Originally posted by harry
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You read what I wrote, so why ask what am I trying to insinuate?
Hutchinson walked into Commercial St., and told them he wanted to make a statement.
Badham wrote it down, as Hutchinson gave him the story. What could be more simpler than that?, and what on earth do we have to indicate otherwise?
Aberline interrogated,Badham wrote the statement.Fact
Aberline was present,he didn''t need to countersign as having read.He knew the contents.He passed the statement on.Fact.Do you seriously believe he would have passed a document to seniors without knowing the content.
You need to put more effort into this, or buy a few books to read. Guessing is not getting you very far.
How can you seriously argue Aberline was not present. Your claims are getting more wild and ridiculous.Go find someone else to listen.