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Joseph Carson

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  • Joseph Carson

    Found this somewhere (I think posted on this site), and just wanted to share

    The Times (London). 1 January 1927
    Joseph Carson, 65, an inmate of the West ham Union Institution, Whipps Cross road, Walthamstow, was charged on his own confession at Old street Police Court yesterday with murdering Jane Williams at Duval street, on December 29.

    Police Sergeant Lane stated that the defendant came into the Bow road police station on Wednesday afternoon and said, "I have murdered a woman at Spitalfields today." He was cautioned, and said. "I have come to give myself up. I cannot stand it any longer." The witness asked him the name of the woman and where it had occurred, and he said, "Jennie Williams, in a court off Gossett street, Spitalfields, opposite a church. It was just before 12 o'clock today. I strangled her."

    In reply to the Magistrate the witness said that the defendant appeared perfectly sober and rational.

    Mr. Clarke Hall (to the defendant) - Have you any questions to ask the sergeant?

    Carson - I did not do anything. The woman was dead, I found out.

    Mr. Clarke Hall - That may be. We will inquire into that later on, but if you agree that what the sergeant has said is right you need not ask any questions.

    Carson - I do not deny I was upset and may have said anything like that, but I do not agree with it now. I know I did not murder that woman.

    Detective Inspector Boreham said a post mortem examination of the body would be made, and he applied for a remand.

    Carson was remanded till Monday.


    The report says Gosset Street, but I can find no such place. I suspect that it is a mis-hearing of Dorset Street "in a court off Dorset Street", especially given the follow up report - see next post

  • #2
    The Times (London). 4 January 1927
    Joseph Carson, 65, an inmate of the West ham Guardians' institution, Forest House, Walthamstow, was brought before Mr. Snell at Old street Police Court yesterday charged on remand and on his own confession with the murder of Jane Williams at Miller court, Spitalfields, on December 29. Detective Inspector Boreham informed the magistrate that the case was one in which the defendant gave himself up for the wilful murder of a woman. There had been a post mortem examination made, and a verdict of "Death from natural causes" had been returned by the jury at the inquest and he would like to withdraw the charge. He thought Carson was under the influence of drink at the time he made his statement to the police.

    Mr. Snell (to Carson):- You are discharged.


    See what I mean! Miller's Court, off Dorset Street.

    This actually made me shudder when I read it for the first time. Here we have a 66 year old man drunkenly confessing to a murder in Miller's Court - that turned out to be 'death by natural causes'.
    Perhaps the discovery of the body in a deserted and marked for demolition Miller's Court gave our Mr Carson a flashback causing him to confess! Perhaps he meant to confess "I strangled her and then I ripped her"...
    OK perhaps not, but I think it is very strange, to say the least. There is lots more to this than meets the eye, I think.
    And actually, Carson would have been 26 in 1888... Makes you think!

