If Stride was an occasional prostitute (although we may - note that I say 'may' - have some small indications of that she might not have been indulging in this this particular night), then she probably had used this street before as a spot. It is quite common for prostitutes to use the same spots repeteadly in order for some of their more regular customers to find them more easily.
If so, then Kidney might have been well aware of this spot from earlier occasions when she'd disappear from home for periods of time. It is even quite possible that he'd walked this street other nights after she left him the last time, but didn't find her there until this particular incident.
And of course, as others have said here, he could have found out about it from other people that he knew.
So I really don't see the problem.
All the best
If so, then Kidney might have been well aware of this spot from earlier occasions when she'd disappear from home for periods of time. It is even quite possible that he'd walked this street other nights after she left him the last time, but didn't find her there until this particular incident.
And of course, as others have said here, he could have found out about it from other people that he knew.
So I really don't see the problem.
All the best