Oh dear. Gale.... I admit it, your questions had to be avoided because they pointed so clearly to HTL's friend's involvement in the Ripper murders...
Right. Your questions.
Er..... honestly don't see your point, but what the hell. No, Stonehenge is an arrangement of stones. There is scholarly debate about what purpose the arrangement served or symbolised. I don't quite see the purpose of the comparison, in all honesty. Are you simply going to list any human artifact from any era whose purpose is not precisely known and extrapolate from that the suggestion that painted scenes of Parisian nightlife must therefore be accepted as probably holding clues to the squalid and very unglamorous murders of prostitutes in a different country, down dirty little back alleys? You're welcome to do that if you wish, but frankly I think it's illogical, ill-informed, subjective, and rather tiresome. We know a sufficient amount about Lautrec, his world, his friends, and his oeuvre to make your comparison absolutely redundant. Bizarre.
Why not!? I don't know, and I rather think you don't know. Or let us put it another way: what is your explanation for her presence or for her pallor? You find it impossible to believe she was sketched in that position by Lautrec. Fine, I'll take your word for it for the sake of argument. What then? Tell me what she is doing there, how he came up with her image, what was the process? What does she mean? Rather than constantly planting little insinuations and ridiculing perfectly commonsense explanations as being insufficiently 'radical', whatever the bleep that means, why don't you tell us??? Actually state something! She didn't hold a pose like that while he sketched her, so.... what, then?
Oh, bravo! Find me any picture by any major artist that does not reveal 'deliberate arrangement'! It's what artists do! D'uh!!!! You're not saying anything, Gale. You're stating the frickin obvious and expecting us to take it as evidence of knowledge of the Ripper murders. Yes, it was clearly arranged deliberately and cleverly - because (a) that's how artists work, always? - or (b) he needed to be the latest great artist to hide clues about the Ripper murders in his work?
I dunno Gale, it's just one great mystery innit? The guy was clearly some kind of mysteriously clever artist who arranged his pictures and compositions deliberately and thoughtfully, and humorously, instead of just blowing pigments out of his anus and hoping they landed in some interesting pattern on the canvas.... jeez, this is tiresome old stuff.

Right. Your questions.
And I suppose Stonehenge is just a pile of stones and there is no mystery there either...........
Do you really think she held a pose like that while Lautrec sketched her? No way!
The composition of the picture reveals deliberate arrangement.
I mean how did Lautrec himself make an appearance in his own painting?