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The Missing Evidence II - New Ripper Documentary - Aug 2024

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  • caz
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    I completely agree. By definition a documentary should be factual. This one is most certainly not, and its purpose was to portray Lechmere as Jack The Ripper. I guess they did that but not in the correct way. Like I said I found 30 or so inaccuracies, the video (as I like to call it) actually gives Lechmere an alibi for the first three murders if we include Tabram. That is just sloppy. All the sheep replying on YouTube, akin to HOL love it, thinks it’s great, case closed etc. It would have been nice to have more balance and erm… truth, but alas, like you say I guess that is difficult in ‘our’ scenario.

    I’ve said it a few times, any respecting author would put his book out and leave it as that, stand by it and gracefully take any hits on the chin. No need to ram it down people's throats who dare disagree or challenge it. It's very sad. The bloke is like a rabid dog. How on Earth he can stand by the video and allow his name to it is beyond me, yes it might get him past the YouTube sheep but dear me on 99.9% of the forum posts I’ve recently sifted through he is a complete laughing stock.
    Black and white… mmmm

    Narcissism is an exaggerated, excessive interest in oneself. Black and white thinking can be a symptom of this personality disorder. People who have it will often find it challenging to get help because they quickly dismiss doctors and therapists.

    On a side note I love cooking, well baking - subtle difference and I'm a whizz on the old sewing machine, not a fan of over lockers as they scare me but none the less I've been known to run up the odd pair of curtains so to speak.

    Teddy is the silent assassin. Typical of the Politician in him. Read his posts on the JtR Forum, he sneaks in replying to people’s requests, gives answers, seems polite, posts ‘valuable’ press cuttings and the like all to gather trust and ‘friendship.’ The gullible ones then think he is a mate and once the HOL hit the stores they think ‘wow, that is my mate – I know him’ and by association think he is the bees’ knees. He’s not, it’s an age-old slimy technique used for generations to gain support. Egotistical and always with an agenda. Needs his face on the telly. Let’s face it he does not need his mug on the HOL videos, but he has to, it’s ego. It’s arrogance. Also read his posts advertising HOL, he speaks over and over about the numbers, the clicks, the views. It’s all about the likes and the cha-ching. Hence the ever-growing number of ‘House of Tenuous Links’ videos that come out. What have we had now Nichola Bulley, Bagels and Tigers. He is getting desperate… but he needs to keep getting on the Telly and like I said if it was not about the £££ then let him donate all the proceeds to the local Mosque.
    From where I’m from his is akin to this Viz character… (surely now I've earned a mention on the next HOL.)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Cockney.jpg Views:	0 Size:	22.5 KB ID:	833554
    Ooh, Geddy, our Ed won't like being compared to Cockney W*nker! He's an Old Whitgiftian, which isn't a euphemism for old git, but means he went to Whitgift School for posh boys, in South Croydon. Not a great ambassador, it has to be said.

    I used to run up the odd pair of curtains on my Mum's ancient sewing machine. These days my cat Monty is more likely to run up the curtains, while my better half does most of the cooking.


    Last edited by caz; 04-26-2024, 01:59 PM.

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  • Lewis C
    Originally posted by caz View Post

    That's generous of you, Lewis, concerning dear Trevor. Too many suspect theorists do it the other way round: pounce on a suspect that floats their boat, then stamp on any evidence that would give that man an alibi or otherwise make them an unlikely murderer.


    Hi Caz,

    It may well that I got the order of events wrong. Rather than speculate on that, it would have been better if I had said that I doubt that anyone who thinks that the Whitechapel murders and the Torso murders were committed by the same person would also think that the best suspect was someone who didn't even live in England, and would have had to take a ship to England every time he committed one of such a large number of murders.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by caz View Post
    While documentaries should always be as factually accurate as possible, and be balanced where balance is due, I don't see how it would be possible to produce a JtR doc, based on someone's theory of who dunnit and why, without polarising the viewers and ruffling feathers. If you insist on watching it, you suck it up and either buy into it or spit it out. Nobody is forcing you to believe a word of it, if the evidence isn't made to stack up or the speculation levels are sky high. Who among us would expect such a documentary to keep pointing out to the intellectually challenged that the theory being explored isn't definitive and may well be wrong? If it comes across as a piece of fanciful or egotistical crap, that's for Christer to worry about. I didn't watch it because from what I've read here on both sides of the divide, in Christer's posts as well as many others, I doubted I would learn anything new or surprising, and life's too short!
    I completely agree. By definition a documentary should be factual. This one is most certainly not, and its purpose was to portray Lechmere as Jack The Ripper. I guess they did that but not in the correct way. Like I said I found 30 or so inaccuracies, the video (as I like to call it) actually gives Lechmere an alibi for the first three murders if we include Tabram. That is just sloppy. All the sheep replying on YouTube, akin to HOL love it, thinks it’s great, case closed etc. It would have been nice to have more balance and erm… truth, but alas, like you say I guess that is difficult in ‘our’ scenario.

    Originally posted by caz View Post
    His worst offence, however, from where I'm sitting, was not when he once suggested I go away and do some baking or knitting, but when he tried to deny that it was a sexist remark, claiming that one of his best male friends liked knitting! It was the moment when I realised that being wrong was not one of Christer's faults, living in a world where white can be black.
    I’ve said it a few times, any respecting author would put his book out and leave it as that, stand by it and gracefully take any hits on the chin. No need to ram it down people's throats who dare disagree or challenge it. It's very sad. The bloke is like a rabid dog. How on Earth he can stand by the video and allow his name to it is beyond me, yes it might get him past the YouTube sheep but dear me on 99.9% of the forum posts I’ve recently sifted through he is a complete laughing stock.
    Black and white… mmmm

    Narcissism is an exaggerated, excessive interest in oneself. Black and white thinking can be a symptom of this personality disorder. People who have it will often find it challenging to get help because they quickly dismiss doctors and therapists.

    On a side note I love cooking, well baking - subtle difference and I'm a whizz on the old sewing machine, not a fan of over lockers as they scare me but none the less I've been known to run up the odd pair of curtains so to speak.

    Originally posted by caz View Post
    As for Ed Butler.... unprintable.
    Teddy is the silent assassin. Typical of the Politician in him. Read his posts on the JtR Forum, he sneaks in replying to people’s requests, gives answers, seems polite, posts ‘valuable’ press cuttings and the like all to gather trust and ‘friendship.’ The gullible ones then think he is a mate and once the HOL hit the stores they think ‘wow, that is my mate – I know him’ and by association think he is the bees’ knees. He’s not, it’s an age-old slimy technique used for generations to gain support. Egotistical and always with an agenda. Needs his face on the telly. Let’s face it he does not need his mug on the HOL videos, but he has to, it’s ego. It’s arrogance. Also read his posts advertising HOL, he speaks over and over about the numbers, the clicks, the views. It’s all about the likes and the cha-ching. Hence the ever-growing number of ‘House of Tenuous Links’ videos that come out. What have we had now Nichola Bulley, Bagels and Tigers. He is getting desperate… but he needs to keep getting on the Telly and like I said if it was not about the £££ then let him donate all the proceeds to the local Mosque.
    From where I’m from his is akin to this Viz character… (surely now I've earned a mention on the next HOL.)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Cockney.jpg
Views:	489
Size:	22.5 KB
ID:	833554

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  • caz
    Originally posted by Lewis C View Post

    Last I heard, Trevor's suspect was Carl Feigenbaum. The theory was that Feigenbaum, who isn't known to have lived in England, was a sailor that killed the Ripper victims when his ship stopped in London. I find the theory extremely unlikely, but it would be even more far-fetched if a sailor had to make enough trips to London to kill not only the Ripper victims, but also the Torso victims. So my guess is that he wouldn't have settled on Feigenbaum as a suspect if he hadn't rejected the idea that JtR also killed the Torso victims.
    That's generous of you, Lewis, concerning dear Trevor. Too many suspect theorists do it the other way round: pounce on a suspect that floats their boat, then stamp on any evidence that would give that man an alibi or otherwise make them an unlikely murderer.



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  • caz
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Last I heard, Butler was sleeping with one of Lechmere's descendants, Susan Clapp, another fascist.
    They've been together for years, Fiver. I'm ashamed to say that when I used to see Susan at the Whitechapel Society meetings she struck me as friendly and sociable, although I could never understand how Ed persuaded her that Lechmere was a murderous bastard, or why she seemed happy to believe it! She kept her political leanings quiet whenever we chatted, thank goodness, or there could have been a right old cat fight in the Aldgate Exchange! Oh my fur and whiskers!



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  • caz
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    Apologies I know this post was not aimed at me. I totally agree they were given a dossier on Lechmere presenting an argument for his guilt. I understand that. However they still did not do it in a none biased, factual way. Hence my other thread where I find 30 or so 'inaccuracies' in a 48 min film. Like I said in post #78 a documentary is supposed to be a factual report. This is by no way a factual report.
    Please also bear in mind the last sentence by the narrator a long the lines of '..but Christer believes unless solid evidence emerges to the contrary he has found the man behind the legend and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Charles Allen Lechmere was Jack The Ripper.' That is a pretty bold statement to make.

    So yes I totally agree it was a documentary to show Lechmere was guilty but it failed dramatically, in my opinion.
    Hi Geddy,

    While documentaries should always be as factually accurate as possible, and be balanced where balance is due, I don't see how it would be possible to produce a JtR doc, based on someone's theory of who dunnit and why, without polarising the viewers and ruffling feathers. If you insist on watching it, you suck it up and either buy into it or spit it out. Nobody is forcing you to believe a word of it, if the evidence isn't made to stack up or the speculation levels are sky high. Who among us would expect such a documentary to keep pointing out to the intellectually challenged that the theory being explored isn't definitive and may well be wrong? If it comes across as a piece of fanciful or egotistical crap, that's for Christer to worry about. I didn't watch it because from what I've read here on both sides of the divide, in Christer's posts as well as many others, I doubted I would learn anything new or surprising, and life's too short!

    Christer's enthusiasm for his subject has driven me to distraction at times, and he's a stubborn so-and-so, but I don't see him changing so I rarely bother to challenge him these days. I did try several times over that bloody tarpaulin, but it was like talking to a brick wall. He either couldn't or wouldn't consider that he just may have got his whole theory wrong for a ha'porth of tarpaulin. His worst offence, however, from where I'm sitting, was not when he once suggested I go away and do some baking or knitting, but when he tried to deny that it was a sexist remark, claiming that one of his best male friends liked knitting! It was the moment when I realised that being wrong was not one of Christer's faults, living in a world where white can be black.

    As for Ed Butler.... unprintable.



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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by caz View Post

    Ed Butler? Donate to the Whitechapel Mosque?

    I think I need to go and have a little lie down, Geddy.
    You saying it's not likely then?

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  • caz
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    Yeah he will be raking it in, going to run out of tenuous links soon mind. I did suggest if it was all for the good of Ripperology that he donated the YouTube proceeds to the local Whitechapel Mosque but I did not get a reply..

    They only win if you let them go unchallenged... same as most egotistical, arrogant bullies...
    Ed Butler? Donate to the Whitechapel Mosque?

    I think I need to go and have a little lie down, Geddy.



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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    To be fair, almost every one of the hundreds of proposed suspects is unlikely to be the Ripper. The few exceptions are the suspects who couldn't have done it, like Ostrog.
    In my opinion several have more going for them than Paul or Lechmere although frankly that's a low bar.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by Lewis C View Post

    If Reid thought that the murders extended to 1892, that would also pretty much eliminate Tumblety as a possibility, since he returned to America in 1888.
    That's a good point. It would also mean Reid discounted Bury and Chapman as suspects.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

    It's disappointing because witnesses turned into suspects are unlikely to have been Jack the Ripper.
    To be fair, almost every one of the hundreds of proposed suspects is unlikely to be the Ripper. The few exceptions are the suspects who couldn't have done it, like Ostrog.

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  • John Wheat
    Originally posted by Paddy Goose View Post
    Hello Lewis,

    Maybe we, all of us are the vocal ones. Perhaps people check in and notice we're always on the top line discussing Lechmere.

    Which is how Christer's video happened. The film company asked a regular poster was there a suspect being talked about a lot here. The answer was of course "Yes, Lechmere." That was a decade ago. Same answer now.
    It's disappointing because witnesses turned into suspects are unlikely to have been Jack the Ripper.

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  • Paddy Goose
    Hello Lewis,

    Originally posted by Lewis C View Post

    ... it sure seems like there's more interest there in Lechmere than in Chapman. Maybe that goes back to your point about a vocal minority.
    Maybe we, all of us are the vocal ones. Perhaps people check in and notice we're always on the top line discussing Lechmere.

    Which is how Christer's video happened. The film company asked a regular poster was there a suspect being talked about a lot here. The answer was of course "Yes, Lechmere." That was a decade ago. Same answer now.

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  • Lewis C
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Are they even a plurality?

    For Ripper Tours, the Maybrick suspect video on Youtube has 202k views. 162k views for Aaron Kosminski. The George Chapman video has 147k views. Christer's Lechmere suspect video has 111k. That's not far ahead of Tumblety at 90k and Buckley at 86k.
    Maybe you're right. I find it very interesting that the Chapman video has more views than the Lechmere one, because it sure seems like there's more interest there in Lechmere than in Chapman. Maybe that goes back to your point about a vocal minority.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post
    Are they even a plurality?
    Whatever they are there are too many of them. 'Sheep' seems to be a better term. Yes I'm looking to get a mention in the next video, it will be something to brag about to the Grandchildren

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