Originally posted by Ben
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"Likely" is not evidence, and you know it.
Not to you perhaps, but an appreciable number of serious and well-respected authors and researchers consider it a perfectly "convincing" ..
......scenario that PC Long, who failed to investigate the occupants of the Wentworth Model Dwellings
...and who was dismissed a year later for being drunk on duty, may have missed it.
Is this another character attack?
At the very least, the idea receives no less mainstream support than the notion that the apron was absent when Long first passed the spot.
We.... do not know what route he took, or when he took it, so your objection to my initial point is found to be baseless.
You have no evidence of the route he took away from the crime scene.
Even if the apron wasn't there first time around, how does this argue against him taking the most direct route?
Who's to say that if he did have his own home and lived there alone, he wouldn't have dispatched and disposed of his victims there, like Nielsen, Gacy, and Dahmer did.

No evidence at all that the police turned lodging houses "inside out"...
I'm not saying that the killer "had" to be local, but it's the safest and most likely explanation given the evidence and what we know, or ought to have informed ourselves, about known serial killers.