A book about induction coils included a discussion of producing light using variously shaped vacuum tubes. The frontispiece shows the gear needed to do this. Conveniently, the book also includes a catalog which offers many of the items discussed in the book.
The Inductorium, Or, Induction Coil: Being a Popular Explanation (London: John Churchill, 1868, 3rd edition), link
by Henry Minchin Noad
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Pages 96-97
[Neither the atmosphere nor the appearance of your room would have been improved by this patriotic lighting display.]
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Page 121
Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments
Manufactured and Sold by William Ladd
Mr. Ladd's obit:
The Electrician, Volume 14, April 25, 1885, Page 495
We regret to announce the death of Mr. William Ladd, F.R.A.S., at his residence, Burnt Ash Hill, on Thursday, the 16th inst., at the age of 70. Mr. Ladd was well known in scientific and commercial circles for his efforts in the field of electrical research, for during the decade extending from 1860 to 1870 he took a very prominent part in introducing into practical utility the then comparatively obscure science of electricity, which is now deservedly receiving marked attention as the leading science of the day. Nor was his interest in this line confined merely to any particular branch of the science, for we find him at one time in correspondence with Prof. Reis, who may be said to have made the earliest efforts towards recording the sound of the human voice transmitted over long distances. A letter is still extant in which Prof. Reis explains to Mr. Ladd his views upon this question, and the partial success that attended his efforts. Mr. Ladd was well known as the inventor and constructor of some of the largest induction coils and electrical apparatus, manufactured under his supervision at his premises in Beak-street, Regent-street.
In 1867 Mr. Ladd brought forward a dynamo machine, which in many respects showed a marked improvement on the previous dynainos of Siemens, Varley, and Wilde, and whereby many of the then existing difficulties in the way of constructing dynamos for practical and commercial use were removed. Somewhat later, in the year 1878, Mr. Ladd was instrumental in introducing into this country the Wallace-Farmer system of electric lighting from America, where it had met with considerable success. The dynamos and arc lamps employed on this system underwent considerable improvement at Mr. Ladd's hands ; and one of the earliest installations of electric lighting afforded to the public was made under Mr. Ladd’s supervision on the above system at the Liverpool-street Terminus of the Great Eastern Railway.
Mr. Ladd was from the time of its formation a director of the Anglo-American Brush Electric Light Corporation (Limited), and also of the Electrical Power Storage Company, and he took an active interest in the administration of these companies until almost the day of his death.
From the Ladd catalog I learned that the name rendered as "Dubosque" in a Kahn museum ad and as "Dubosc" i some references should be spelled "Duboscq." Here's a bio:
Biography: Or, Third Division of "The English Encyclopedia" (London: Bradbury, Evans, Co., 1872), Pages 482-483
edited by Charles Knight
DUBOSCQ, JULES, bom in 1817, served on apprenticeship to a relative, M. Soleil, an optical instrument maker, to whom he went in 1830. Under him he studied the planning and construction of apparatus for the diffraction and polarisation of light. In 1849 he succeeded Soleil in his business, and afterwards invented many new kinds of photogenic apparatus. One was an electric lamp, especially adapted for use in mines. He was among the first to apply the stereoscope successfully to pairs of photographs. His various instruments won for him the Council Medal of the Great Exhibition of 1851, the first-class medals of the New York Exhibition of 1853 and the Paris Exhibition of 1855, and the Gold Medal of the Society d' Encouragement in 1866. After the International Exhibition of 1862, he was decorated with the legion of honour. At the Paris Exhibition in 1867, Duboscq displayed apparatus for the study of optics. He has contributed to the 'Comptes Rendus' a 'Note sur une regulateur electrique,' 1850; 'Note sur le Collodion sec,' 1850; 'Note sur un Nouveau Compensateur pour la Saccharimfetre' (with Soleil), 1850.
An article about the system used by Duboscq to create lighting effects for the then new Paris Opera House:
Nature, March 11, 1875, Pages 369-371
Science at the New Paris Opera, Part II
All branches of Physics are represented in the New Opera; Heat, Light, Optics, Electricity, Acoustics play their different parts. So far as acoustic instruments are concerned, we may refer to an organ constructed by M. Cavaillé-Coll, and formed of eighteen registers, distributed over two key-boards, and a complete foot-board. This organ is worked by four pedals, vibrating the air contained in 1,032 pipes, of which some are more than five metres in height, and above 30 metre in diameter, But it is the electric light which has most interest for us.
After giving a brief account of the invention and history of the voltaic pile, M. Tissandier proceeds to describe the battery connected with the New Opera, which has been organised by M. Duboscq.
The electric light may be thrown upon the magnificent stage by means of a Bunsen battery of 360 elements, which is established in a room on the ground floor, the length of which is not less than seven metres. M. Duboscq has here arranged six tables of 2.75 metres long by .75 metre broad, which each support a Bunsen battery of sixty elements (Fig. 5). This battery is placed upon the table which is made of very thick unpolished glass that cannot be injured by the acids. The elements are arranged in four rows of fifteen each. The table is provided underneath with a board which supports a large rectangular basin, in which plates are placed after they have been used. The jars of the battery, filled with nitric acid, are, after being used, placed in a tub containing the acid and closed with a wooden lid.
In order to work a battery of such power under favourable comditions, M. Dubosq has had to make special arrangemnets for the preparation of the sulphuric acid liquid as well as for the zinc amalgams ncessary to put the system of batteries in action.
At the right corner of the electric room is a large reservoir, of the capacity of about one cubic metre, where water mixed with one-tenth of sulphuric acid can be stored. A spigot permits this liquid to run into a vertical siphon formed of a large tube, into which an areometer is plunged to ascertain its quality, and make sure that the preparation has been made in the proper proportions. The reservoir is furnished at its lower part with an earthenware pipe which is conducted along the walls of the room, opposite the six battery tables. Beside each table an earthenware spigot enables the operators to run the liquid into earthenware jugs, from which they fill the battery jars with the liquid.
By an excellent precaution M. Duboscq has obviated the dangerous action of the nitrous vapours, by placing here and there upon the piles saucers containing ammonia, which condenses them.
Each table, as we have said, forms a battery of sixty elements. The electric wires are conducted along the wall at the bottom of the room, where they traverse six galvanometers (Fig. 6). Each of these galvanometers indicates, by means of the needle with which it is provided, the condition of the battery to which it corresponds. The six isolating wires, after leaving the six galvanometers, pass along the walls to the stage, where the currents which they carry may be utilised either singly or by twos or threes, according to the degree of intensity which it is wished to give to the light. The distance which the current runs from the electric room to the most distant point of the stage is about 122 metres;; the total length of all the wires is about 1,200 metres.
M. Duboscq, imitating the systems of telegraphic wires, makes use of the earth as a return current; one of the poles of each battery is in communication with the iron of the building. Without this arrangement it would have been necessary to double the length of the wires.
In most instances M. Duboscq places his electric lamp on one of the wooden galleries which run along the higher regions of the scenery above the stage. It is from this artificial sky that he, a new Phoebus, darts upon the nymphs of the ballet the rays of his electric sun. It is from here, decomposing the light by means of the vapour of water, he throws upon the stage a veritable rainbow, as in Moses; again, it is thus that he causes the light from the painted windows to fall upon the flags of the church where Margaret is in the clutches of remorse. Sometimes the electric apparatus is placed on a level with the stage, when it is sought to produce certain special effects, such as that of the fountain of wine in Gounod's opera. The lime-light is also used to produce certain brilliant effects in the New Opera.
It will thus be seen that the electrical arrangements in the New Opera leave little to be desired. There is an electric battery of extraordinary power, which might be profitably used for certain experiments of high interest, requiring an electric power of great intensity. , M. Tissandier makes the very happy suggestion that this powerful battery might be utilised for the purpose of scientific research, and we hope that those who have the management of the Opera will take his hint; they ought to remember how much their art owes to the researches of science. He also very appropriately suggests that the Government which has made such a lavish expenditure, forty million francs, on a place of amusement, might also benefit the country even more by doing something to restore to efficiency the buildings in which the work of science is carried on. At all events it will be seen that in this magnificent building Science occupies a place of no mean importance.
The Inductorium, Or, Induction Coil: Being a Popular Explanation (London: John Churchill, 1868, 3rd edition), link
by Henry Minchin Noad
Pages 96-97
[Neither the atmosphere nor the appearance of your room would have been improved by this patriotic lighting display.]
Page 121
Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments
Manufactured and Sold by William Ladd
Mr. Ladd's obit:
The Electrician, Volume 14, April 25, 1885, Page 495
We regret to announce the death of Mr. William Ladd, F.R.A.S., at his residence, Burnt Ash Hill, on Thursday, the 16th inst., at the age of 70. Mr. Ladd was well known in scientific and commercial circles for his efforts in the field of electrical research, for during the decade extending from 1860 to 1870 he took a very prominent part in introducing into practical utility the then comparatively obscure science of electricity, which is now deservedly receiving marked attention as the leading science of the day. Nor was his interest in this line confined merely to any particular branch of the science, for we find him at one time in correspondence with Prof. Reis, who may be said to have made the earliest efforts towards recording the sound of the human voice transmitted over long distances. A letter is still extant in which Prof. Reis explains to Mr. Ladd his views upon this question, and the partial success that attended his efforts. Mr. Ladd was well known as the inventor and constructor of some of the largest induction coils and electrical apparatus, manufactured under his supervision at his premises in Beak-street, Regent-street.
In 1867 Mr. Ladd brought forward a dynamo machine, which in many respects showed a marked improvement on the previous dynainos of Siemens, Varley, and Wilde, and whereby many of the then existing difficulties in the way of constructing dynamos for practical and commercial use were removed. Somewhat later, in the year 1878, Mr. Ladd was instrumental in introducing into this country the Wallace-Farmer system of electric lighting from America, where it had met with considerable success. The dynamos and arc lamps employed on this system underwent considerable improvement at Mr. Ladd's hands ; and one of the earliest installations of electric lighting afforded to the public was made under Mr. Ladd’s supervision on the above system at the Liverpool-street Terminus of the Great Eastern Railway.
Mr. Ladd was from the time of its formation a director of the Anglo-American Brush Electric Light Corporation (Limited), and also of the Electrical Power Storage Company, and he took an active interest in the administration of these companies until almost the day of his death.
From the Ladd catalog I learned that the name rendered as "Dubosque" in a Kahn museum ad and as "Dubosc" i some references should be spelled "Duboscq." Here's a bio:
Biography: Or, Third Division of "The English Encyclopedia" (London: Bradbury, Evans, Co., 1872), Pages 482-483
edited by Charles Knight
DUBOSCQ, JULES, bom in 1817, served on apprenticeship to a relative, M. Soleil, an optical instrument maker, to whom he went in 1830. Under him he studied the planning and construction of apparatus for the diffraction and polarisation of light. In 1849 he succeeded Soleil in his business, and afterwards invented many new kinds of photogenic apparatus. One was an electric lamp, especially adapted for use in mines. He was among the first to apply the stereoscope successfully to pairs of photographs. His various instruments won for him the Council Medal of the Great Exhibition of 1851, the first-class medals of the New York Exhibition of 1853 and the Paris Exhibition of 1855, and the Gold Medal of the Society d' Encouragement in 1866. After the International Exhibition of 1862, he was decorated with the legion of honour. At the Paris Exhibition in 1867, Duboscq displayed apparatus for the study of optics. He has contributed to the 'Comptes Rendus' a 'Note sur une regulateur electrique,' 1850; 'Note sur le Collodion sec,' 1850; 'Note sur un Nouveau Compensateur pour la Saccharimfetre' (with Soleil), 1850.
An article about the system used by Duboscq to create lighting effects for the then new Paris Opera House:
Nature, March 11, 1875, Pages 369-371
Science at the New Paris Opera, Part II
All branches of Physics are represented in the New Opera; Heat, Light, Optics, Electricity, Acoustics play their different parts. So far as acoustic instruments are concerned, we may refer to an organ constructed by M. Cavaillé-Coll, and formed of eighteen registers, distributed over two key-boards, and a complete foot-board. This organ is worked by four pedals, vibrating the air contained in 1,032 pipes, of which some are more than five metres in height, and above 30 metre in diameter, But it is the electric light which has most interest for us.
After giving a brief account of the invention and history of the voltaic pile, M. Tissandier proceeds to describe the battery connected with the New Opera, which has been organised by M. Duboscq.
The electric light may be thrown upon the magnificent stage by means of a Bunsen battery of 360 elements, which is established in a room on the ground floor, the length of which is not less than seven metres. M. Duboscq has here arranged six tables of 2.75 metres long by .75 metre broad, which each support a Bunsen battery of sixty elements (Fig. 5). This battery is placed upon the table which is made of very thick unpolished glass that cannot be injured by the acids. The elements are arranged in four rows of fifteen each. The table is provided underneath with a board which supports a large rectangular basin, in which plates are placed after they have been used. The jars of the battery, filled with nitric acid, are, after being used, placed in a tub containing the acid and closed with a wooden lid.
In order to work a battery of such power under favourable comditions, M. Dubosq has had to make special arrangemnets for the preparation of the sulphuric acid liquid as well as for the zinc amalgams ncessary to put the system of batteries in action.
At the right corner of the electric room is a large reservoir, of the capacity of about one cubic metre, where water mixed with one-tenth of sulphuric acid can be stored. A spigot permits this liquid to run into a vertical siphon formed of a large tube, into which an areometer is plunged to ascertain its quality, and make sure that the preparation has been made in the proper proportions. The reservoir is furnished at its lower part with an earthenware pipe which is conducted along the walls of the room, opposite the six battery tables. Beside each table an earthenware spigot enables the operators to run the liquid into earthenware jugs, from which they fill the battery jars with the liquid.
By an excellent precaution M. Duboscq has obviated the dangerous action of the nitrous vapours, by placing here and there upon the piles saucers containing ammonia, which condenses them.
Each table, as we have said, forms a battery of sixty elements. The electric wires are conducted along the wall at the bottom of the room, where they traverse six galvanometers (Fig. 6). Each of these galvanometers indicates, by means of the needle with which it is provided, the condition of the battery to which it corresponds. The six isolating wires, after leaving the six galvanometers, pass along the walls to the stage, where the currents which they carry may be utilised either singly or by twos or threes, according to the degree of intensity which it is wished to give to the light. The distance which the current runs from the electric room to the most distant point of the stage is about 122 metres;; the total length of all the wires is about 1,200 metres.
M. Duboscq, imitating the systems of telegraphic wires, makes use of the earth as a return current; one of the poles of each battery is in communication with the iron of the building. Without this arrangement it would have been necessary to double the length of the wires.
In most instances M. Duboscq places his electric lamp on one of the wooden galleries which run along the higher regions of the scenery above the stage. It is from this artificial sky that he, a new Phoebus, darts upon the nymphs of the ballet the rays of his electric sun. It is from here, decomposing the light by means of the vapour of water, he throws upon the stage a veritable rainbow, as in Moses; again, it is thus that he causes the light from the painted windows to fall upon the flags of the church where Margaret is in the clutches of remorse. Sometimes the electric apparatus is placed on a level with the stage, when it is sought to produce certain special effects, such as that of the fountain of wine in Gounod's opera. The lime-light is also used to produce certain brilliant effects in the New Opera.
It will thus be seen that the electrical arrangements in the New Opera leave little to be desired. There is an electric battery of extraordinary power, which might be profitably used for certain experiments of high interest, requiring an electric power of great intensity. , M. Tissandier makes the very happy suggestion that this powerful battery might be utilised for the purpose of scientific research, and we hope that those who have the management of the Opera will take his hint; they ought to remember how much their art owes to the researches of science. He also very appropriately suggests that the Government which has made such a lavish expenditure, forty million francs, on a place of amusement, might also benefit the country even more by doing something to restore to efficiency the buildings in which the work of science is carried on. At all events it will be seen that in this magnificent building Science occupies a place of no mean importance.