A curious sounding incident recorded here: https://archive.org/stream/b19974760...M0624_djvu.txt
"The defendant's representative said he was in a. very bad way, as he had ten judgments against him." - this line in particular, was he bankrupt and in debt in 1891 and so did a runner to the USA to escape his creditors? This does seem to say something of his character.
" Take all the Epsom Salts." — In the City of Lon- don Court on Monday, before Mr. Commissioner Kerr, the case of Bowles and Cross v. Swyer was heard. The plains- tiffs, Messrs. Bowles & Cross, of 3 Lambeth Hill, E.C., sought to have the defendant, Mr. Septimus Swyer, surgeon, of 23 Whitechapel Road, committed to prison for the nonpay- ment of 51. 16s. lOd. due. The plaintiffs' representative said the defendant was in a very good position and with a good- practice. The defendant's representative said he was in a. very bad way, as he had ten judgments against him. Mr. Commissioner Kerr : Why do the plaintiffs not levy on his drugs and other things ? The Plaintiffs' representative : Can we do that ? Mr. Commissioner Kerr : Yes, take all the Epsom salts you can find in particular. (Laughter.) No order was therefore made on this summons, the plaintiffs to levy execution on the defendant's goods.