Originally posted by Siobhan Patricia Mulcahy
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And this is the problem with amateur profiling (and objections to others profiles) in particular. Celee's post may have been tongue-in-cheek, but too many 'Ripperologists' are more concerned with creating/agreeing with a profile that fits thier already chosen suspect than even attempting to look at it objectively. By the same token, someone comes along with a profile that dosen't fit the 'Ripperologists' already chosen suspect, and that someone obviously dosen't know what they're talking about.
I don't set a great store on profiles personally, but I would sooner trust one coming from a dispassionate party, with experience and a wealth of statistical information to call on, than someone who's already identified (and who's reputation might depend upon) a particular suspect. The professional's profile may not be accurate, but at least I can be confident it was created objectively (or, as far as any exercise involving human input can be objective) over one drawn up by someone with a vested interest in a particular conclusion.
A wilful subjectivity has been the bane of research in this field for far too long.