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Macnaghten as a suspect

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  • Why are you so angry?
    Is it raining in Cyprus?


    • I'm going to have to stop reading this thread. I'm not able to read half the posts on it due to a wonderful Casebook facility.

      Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


      • Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
        I'm going to have to stop reading this thread. I'm not able to read half the posts on it due to a wonderful Casebook facility.

        Right Philip,
        I believe it's enough.
        We have said and quoted enough to prove the stupidity of strong/herfort's book, and she has said herself enough to show us how idiotic and gross she is.


        • Idiot Yourself !

          Originally posted by DVV View Post
          Right Philip,
          I believe it's enough.
          We have said and quoted enough to prove the stupidity of strong/herfort's book, and she has said herself enough to show us how idiotic and gross she is.
          You don't prove anything poor man. Who are you to tell rubbishes bigger than you ?
          I suppose she doesn't care to have the support of a poor man who is hidding his hatred behind a false identity !

          YOU ARE A ******* IDIOT ! AND WHEN YOU BADLY criticise her Publisher, telling rubbishes about it, you convince nobody.
          Tallandier Publishing was founded in 1865 by Georges Decaux. This very serious House - specialized in history - published pamphlets against Napoleon a long time ago.
          You wasn't born, idiot !
          So don't tell that history is not its speciality ! You're wrong !

          So, will you stop to tell lies when you ignore all of the subject please ?


          • Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
            I'm going to have to stop reading this thread. I'm not able to read half the posts on it due to a wonderful Casebook facility.

            Good idea If you want my opinion.


            • Hello She Strong,

              I have a couple of questions for you. I am moved neither by jealousy nor hostility nor xenophobia.

              First, are you really Sophie Herfort? The reason you are suspected of being Miss Herfort is, of course, the user name you have chosen for yourself: She Strong = Her fort. I hesitated in believing it because it appears a bit too obvious. Then, again, no one said you had anything to hide and if this is indeed who you are and you actually wanted to be identified as such this is a pseudonym you might have chosen.

              Secondly, if you are just an admirer of Miss Herfort from Cyprus, do you speak Greek or Turkish?

              I'd just like to know.

              All the best,
              Asante Mungu leo ni Ijumaa.
              Old Swahili Proverb


              • Hey,

                I'm new here. I live in France, and I have always been - like most of you I guess - interested in the Jack the Ripper case. About 2 years ago, or 1 year and a half, I don't know exactly, I bought Sophie Herfort's book, 'Jack l'Eventreur Démasqué'. I was hooked. I couldn't put it down. The only book I had read on the Ripper before was the Patricia Cornwell book. So... I'm not really a pro. Haven't read hundreds of books on it. But after I read Sophie's book, I wanted to search online for more information about the Ripper. I found this message board quite easily. But I never dared to post or to register, because I realized that Herfort's theory doesn't seem very popular here. But as I was talking with my sister and with one of my friends about this book yesterday, I thought why not register after all... From time to time, my interest in the Ripper pops up again. lol.

                And I was wondering why almost no one here seem to want to know more about Herfort's theory. I guess the problem is that the book hasn't been translated in English. It seems to be quite a reference in France. (it has some very good reviews on, contrary to Cornwell's book for instance). I really wish it was translated. This case is an English case. Hopefully it will be published in English someday.

                Anyway... I think it deserves a conversation. Because it was a really well documented book, and I really enjoyed reading it. I just couldn't put it down. After reading it, you can't help but think that Herfort put her finger on something very significant, very important. Of course, we'll never know for sure who was the Ripper, and I think it's what makes this case interesting. But Herfort makes so many good points in her book, she has gathered so much information on Melville Macnaghten. By the end of the book, you realize that this guy had a really strange life. There are just so many details. If there were say... 3 or 4 good points, I would say this girl is crazy, and Macnaghten should not even be considered as a suspect. But there are not just 3 or 4 details, but at least... I don't know... 20 things that make him a potential suspect. There are just so many things, you can't think it's just a series of coincidences.

                I found a radio interview of Sophie Herfort this morning, on Youtube. It's in French of course. But here is the link, if any of you speak French and would like to listen to it :
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                This one is the first part. There are four parts. Pretty interesting interview. She was invited on the Jacques Pradel show. She talked about her book and made some very good points. Of course, it's not as thorough as the book.

                Well... I just "bumped" this thread to know if someone else here has read the book and enjoyed it, and would like to give me their point of view on it.

                P.S : If you know someone who speaks French, ask them to read it and to talk to you about it, 'cause it's really worth reading.


                • Hi Definitely Celt,welcome,

                  And I was wondering why almost no one here seem to want to know more about Herfort's theory. I guess the problem is that the book hasn't been translated in English.
                  That's not the problem. Captain Hook's French is perfect. He read the book. Just ask him about.

                  It seems to be quite a reference in France.
                  No wonder. There is no good book about the case in French. Except, perhaps, Bourgoin's... Not a bad book, but...

                  I really wish it was translated. This case is an English case. Hopefully it will be published in English someday.
                  I suggest you read some English books, then. SPE, Begg, Sugden... Then you'll understand how pointless an English translation would be.

                  I think it deserves a conversation. Because it was a really well documented
                  Well documented ? Sigh... It's full of mistakes and misunderstandings... Already pointed out on these boards, btw.

                  Last edited by DVV; 02-15-2010, 05:07 PM.


                  • Thank you for your reply.

                    I have read this thread entirely (as well as the other one in the "police officials" section of the forum). I agree with those who said that Herfort made mistakes (like the one about the tarp, for instance. She was definitely wrong on that one).

                    But I haven't read any post about her theory in itself. I mean, everyone can make mistakes. When you do research on a case as intricate as the Ripper case, I guess it's hard not to make mistakes.

                    But, almost no post here focuses on Macnaghten and on Herfort's theory in itself. I think -- and it's just my opinion, to each their own -- that her good points are more numerous than her mistakes.
                    It's easy to come up with details and prove that the author is wrong. Every research book contains mistakes.
                    When it comes to the theory in itself, I can't help but think she's right. And I noticed that the major points in Herfort's book haven't been discussed on this message board.

                    I'm not gonna argue for hours and hours. I have better things to do, and I didn't come here for that. I just wanted to see if someone who had read the book had enjoyed it. I guess I'll have to go back to or Youtube if I want to read the point of view of other people who liked the book.

                    It's sad that this "She Strong" totally made a fool of herself. When you lose control and you start insulting everyone, you can't get a serious conversation.

                    Anyway... it's a good site. All the official documents, the Ripper letters, the press reports, etc. Keep up the good work guys. It's an interesting collection of everything about the Ripper. I enjoy reading it.


                    • Hi,

                      I'm not gonna argue for hours and hours.
                      Neither am I. What I can tell you is that if you enjoy Sophie's book, you will enjoy many more studies, as it is one of the worst ever written.

                      It's sad that this "She Strong" totally made a fool of herself. When you lose control and you start insulting everyone, you can't get a serious conversation.
                      And who was "She Strong" ?
                      In fact, Sophie made a fool of herself twice.
                      Once as the author of a pitiful thing, once as "She Strong" on boards.


