bipolar Disorder include:
-agitation, irritability, intolerance
-aggression and belligerence
-thoughts of being persecuted
-increased energy levels
-lack of self control
-morbid thoughts or ideations
-racing thoughts
-delusions of grandeur
-belief in possessing special powers
-reduced need for sleep
-binge eating or drinking
-impaired judgement
-sexual promiscuity
Some symptoms of the Depression phase of Bipolar Disorder include:
-lack of interest
-disturbance in sleep and appetite
Extreme cases of Mania have been known to lead to Psychosis. Manifestations of psychotic episodes in Bipolar Disorder include hallucinations and delusions.
Some sufferers of Bipolar Disorder experience a mixed affective stage. This is a stage where symptoms of both Mania and Depression are present.
In some instances, there is also what is known as Hypomania. This is an episode of mild to moderate Mania that does not inhibit functioning. However, the same risks exist. Many sufferers of Bipolar Disorder appear to be quite "normal" and in fact, there have been many cases in which sufferers have been able to adapt to their condition and live and function very well.
There is a social stigma that goes along with disorders such as Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. Many people believe that sufferers are violent. However, studies have shown that schizophrenics are generally non-violent. When violence is present in Schizophrenia cases, it is usually as a reaction to psychotic manifestations (such as hallucinations and delusions). In Bipolar Disorder, violence can be caused by the psychotic episodes as well as the 'normal' aggression, agitation from the Manic phase.
Scientific studies have shown that Schizophrenics are generally not as prone to violence as sufferers from other personality disorders (like Bipolar Disorder). Approximately 50% of sufferers of Bipolar Disorder present some history of violence.
Schizophrenia is also more than twice as rare as Bipolar Disorder. Approximately 1 in 100 people suffer from Schizophrenia. Approximately 1 in 45 people suffer from Bipolar Disorder.
It has also been shown that abuse of alcohol and drugs increases the likelihood of violence in both Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, just as in the general population.
Now, to Aaron Kosminski
I have seen it asserted many times that Kosminski could NOT be Jack The Ripper because Kosminski was nothing more than a "harmless imbecile". If I see the phrase "harmless imbecile" anywhere in this thread, I am likely to explode.
Imbecile, or "idiot", is a term that historically means a person who presents some level of mental retardation. So when one reads the scant case notes on Kosminski and the symptoms of the depressive stage of Bipolar Disorder, it is very easy to see why someone would assume that he was an "imbecile" or mentally retarded. However, I don't believe that he was "retarded" outside of the condition that he was suffering from. In the notes of one of his admissions, it lists his education level as "R & W" ("reading and writing"). He also stood trial for walking an unmuzzled dog and the reports of this do not seem to indicate that he was mentally retarded. His stating that he didn't tell the officer his true name as being because "Kosminski" is hard to spell is perfectly plausible. It has also been stated (but unproven as far as I know) that he worked in a hospital in Poland and was a hairdresser (though he had not attempted work for years at the time of his admissions in 1891). These things we can gather from the few details we know about Kosminski do not indicate to me that he was mentally retarded or an imbecile.
From the few case notes that we have on Kosminski, it does seem to appear that he was experiencing the different phases of Bipolar Disorder.
In February and April of 1891, Kosminski "refused to be bathed" and "still the same 'instinctive' objection to weekly bath." But by January 1892, "Habits cleanly". He was also "cleanly in habits" in January and September of 1893.
In April 1891, he was "..apathetic, inoccupied..". But by January 1892, "At times excited and violent." Then, by November 1892, he is "Quiet and well behaved". But a few months later in January 1893, he was experiencing "Chronic mania. Intelligence impaired; at time noisy, excited, and incoherent"
To me, it is clear that these are examples of a person who is suffering different stages of an illness, and not a person who is an imbecile or idiot.
Now to the "harmless" part of "harmless imbecile" that so many want to present Aaron Kosmnski as. I don't believe Kosminski was as "harmless" as so many would have him. Remember, there are very few details of his stays in the asylums. At best, we have two or three short annual notes on him. But there are many years missing.
-But we know that it is alleged that he attacked his sister with a knife.
-Feb 1891, "rather difficult to deal with on account of the Dominant Character of his delusions"
-Jan 1892, "At times excited & violent- a few days ago he took up a chair and attempted to strike the charge attendant"
-Jan 1893, " times noisy, excited and incoherent;"
-July 1916, "Incoherent and excitable. Troublesome at times."
Are there any case notes that say he cut someone's throat and disembowelled them? Of course not. That does not mean that he presented no propensity for violence. And again, it must be remembered that there are missing periods of his incarceration and that the notes are quick, short, and without much detail.
Based on what I have stated, I completely reject that Aaron Kosminski was a "harmless imbecile". I also have serious doubts that he was Schizophrenic. I believe that he was suffering from Bipolar Disorder, possibly made worse by alcohol abuse. I feel that what little is known about him indicates that he was clearly going through "phases" like the manic and depressive stages of Bipolar Disorder.
Millions of people suffer from Bipolar Disorder. Not very many of them are serial killers. About half of them are not violent in any way. Many of them lead very normal and functional lives. But there is one other thing I want to look at. It cannot be proven whether or not it is relevant to Aaron Kosminski, but it most likely did relate to whoever Jack the Ripper was, and that is a condition associated with depressive disorders known as Antisocial Personality Disorder:
Antisocial Personality Disorder is commonly associated with depressive disorders like Bipolar Disorder. It is characterized by:
-lack of remorse and empathy for others
-disregard for social norms
-aggresive, violent behavior
-inability to tolerate boredom
-cruelty to animals
-constant lying
The causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder are believed to be genetics or environmental factors. When the cause is genetic, ADP is commonly referred to as Psychopathy. When the cause is environmental factors, ADP is referred to as Sociopathy.
Antisocial Personality Disorder is about twice as common as Bipolar Disorder and about four times more common than Schizophrenia. Antisocial Personality Disorder is estimated to be present in up to 30% of all psychiatric patients (and about 2%-4% in the general population).
Just like with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia, a Psychopath or Sociopath are not incredibly prone to violence. There are many people walking around on the streets and living normal lives who will never know that they are a Psychopath. It doesn't make one a serial killer. But if you combine Bipolar Disorder with Sociopathy, it would absolutely increase the likelihood of violence. If you combined (Bipolar and ADP) both with alcohol abuse, the combination could be expolosive and lethal.
Now, I am not here to prove that Aaron Kosminski was Jack the Ripper. I do strongly believe that he was Bipolar and this could probably have been worsened by alcohol abuse. Whether or not he was a Sociopath (or Psychopath) is completely unproveable. If Kosminski were Bipolar and Sociopathic (and alcoholic for that matter), there were likely to be dozens or even hundreds of men with the same conditions on the streets of London at the time. And I think it is just as likely that some unknown person who suffered from similar conditions could've been Jack the Ripper.
There are a lot of people that want to dismiss Kosminski with the "harmless imbecile" bit. Maybe they truly believe this (I don't). Maybe they want to dismiss him because he conflicts with their own 'pet suspect'. There are a lot of people who seem to dislike or disbelieve Sir Robert Anderson. But I believe that if Anderson threw a dart at a dartboard or randomly selected a name from a hat, he definitely hit on a very likely suspect:
-a man who lived in the heart of the crimes
-a man who suffered, in all likelihood, from Bipolar Disorder
-a man who, if the Bipolar diagnosis is correct, had a 30% chance of being a Sociopath
-a man who lived in an area and at a time where alcohol abuse was almost an epidemic. Where alcohol abuse combined with serious psychological conditions could likely have awful results
-a man may have been the sole occupier of the premises he resided at, or at the very least, not held down by strong family relations that would prevent him from going or coming as he pleased
-a man not held down by a job
-a man who at least twice, allegedly, presented that he was prone to violence
Again, I'm not here to prove Kosminski was Jack the Ripper. I'm only here to point out the facts (or at least the facts as I see them). Of all the "known" suspects, I believe that Aaron Kosminski was the most likely.
I hope this will get some discussion going. I read, researched, and wrote like hell (and I have an undergraduate degree in psychology, if that amounts to a hill of beans). If you have any corrections, additions, or thoughts, let's get it going. If "harmless imbecile" is the ONLY thing that you have to add, I'd prefer it go in someone else's thread.
And again, to whoever is releasing the Kosminski book, I'm looking forward to it.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and your consideration and time.
first, the statements of Anderson and Macnaghten:
Anderson: "...In saying that he was a Polish Jew I am merely stating a definitely ascertained fact. And my words are meant to specify race, not religion. For it would outrage all religious sentiment to talk of the religion of a loathsome creature whose utterly unmentionable vices reduced him to a lower level than that of the brute."
Macnaghten:"(2) Kosminski- a Polish Jew- & resident of Whitechapel. This man became insane owing to many years indulgence in solitary vices. He had a great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, & had strong homicidal tendencies: he was removed to a lunatic asylum about March 1889. There were many circumstances connected with this man which made him a strong 'suspct'. "
Most authors agree that the "utterly unmentionable vices" and "indulgence in solitary vices" is likely to be frequent or public masterbation. This would indicate a condition called Hypersexuality.
Hypersexuality in women is known as "nymphomania". In men, it is known as "satyriasis". It is a disorder in which sufferers' desire to engage in sexual activity is abnormally high. It is characterized by an obsession with sex and decreased sexual inhibition. The most interesting part of Hypersexuality, as it relates to this subject, is that it is a primary symptom of Bipolar Disorder. Studies have shown that Hypersexuality is exhibited in 60%-80% of all Bipolar Disorder cases. As far as I have been able to find, Hypersexuality is not a symptom, or at least a primary symptom of Schizophrenia.
Many people often confuse Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. The reasons for the confusion is understandable: both disorders share many of the same symptoms, causes, and psychotic manifestations (like hallucinations and delusions). But they are not the same thing. And they also are not the controversial phenomenon known as "multiple personality disorder". Schizophrenia is possibly best described as a "split from reality". Bipolar Disorder is a disorder where the personality shows two distinct phases: mania and depression.
Bipolar Disorder is also known as Manic Depressive Disorder. It is a disorder whose onset is usually in early adulthood. The phases of mania are separated by periods of 'normalcy" (depression). The causes of Bipolar Disorder are believed to be:
-life events and experiences
-childhood precursors
- neurological abnormalities
The reason I boldened "life events and experiences" is because it is believed that Aaron Kosminski's family probably lived in the forced Pale Settlements in Poland where he would have faced overcrowding and proverty. He more than likely also experienced the anti-semetic and violent pogroms. It has been proposed that he may have even seen his mother, sisters, or other female relatives raped. There is also the issue of the missing father. I have not been able to find anything on when Kosminski's father died, or how he died. But it is doubtless that Kosminski would have faced a very traumatic childhood. For much more detailed info on this, read the excellent books by Martin Fido (The Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack the Ripper) and Paul Begg (Jack The Ripper: The Facts). I am also eagerly awaiting the forthcoming Kosminski related book by some of our members here on the Casebook.
Approximately 50% of sufferers of Bipolar Disorder state that they experienced traumatic childhoods which have included physical and sexual abuse, and witnessing violence.
Some symptoms of the Manic phase of Bipolar Disorder include:
-agitation, irritability, intolerance
-aggression and belligerence
-thoughts of being persecuted
-increased energy levels
-lack of self control
-morbid thoughts or ideations
-racing thoughts
-delusions of grandeur
-belief in possessing special powers
-reduced need for sleep
-binge eating or drinking
-impaired judgement
-sexual promiscuity
Some symptoms of the Depression phase of Bipolar Disorder include:
-lack of interest
-disturbance in sleep and appetite
Extreme cases of Mania have been known to lead to Psychosis. Manifestations of psychotic episodes in Bipolar Disorder include hallucinations and delusions.
Some sufferers of Bipolar Disorder experience a mixed affective stage. This is a stage where symptoms of both Mania and Depression are present.
In some instances, there is also what is known as Hypomania. This is an episode of mild to moderate Mania that does not inhibit functioning. However, the same risks exist. Many sufferers of Bipolar Disorder appear to be quite "normal" and in fact, there have been many cases in which sufferers have been able to adapt to their condition and live and function very well.
There is a social stigma that goes along with disorders such as Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. Many people believe that sufferers are violent. However, studies have shown that schizophrenics are generally non-violent. When violence is present in Schizophrenia cases, it is usually as a reaction to psychotic manifestations (such as hallucinations and delusions). In Bipolar Disorder, violence can be caused by the psychotic episodes as well as the 'normal' aggression, agitation from the Manic phase.
Scientific studies have shown that Schizophrenics are generally not as prone to violence as sufferers from other personality disorders (like Bipolar Disorder). Approximately 50% of sufferers of Bipolar Disorder present some history of violence.
Schizophrenia is also more than twice as rare as Bipolar Disorder. Approximately 1 in 100 people suffer from Schizophrenia. Approximately 1 in 45 people suffer from Bipolar Disorder.
It has also been shown that abuse of alcohol and drugs increases the likelihood of violence in both Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, just as in the general population.
Now, to Aaron Kosminski
I have seen it asserted many times that Kosminski could NOT be Jack The Ripper because Kosminski was nothing more than a "harmless imbecile". If I see the phrase "harmless imbecile" anywhere in this thread, I am likely to explode.
Imbecile, or "idiot", is a term that historically means a person who presents some level of mental retardation. So when one reads the scant case notes on Kosminski and the symptoms of the depressive stage of Bipolar Disorder, it is very easy to see why someone would assume that he was an "imbecile" or mentally retarded. However, I don't believe that he was "retarded" outside of the condition that he was suffering from. In the notes of one of his admissions, it lists his education level as "R & W" ("reading and writing"). He also stood trial for walking an unmuzzled dog and the reports of this do not seem to indicate that he was mentally retarded. His stating that he didn't tell the officer his true name as being because "Kosminski" is hard to spell is perfectly plausible. It has also been stated (but unproven as far as I know) that he worked in a hospital in Poland and was a hairdresser (though he had not attempted work for years at the time of his admissions in 1891). These things we can gather from the few details we know about Kosminski do not indicate to me that he was mentally retarded or an imbecile.
From the few case notes that we have on Kosminski, it does seem to appear that he was experiencing the different phases of Bipolar Disorder.
In February and April of 1891, Kosminski "refused to be bathed" and "still the same 'instinctive' objection to weekly bath." But by January 1892, "Habits cleanly". He was also "cleanly in habits" in January and September of 1893.
In April 1891, he was "..apathetic, inoccupied..". But by January 1892, "At times excited and violent." Then, by November 1892, he is "Quiet and well behaved". But a few months later in January 1893, he was experiencing "Chronic mania. Intelligence impaired; at time noisy, excited, and incoherent"
To me, it is clear that these are examples of a person who is suffering different stages of an illness, and not a person who is an imbecile or idiot.
Now to the "harmless" part of "harmless imbecile" that so many want to present Aaron Kosmnski as. I don't believe Kosminski was as "harmless" as so many would have him. Remember, there are very few details of his stays in the asylums. At best, we have two or three short annual notes on him. But there are many years missing.
-But we know that it is alleged that he attacked his sister with a knife.
-Feb 1891, "rather difficult to deal with on account of the Dominant Character of his delusions"
-Jan 1892, "At times excited & violent- a few days ago he took up a chair and attempted to strike the charge attendant"
-Jan 1893, " times noisy, excited and incoherent;"
-July 1916, "Incoherent and excitable. Troublesome at times."
Are there any case notes that say he cut someone's throat and disembowelled them? Of course not. That does not mean that he presented no propensity for violence. And again, it must be remembered that there are missing periods of his incarceration and that the notes are quick, short, and without much detail.
Based on what I have stated, I completely reject that Aaron Kosminski was a "harmless imbecile". I also have serious doubts that he was Schizophrenic. I believe that he was suffering from Bipolar Disorder, possibly made worse by alcohol abuse. I feel that what little is known about him indicates that he was clearly going through "phases" like the manic and depressive stages of Bipolar Disorder.
Millions of people suffer from Bipolar Disorder. Not very many of them are serial killers. About half of them are not violent in any way. Many of them lead very normal and functional lives. But there is one other thing I want to look at. It cannot be proven whether or not it is relevant to Aaron Kosminski, but it most likely did relate to whoever Jack the Ripper was, and that is a condition associated with depressive disorders known as Antisocial Personality Disorder:
Antisocial Personality Disorder is commonly associated with depressive disorders like Bipolar Disorder. It is characterized by:
-lack of remorse and empathy for others
-disregard for social norms
-aggresive, violent behavior
-inability to tolerate boredom
-cruelty to animals
-constant lying
The causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder are believed to be genetics or environmental factors. When the cause is genetic, ADP is commonly referred to as Psychopathy. When the cause is environmental factors, ADP is referred to as Sociopathy.
Antisocial Personality Disorder is about twice as common as Bipolar Disorder and about four times more common than Schizophrenia. Antisocial Personality Disorder is estimated to be present in up to 30% of all psychiatric patients (and about 2%-4% in the general population).
Just like with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia, a Psychopath or Sociopath are not incredibly prone to violence. There are many people walking around on the streets and living normal lives who will never know that they are a Psychopath. It doesn't make one a serial killer. But if you combine Bipolar Disorder with Sociopathy, it would absolutely increase the likelihood of violence. If you combined (Bipolar and ADP) both with alcohol abuse, the combination could be expolosive and lethal.
Now, I am not here to prove that Aaron Kosminski was Jack the Ripper. I do strongly believe that he was Bipolar and this could probably have been worsened by alcohol abuse. Whether or not he was a Sociopath (or Psychopath) is completely unproveable. If Kosminski were Bipolar and Sociopathic (and alcoholic for that matter), there were likely to be dozens or even hundreds of men with the same conditions on the streets of London at the time. And I think it is just as likely that some unknown person who suffered from similar conditions could've been Jack the Ripper.
There are a lot of people that want to dismiss Kosminski with the "harmless imbecile" bit. Maybe they truly believe this (I don't). Maybe they want to dismiss him because he conflicts with their own 'pet suspect'. There are a lot of people who seem to dislike or disbelieve Sir Robert Anderson. But I believe that if Anderson threw a dart at a dartboard or randomly selected a name from a hat, he definitely hit on a very likely suspect:
-a man who lived in the heart of the crimes
-a man who suffered, in all likelihood, from Bipolar Disorder
-a man who, if the Bipolar diagnosis is correct, had a 30% chance of being a Sociopath
-a man who lived in an area and at a time where alcohol abuse was almost an epidemic. Where alcohol abuse combined with serious psychological conditions could likely have awful results
-a man may have been the sole occupier of the premises he resided at, or at the very least, not held down by strong family relations that would prevent him from going or coming as he pleased
-a man not held down by a job
-a man who at least twice, allegedly, presented that he was prone to violence
Again, I'm not here to prove Kosminski was Jack the Ripper. I'm only here to point out the facts (or at least the facts as I see them). Of all the "known" suspects, I believe that Aaron Kosminski was the most likely.
I hope this will get some discussion going. I read, researched, and wrote like hell (and I have an undergraduate degree in psychology, if that amounts to a hill of beans). If you have any corrections, additions, or thoughts, let's get it going. If "harmless imbecile" is the ONLY thing that you have to add, I'd prefer it go in someone else's thread.
And again, to whoever is releasing the Kosminski book, I'm looking forward to it.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and your consideration and time.