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William Grant/Grainger

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  • #31
    To Craig H

    I'm not frustrated. About what exactly?

    I was attacked and I defended myself. Is that not allowed?

    Typical of your notorious hypocrisy, Craig, that you tell me off but not the person who started flinging mud, or their vomit.

    Here only the Druitt Leper is ever guilty.

    By the way, I supplied you with something important about Grant on this thread but, oh yeah, it's about ...


    • #32
      Originally posted by Jonathan H View Post
      To Abby Normal

      Stop apologizing and for God's sake get some help!

      You suffer from a strange masochistic disorder; one that compels you to diligently and meticulously read the posts, "ad nauseum", of a researcher-writer whom you completely despise and whose "theory" you utterly reject.

      People who come up with extraordinary revisionist theories that involve playing sleuth at this considerable distance need to back them up with extraordinary evidence. It has already been conceded that there isn't any.

      And it's not my "theory" that you so loathe, it was the theory of a contemporaneous police chief whom I am arguing is a reliable primary source.

      Feel like vomiting yet?
      Hi JH
      Tell me how you really feel. HAHA. No seriously. don't hold back.
      By the way YOU started the mud slinging with your unfair Hypocritical attack on Prosector.
      Good luck with your book.
      Last edited by Abby Normal; 08-06-2015, 06:57 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Craig H View Post
        Hi Jon

        My understanding is there is no record of where he was in latter half of 1888, but we do know he wasn't in a prison or institution.

        Do you know if there are digital records of passengers between Ireland and England around that time ? I can find records from Ireland to Canada, US, Australia, etc but not to England.

        HI Craig
        Indeed-he apparently was either out about London during the ripper murders or abroad so he cant be ruled out. Plus their is a possible ID involved and I have always thought that the ripper probably had a military/navy background.

        One point re his criminal record-while its true most serial killers have a criminal record, the post mortem type usually don't. So that aspect is a wash for me.

        Re the photograph/ appearance-Does anyone know if he had light or reddish hair?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Craig H View Post
          Just following on from Wickerman's suggestion .....

          Does anyone have Ancestry subscription to check UK Incoming Passenger Lists for 1888 (+/- 5 years) for William Grainger travelling from Cork to London ?

          This could help determine if Grainger / Grant was in London

          Unfortunately not. The UK National Archives (Ancestry's source in this case) only holds entry and exit records for the UK from outside Europe. Sometimes you can get lucky and find departures from places in Europe, bound for the UK, but obviously that wouldn't apply with Ireland at that time. I did a cursory check for men fitting the name, general age and general arrival, just in case he'd hitched on the final leg of a trans-Atlantic ship, but nothing turned up.

          Ferry services at that time were being operated, largely, by the railway companies (monopoly much?). It's possible that company records may one day come to light, though it's doubtful they would have kept passenger names as there was no need for internal customs checks. Perhaps someone who's studied the, "Fenian Conspiracy", angle could shed more light on that?
          Last edited by Disco Stu; 08-06-2015, 07:19 PM. Reason: Additional info


          • #35
            Thanks DS,

            That's a pity. Would be good to know if he had arrived in London around that time ?

            If the records only show overseas (outside UK) travel, is there any record of Grainger / Grant travelling to America ?

            Wasn't he meant to have been on a ship recently returned from America ?



            • #36
              Another thought ....

              The descriptions of William Grainger / Grant often mentioned his bad skin, scars.

              Could the description of Blotchy who went to Mary Kelly's room actually have been Grainger ?

              Apologies if I'm repeating something someone else has suggested before


