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The Missing Evidence II - New Ripper Documentary - Aug 2024

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by Lewis C View Post

    Hi Fiver,

    I believe that in the Missing Evidence video, Christer said that he discovered that Charles Cross and Charles Lechmere were the same person, the origin of the "fake name" argument.
    Wikipedia shows the Cross-Lechmere connection was made by Derek Osborne in 2001. It was made again in 2008 by Michael Connor in Ripperologist #87. Fisherman has previously acknowledged both of them and Ed Stow as discovering the name connection before him.

    So if that was said in the video, it was a lie.

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  • Lewis C
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Are any of the ideas Fisherman's or did he crib them all from Butler?
    Hi Fiver,

    I believe that in the Missing Evidence video, Christer said that he discovered that Charles Cross and Charles Lechmere were the same person, the origin of the "fake name" argument.

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  • The Baron
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Fisherman also ignores that there is no evidence that the St Phillips rag had anything to do with the Pinchin Street Torso. Fisherman also ignores a bloody rag found on Hooper Street , which was much closer to Pinchin Street and found first.

    Exactly that, just make the facts fit a theory, disrespect of readers minds, counting on their ignorance of details.

    The Baron

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  • The Baron
    Did the Police or doctors at the time consider them connected ?!

    They are not advocating the TorsoRipper theory, it is only important to them if it will help them advertising Lechmere as the Ripper, and let me walk you inside the maze of their minds..

    Lechmere was found near the Body of Nichols, Chapman has abdomen injuries like Jackson, the killer of Jackson is the same killer of the Pinchin Street Torso, now connect this last one with a bloody rag to Lechmere, and Bingo, same serie of murders and same killer, Lechmere.

    The Baron

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by The Baron View Post

    The TorsoRipper fantasy came to his mind after he was facing the challenge to connect Lechmere to any other Ripper murder, he couldn't, then because the Whitehall body, if I am remembering correctly, was discovered in a place that can be in a way linked to Lechmere, thats why he needed to connect all those bodies in both series to a lone murderer.

    He needs them to be connected to strengthen the case against Lechmere, had the body of that torso been found in any other place, you wouldn't have been hearing this nonsense from them.

    Make the facts fit a theory, not the other way around.

    What a biased way of thinking, if Lechmere was seen drinking a cup of tea, it would be a sign of his guilt in their minds.

    The Baron
    I understand that Fishy used the TorsoRipper Theory to try to pin more crimes on Lechmere. But doesn't the idea that the Ripper and the Torsoman were the same person significantly predate Christer's latching onto the TorsoRipper Theory?

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    No, not lay lines. Seriously I need to read up on that one. Please does it involve some Stonehenge type hocus pocus about drawing certain lines across a map to make it look like the letter L or something?
    Fisherman hates people calling it the Ley Line theory.

    The day after the Pinchon Street Torso was found, a bloody rag was found somewhere on the grounds of the St. Phillips Church, which was undergoing construction at the time.

    The Ley Line Branch of the Church of Lechmere, Unholy be His Name, claims that a ley line starting from the Pinchin Street Torso and drawn through the St. Phillips Church would point directly to Charles Lechmere's house at 22 Doveton Street. They also claim that the Goulston Street graffito was found on a direct line between Mitre Square and Lechmere's home.

    Both these claims are nonsense on multiple levels.

    Lets start with a map created by Jeff Hamm.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	fetch?id=813264&d=1689205017.jpg
Views:	199
Size:	222.0 KB
ID:	833048

    The orange lines show that a direct line between Mitre Square and the Goulston Street graffito doesn't go anywhere near 22 Doveton Street.

    The blue lines show that 22 Doveton Street is one of hundreds of places on a line from Pinchin Street past the St Phillips Church. St Phillips was under construction and directly across the street from the London Hospital, yet Fisherman ignores those possibilities for explaining the bloody rag. Fisherman also ignores that there is no evidence that the St Phillips rag had anything to do with the Pinchin Street Torso. Fisherman also ignores a bloody rag found on Hooper Street , which was much closer to Pinchin Street and found first.

    But the core premise is ridiculous. Not even the most compulsive Batman villain would drop something pointing directly to their hideout. And real humans don't go bounding across the rooftops in straight lines like Springheeled Jack - the have to use roads.

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  • The Baron
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Isn't the Ley Line nonsense Fisherman's, too? Or did that also start with Butler?

    I'm pretty sure that the TorsoRipper theory is another bit that Fish borrowed, but probably not from Butler.

    The TorsoRipper fantasy came to his mind after he was facing the challenge to connect Lechmere to any other Ripper murder, he couldn't, then because the Whitehall body, if I am remembering correctly, was discovered in a place that can be in a way linked to Lechmere, thats why he needed to connect all those bodies in both series to a lone murderer.

    He needs them to be connected to strengthen the case against Lechmere, had the body of that torso been found in any other place, you wouldn't have been hearing this nonsense from them.

    Make the facts fit a theory, not the other way around.

    What a biased way of thinking, if Lechmere was seen drinking a cup of tea, it would be a sign of his guilt in their minds.

    The Baron

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Isn't the Ley Line nonsense Fisherman's, too? Or did that also start with Butler?
    No, not lay lines. Seriously I need to read up on that one. Please does it involve some Stonehenge type hocus pocus about drawing certain lines across a map to make it look like the letter L or something?

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by The Baron View Post
    The Mizen Scam is Fisherman's creation, I don't remember Ed hailing insanely for it..

    Now come on, who would take Fisherman's jokes seriously when for example he says Lechmere could have convinced Paul to tell the Policeman a lie, that another policeman wants him, in order not to get late to work?!

    The Baron
    Isn't the Ley Line nonsense Fisherman's, too? Or did that also start with Butler?

    I'm pretty sure that the TorsoRipper theory is another bit that Fish borrowed, but probably not from Butler.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Paddy Goose View Post

    And Ed seems happy with his U-Tubes. I watched about a half minute of one.
    Yeah he will be raking it in, going to run out of tenuous links soon mind. I did suggest if it was all for the good of Ripperology that he donated the YouTube proceeds to the local Whitechapel Mosque but I did not get a reply..

    They only win if you let them go unchallenged... same as most egotistical, arrogant bullies...

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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by Paddy Goose View Post
    Good question, Fiver.

    But the point is Christer won. He won the parlor game with Ben and he's turned Casebook into Lechbook.

    And that's okay. Winning is a normal human desire.

    And Ed seems happy with his U-Tubes. I watched about a half minute of one.

    They both won.
    I agree although I maintain that no serious Ripperologist and the majority on this site believe Lechmere to be anything other than a witness.

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  • The Baron
    The Mizen Scam is Fisherman's creation, I don't remember Ed hailing insanely for it..

    Now come on, who would take Fisherman's jokes seriously when for example he says Lechmere could have convinced Paul to tell the Policeman a lie, that another policeman wants him, in order not to get late to work?!

    The Baron

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  • Paddy Goose
    Good question, Fiver.

    But the point is Christer won. He won the parlor game with Ben and he's turned Casebook into Lechbook.

    And that's okay. Winning is a normal human desire.

    And Ed seems happy with his U-Tubes. I watched about a half minute of one.

    They both won.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by Paddy Goose View Post
    Christer found his own Hutch. With a big assist from Ed. It's that simple.

    It all began as a grudge match between Christer (Fisherman) and Ben Holme (Ben) right here on Casebook. When I first joined the two were locked in a debate on a Stride thread arguing about a cutaway jacket. Neither would back down. It got rather heated. Shortly Fish shows up on, of all places, the George Hutchinson Suspect threads, arguing against, of all people, Ben. You see, Ben was a devoted Hutchinsonian. Their feud went on it seems like forever.

    In the meantime Ed started posting as Lechmere and apparently Christer got an 'aha' moment. He could go with the Lechmere suspect thing and get one up on Ben. His book and TV show are simply a continuation of his grudge match with Ben. It's that simple.
    Are any of the ideas Fisherman's or did he crib them all from Butler?

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  • Sam Flynn
    Hello JM

    Originally posted by jmenges View Post

    Welcome to Suspectology, where 99-100 percent of those accused are not guilty.
    Given that there must be at least 200 suspects by now, I make it 99.5-100%

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