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The Mizen scam

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  • Good Morning, Fisherman ! Hope you are well on this bright and sunny day (well -it is sunny in the South of France, anyway...).


    • [HTML][Lechmere]
      Moomin , i rather think if you go back through the numerous blar,blar,blar [/HTML]

      Here is the thing about the name calling Lech .. We have a saying in London that goes along the lines of "Dont Tear The arse out of it "

      You see comedy , like many things has a sell by date . You may be familiar with the saying "comedy timing" ie A man walks into a pub , tells a joke , its funny ! [verses] A man walks into a pub , tells the same joke every day for a month ( he's a bore )

      I throw you this little bone Lech, not because i am offended by your Moomin name for me , but because i'm feeling generous , and maybe this little bit of information will keep you from being that bore in the pub that everyone tries to avoid ..

      And once again , you've gotta think topical, funny and relevant ..

      See how this works [ Lechsmear ] or maybe [ Leech ]

      Verses ..... [moomin]

      Cheers , hope this helps you out in the future ..

      moonbegger ..


      • Taxiiiiiiiiii !

        Good Morning, Moonbegger ! (go look at your 'in box').


        • Good Morning, Lechmere ! A nice cup of tea ???


          • Morninī, Ruby! Yep, that French weather stretches all the way up here too. Thanks for sharing!

            The best,


            • Moonbegger:

              "You see comedy , like many things has a sell by date . You may be familiar with the saying "comedy timing" ie A man walks into a pub , tells a joke , its funny ! [verses] A man walks into a pub , tells the same joke every day for a month ( he's a bore ) "

              It may actually not even work - it can get better. Just like that.

              You may remember that last line? Tommy Cooper. Used it throughout his career, and it was funnier every time you heard it! So maybe Moomin will stick. I find it very funny myself, but that mostly owes to the spelling. Moomin is Mumin in Swedish, but it is pronounced Moomin, owing to the fact that it was originally written by a woman who spoke Finlandic Swedish. And that does funny things to the pronounciations. Just like that.

              Iīll call you Moonbegger myself, however. Promise.

              The best,


              • "Moomin is Mumin in Swedish, but it is pronounced Moomin, owing to the fact that it was originally written by a woman who spoke Finlandic Swedish. And that does funny things to the pronounciations. Just like that "

                Glad you cleared that one up for me

                Well i guess its just as well the world doesn't rely upon the Swedish for their Comedy

                As for TC , The Man was and always will be a Legend .

                moonbegger .
                Last edited by moonbegger; 08-09-2012, 07:33 AM.


                • Moonbegger:

                  "Well i guess its just as well the world doesn't rely upon the Swedish for their Comedy"

                  ... or on the Brits for their cooking! David Frost all over again ...

                  "As for TC , The Man was and always will be a Legend ."

                  A hundred per cent agreed!

                  The best,


                  • These flashes of sensitivity Moonbeggar are most disarming.
                    I must confess that I settled on Moomin, in preference to Mind boggler et al was that I imagined it might grate. I have a good instinct for such things.
                    As for the ‘name calling’, at risk of sounding childish (on this forum?)... you started it!
                    But I will promise to refrain from using your catchphrase again!
                    Just like that!

                    Hopefully you will now be able to focus your boundless energy on refuting the Cross/Lechmere theory.


                    • As for the ‘name calling’, at risk of sounding childish (on this forum?)... you started it!
                      Actually -I started it.

                      Moonbegger -you're not very gifted at it...Ben's 'Fetchbeer' was funnier.
                      Last edited by Rubyretro; 08-09-2012, 03:15 PM.


                      • Hello
                        Fish, lech.

                        Lech says he was late to work the morning Polly was killed. Did he tell his boss why he was late? Did he ever tell his boss and or coworkers he was a witness and/or that he had to attend the inquest?
                        "Is all that we see or seem
                        but a dream within a dream?"

                        -Edgar Allan Poe

                        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                        -Frederick G. Abberline


                        • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                          Fish, lech.

                          Lech says he was late to work the morning Polly was killed. Did he tell his boss why he was late? Did he ever tell his boss and or coworkers he was a witness and/or that he had to attend the inquest?
                          Forgive me Abby, if I reply...

                          But how the effing hell would you expect Fish and Lechmere to know the definite answer to that ??

                          Cross/Lechmere said that he got to work at 4 am. I don't know that he was late for work...he was held up on his journey, which made him run late.

                          My bare knowledge of the area (and I 'walk' for pleasure ) would suggest to me that it would have been difficult for him to get to his job at 4 am.

                          What he would have told his Boss & Co-workers is shrouded in mystery (and speculation).

                          I have bummed off work when I was younger and simply said that I was ill.
                          (We all know all the common excuses -impossible to prove).


                          • Abbey
                            As ruby says we have no answer to any of those questions beyond conjecture.
                            Cross says he left home at 3.30 and got to work at 4.
                            Walking a longer route, stopping at Polly's body and with Mizen makes this virtually impossible. Unless he was actually around eight minutes out when be left home and when he arrived at work then his timings make absolutely no sense (ie 3.38 and 4.08 - or better 4.10)
                            Last edited by Lechmere; 08-09-2012, 06:40 PM.


                            • Well. Abby, I wish Ruby was wrong, but she is not - I havenīt got the faintest.
                              But you are perhaps asking what I think, and not what I know?

                              If so, I think that if he was our man, then he would have served a story that went down smoothly at Pickfords.

                              As for the probably late arrival on the morning of the 31:st, it is hard to tell what time ha arrived at. As Frank van Oploo has suggested, it may perhaps not have amassed to much time. Maybe he came in some minutes late, unnoticed, I donīt know. And I donīt see what relevance it would have.

                              As for telling his coworkers about the inquest, my hunch is that he would avoid to do that if he could. Lechmere (the poster) has spoken to members of the Lechmere family, and it seems quite clear that Charles did not make his contribution to the Ripper saga any party piece or pub tale - none of the relatives had any knowledge at all about the minutes of fame coupled to the inquest.
                              Comparing this to Toppyīs family story, where his relatives knew very well about his claim, and Coxīs story, where the stuff was also passed down through the generations, Iīd say that there is a fair chance that Charles Lechmere simply chose not to speak of it all - for some reason. And you know what reason I can think of, of course.

                              All the best,


                              • Originally posted by Lechmere View Post
                                As ruby says we have no answer to any of those questions beyond conjecture.
                                Cross says he left home at 3.30 and got to work at 4.
                                Walking a longer route, stopping at Polly's body and with Mizen makes this virtually impossible. Unless he was actually around eight minutes out when be left home and when he arrived at work then his timings make absolutely no sense (ie 3.38 and 4.08 - or better 4.10)
                                Thanks lech
                                I did not know if we had an answer to those questions.

                                So not only is the timing off from the time he said he left home to the time he found the body, the timing fromn home to work is all off too. interesting.

                                Ok so we dont know the answers to my questions so please conject away-do you think he told his boss/cowrkers why he was late.
                                Do you think he told his boss he needed off for the inquest?
                                Im interested in your thoughts on this.
                                "Is all that we see or seem
                                but a dream within a dream?"

                                -Edgar Allan Poe

                                "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                                quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                                -Frederick G. Abberline

