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The Missing Evidence II - New Ripper Documentary - Aug 2024

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  • jmenges
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
    I don't think it's fair him and his crony are blaming a hard working Victorian family man of being not one but two of the worst serial killers this country has known.
    Welcome to Suspectology, where 99-100 percent of those accused are not guilty.

    Sorry, I'll try to keep the Christer 'cross-posting' down to a minimum...


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  • rjpalmer

    Fisherman, 7-23-2019:

    "He points out that the docu has Lechmere crouching over the body of Nichols. What one needs to realize is that the documentary works from the idea that Lechmere actually killed Nichols, and in order to do so, he must have crouched over her body at some stage. Attacking that depiction is attacking the sheer idea that Lechmere could be the killer, and that is not a wise thing to do. Colored figures are used to depict the persons and it should be perfectly obvious that they are suggesting a scenario that is entirely necessary for the concept of the documentary to work.
    I have often said myself that if Lechmere killed Nichols and bluffed it out, he would not begin by leaning in over her body as Paul arrived, he would instead take some steps away from the body so that he could say "Oh look, isn't that a woman lying there? Let's go check her out, shall we?"

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by jmenges View Post
    I said it was unfair.
    I didn’t say it was against the rules.
    Ah okay, thanks for the clarification. However I don't think it's fair him and his crony are blaming a hard working Victorian family man of being not one but two of the worst serial killers this country has known. Sorry, I'll try to keep the Christer 'cross-posting' down to a minimum...

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  • John Wheat
    It strikes me that the frankly fanciful Lechmere was the Ripper theory has been shown to have more holes in it than Swiss cheese on these boards. I don't see how any serious Ripperologist could actually take the theory seriously.

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  • jmenges
    I said it was unfair.
    I didn’t say it was against the rules.


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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by jmenges View Post
    Christer is only temporarily banned from the boards.
    Until he returns and can re-engage, it’s not fair to repost and argue with comments he’s making elsewhere.
    Please feel free to delete my post then as personally I find it no different than quoting Scobie from the documentary or a policeman from a newspaper cutting etc. All of which happens a great deal around here. Hope you can see that reasoning, thank you. However if it's against the rules please get rid. Cheers.

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  • rjpalmer
    Originally posted by Paddy Goose View Post
    You see, Ben was a devoted Hutchinsonian. Their feud went on it seems like forever.
    I'm probably repeating myself, but the Lechmere and Hutchinson theories remind me of the old joke about the jogger who lost his car keys somewhere in the vastness of Central Park at night.

    A cop finds him looking frantically for the keys under the nearest lamp post--"because that's where the light is."

    Same goes for the Robert Mann, James Hardiman, and Joe Barnett theories.

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  • Paddy Goose
    Christer found his own Hutch. With a big assist from Ed. It's that simple.

    It all began as a grudge match between Christer (Fisherman) and Ben Holme (Ben) right here on Casebook. When I first joined the two were locked in a debate on a Stride thread arguing about a cutaway jacket. Neither would back down. It got rather heated. Shortly Fish shows up on, of all places, the George Hutchinson Suspect threads, arguing against, of all people, Ben. You see, Ben was a devoted Hutchinsonian. Their feud went on it seems like forever.

    In the meantime Ed started posting as Lechmere and apparently Christer got an 'aha' moment. He could go with the Lechmere suspect thing and get one up on Ben. His book and TV show are simply a continuation of his grudge match with Ben. It's that simple.

    And here's the thing, I think Christer is a nice guy. And he is very knowledgeable. Same for Ben. And Bob Hinton, originator of the Hutch theory who used to post here, too. All good peeps.

    Geddy, welcome to Casebook. Best to you.

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  • jmenges
    Christer is only temporarily banned from the boards.
    Until he returns and can re-engage, it’s not fair to repost and argue with comments he’s making elsewhere.


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  • Geddy2112
    Sorry if I'm bleating on and sounding like a broken record, his latest offering why does he bother? Book sales down?

    Originally posted by Christer
    If there is one favourite line among the naysayers when it comes to the Lechmere theory, then it is this one: "He found Nichols, that is all there is to it." It comes back again and again and again and ... So I am thinking that we need to take a closer look at this claim, and with any luck, we will not have to hear it any more in the future. To begin with: Finding a body is not in any way coupled to guilt. Which is of course why so many naysayers are so very fond of that phrase; it does not in any way indicate guilt, and so they (the Lechmereians) can have it! But here is the rub - we donīt want it. Because we do not think that Lechmere found the body at all. And there is zero corroboration for the claim that he did. What there IS corroboration for and what I use to describe it, is not that he found the body. It is that he WAS FOUND by the body. There is where corroboration (from Paul) lies, nowhere else. The phrase "he found the body" predisposes that there must have been a body on the ground to find before Lechmere walked onto it, and if this was so, the carman was innocent. And in all likelihood, he was not. That is the first alteration I am proposing. The next one is that when we speak of how Lechmere was found by the body, we should always remember to add that at this stage, the victim was still bleeding and breathing. Because before we add these matters, the full extent of why Lechmere becomes a suspect just by way of being found by the body, is not revealed. And we all want the full picture, donīt we? So there we are: He was found next to the body, and the body was at this stage still bleeding and breathing.
    I don't think I have the energy to dissect that for all the times that has been 'ripped' apart... again apologies.

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  • Geddy2112
    Not sure if anyone here has seen this over on Facebook... and apologies if this is not 'allowed.' A pertinent part to a 'conversation' (more like a train wreck) I'm indulging with Christer...

    Originally posted by Christer
    ‘You speak of a photo of an animation and ask why I did not challenge it.
    A) I can see no photo, and
    B) I did not make the docu and was not shown in before it aired, so how could I challenge it?
    I was asking him about the photo I posted here, the screen grab of the documentary and Scobie's comments as I suggested he should have checked them before airing to make sure they were 'credible.' Answer a) - fair enough but the picture is there. Answer b) in the documentary it shows Christer watching the documentary - Scobie's conclusions. However he says he did not see it before it was aired... what?

    Originally posted by Christer
    I am making the guess that you are talking about the animation where Lechmere kneels by the body, but if that is so, how do you know that it is "completely inaccurate"? Were you there? Did you see what Lechmere did? Or are you just accepting it as that he never knelt by the side of Nichols? You see, he either did or he did not - and the thing is, if he did, then the depiction is spot on.’
    Of course Christer was there so he knows...

    This man is infuriating. I've tried reasoning with him, I've watched the documentary, I've read the threads. I've not read his book yet but I'm inclined not to and the more I read his words the more and more I feel how biased, misleading, inaccurate his theory is. He is rude, he is arrogant, stubborn and blinkered and I'm fairly convinced that even though he is obviously an educated, multilingual speaker he has a great deal of trouble reading and understanding English.​

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  • Geddy2112
    Then we have this gem from the cockumentary.....

    'Medical examiner estimated she was killed at around 4:30am, again Lechmere would have been passing close to the murder site within minutes of her death. Three killings occurring on his early morning route to work.'
    So since Lechmere left home on a morning at 3:30am (documentaries version not mine) and he started work at 4:00am the documentary has actually given Lechmere an alibi. You just can't make it up. But you still have folk making comments that they are convinced after watching it Lechmere is the killer... where is that quoate again about the internet and village idiots...

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Clipboard02.jpg
Views:	403
Size:	56.6 KB
ID:	832932

    They even show Lechmere still over the body as Paul is the '40 yards' away which is inconsistent with the 'evidence.' Tis a sham ya honour.. a fabrication..
    They even put Paul on the South side of the street, which is also inconsistent with the evidence.

    And the voiceover is lying.

    Lechmere did not say that he was never alone with the body.
    We don't know the precise time Lechmere arrived at the murder site.
    We have three witnesses, all policemen, who say that Robert Paul was several minutes walk away from the murder scene by 3:45am.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by Scott Nelson View Post
    Didn't Cross stand up and go to the middle of the street when he saw Paul coming?
    Not according to Robert Paul.

    "He left home about a quarter to 4 on the Friday morning and as he was passing up Buck's-row he saw a man standing in the middle of the road.​" - Robert Paul, 18 September 1888 Times.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

    Indeed, it does appear to intentionally mislead.
    I wonder what Scobie would have said if he'd been given that Inside Bucks Row rag to read first... wonder if his conclusions would have been different

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