Originally posted by Ben
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You do talk some rot. Ireland only went to his solicitor because he recognised himself on the cctv footage shown on the bloody news and knew everyone who knew him would say: "Oh look! I wonder what Colin from Southend is doing on the tube with that poor man who was murdered!"

Not exactly comparable with Mrs Lewis seeing some man watching the court, then Hutch turning up at the cop shop to say: "Hi! I was there that night watching the court" and the police not even apparently connecting the two, is it?
Why did I mention Papazian, along with Ireland? Killers who both dreamed up a deliberate campaign, picking their location and specific victim type way in advance, and who had crystal clear ideas as to how to translate their fantasies into physical action?
Ooooh, that's a toughie. Couldn't be because you posted this pile of ill-informed crap, could it:
Originally Posted by Ben
...the nonsensical view that serial killers dream up a deliberate campaign, picking their location and specific victim type way in advance…
…They'd have their fantasies, but often only the haziest of ideas as to how to translate that into physical action.
Originally posted by Ben
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Unlike you, I have no theory to bolster, apart from believing that none of the named suspects is remotely likely to have been the murderer of Mary Kelly or any of her less marketable sisters.