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Trance Channeler Contacts JTR Gets Messages

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  • #16
    Your suspect is the ONLY one whose name proclaimed his deeds.
    heh heh


    • #17

      Originally posted by Robert View Post
      Well if JTR can't be Thomas Cutbush, I'm not playing.

      Pooey psychics!

      Heh, heh, heh!
      Good one, Robert! Oh, but you must come back so that we can read some more of your excellent posts!


      • #18
        Hi kwanitaka,

        If we take a look at the information that this channeler supposedly received, where in the following are we to believe the definitive information is to prove that?

        1. Jack the Ripper was not a local - he was a sailor or visiting merchant from the European mainland.

        Thats information that only the killer could know? Contemporary guesses about the killer including those of Victoria Regina suggested as much at the time,...but theres no ship name, no ports, no birthplace, no given name, no description, no trail of any sort.....and the evidence in the Ripper cases suggests strongly that the killer was as familiar with the local lanes, alleys and streets as a resident would have been. Not that he was necessarily, but that it wouldnt be a surprise.

        2. 4 victims: Nichols, Chapman, Stride and Eddowes.

        He includes Liz Stride when she is by far the least likely Ripper victim in the Canonical Group, and skips Mary Jane, thought by many to be the Rippers final act. Questionable that the actual list of kills includes and excludes those 2 women....and that it doesnt state 6 victims instead of 4 including the women he murdered before the Canonicals, which we'll hear about in point 6.

        3. He bragged about the first two and took a friend to the 3rd event to prove it to him/show off. The 3rd/double murder event was harrowing for the killer and so he stopped. Though Kelly, the 5th victim may have been killed by a copycat who knew the killer of the other 4.

        He took someone to Liz Strides murder to show off? The one where he does nothing Ripper-like at all? And although he manages to do all he does to Kate in mere minutes and escape without a trace once again, he is "harrowed" by the experience? The guess about Mary Jane is one I might make myself....but then again I wouldnt claim that I got that tidbit from the horses mouth, so to speak. And once we have anyone knowing who the killer was, this case its suggested a few times,...we have to wonder why they didnt turn him in for the substantial 500L plus reward money available after the Kelly murder?

        4. Wasn't a sex crime killer or a psychopath really - it was more like sport killing - in a place where killing women was routine.

        Interesting that we have the "really", as if a partial psycho with some sexual motivations might be applicable. It would appear again as if we are hearing some guesses about a potential profile, not some actual information from a reliable source.

        5. The perpetrator had killed twice within the prior 18 months in his homeland.

        The year and a half period interests me because its one specific thing that the voice from beyond has given us.

        The thing about revelations,... like this is alleged communication is supposed to be, that they are useless without some real applicable data, something qualifiable and previously unseen or unknown. The Saucy Jack postcard supposedly had that sort of proof by its knowledge of the Dear Boss contents...until you remember that it was postmarked OC1, and some papers had coverage of the Double Event late Sunday.

        I dont know if its possible to communicate with the dead... which would imply some kind of time continuum I suppose....I seriously doubt it....but if it was you'd think that just once we would have had a communication that would have provided us with some qualifiable information.... instead of something Nostradamus-esque.

        Now if we did have a Nostradamus prophecy something like the following to go along with this communication, then I might buy into this....

        "He will rise from the cattle farms, ....(Eastern European),...Lifted from the lands, the wind carries ill portent,......(he sails from his homeland to kill abroad)...
        he will dry the streams.....(drain his victims of blood)..........leaving Six sisters dreaming of night.....(Six women murdered)....the MacBondo Canon no more than a Quartet......(self explanatory )"

        Best regards Kwani
        Last edited by Guest; 11-29-2009, 03:05 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
          What edition?
          Revised paperback 1995. Robinson

          best wishes

          Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

          Justice for the 96 = achieved
          Accountability? ....


          • #20
            "He will rise from the cattle farms, ....(Eastern European),...Lifted from the lands, the wind carries ill portent,......(he sails from his homeland to kill abroad)...
            he will dry the streams.....(drain his victims of blood)..........leaving Six sisters dreaming of night.....(Six women murdered)....the MacBondo Canon no more than a Quartet......(self explanatory )"

            Hello Mike,

            Perhaps we should have asked for him to speak Cockney?

            "I was shuffling off down the frog one bright n' breazy, going to the Arthur, you know, to sausage a gooses, when I met canny Annie...." etc etc etc

            (I was ambling along down the road one bright and breazy morning on my way to the bank to cash a cheque, as one does, when I happened, perchance, to meet Annie Chapman....)

            Hang on a minute..if Norway is classed as mainland Europe... it must be Fogelma! (Or Fuglemas as they would spell it here)

            Oh joy and bliss!

            best wishes, as always

            Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

            Justice for the 96 = achieved
            Accountability? ....


            • #21

              Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
              "He will rise from the cattle farms, ....(Eastern European),...Lifted from the lands, the wind carries ill portent,......(he sails from his homeland to kill abroad)...
              he will dry the streams.....(drain his victims of blood)..........leaving Six sisters dreaming of night.....(Six women murdered)....the MacBondo Canon no more than a Quartet......(self explanatory )"

              Hello Mike,

              Perhaps we should have asked for him to speak Cockney?

              "I was shuffling off down the frog one bright n' breazy, going to the Arthur, you know, to sausage a gooses, when I met canny Annie...." etc etc etc

              (I was ambling along down the road one bright and breazy morning on my way to the bank to cash a cheque, as one does, when I happened, perchance, to meet Annie Chapman....)

              Hang on a minute..if Norway is classed as mainland Europe... it must be Fogelma! (Or Fuglemas as they would spell it here)

              Oh joy and bliss!

              best wishes, as always

              Hello again, Mr. Carter.
              After reading your last post I decided to look up the suspect Folgema as I am still aquainting myself with the basics of each suspect.
              The threads that I read pertaining to him that I found in Casebooks from a year or so ago wanted to know of any derivations of that name.
              I myself lived across the street in a town in Cincinnati, Oh. from a family named Vogel. And yes, it is of German derivation coming from reference to the river Vogel in Germany.
              I just thought that I would add that in my own small, humble way since I was waiting for someone to write that one in but seemingly nobody did, or has.


              • #22
                Originally posted by paynej49 View Post
                After reading your last post I decided to look up the suspect Folgema as I am still aquainting myself with the basics of each suspect.
                The threads that I read pertaining to him that I found in Casebooks from a year or so ago wanted to know of any derivations of that name.
                Hello again,

                I have sent you a pm that may help a little. PS, call me Phil... most do.
                (I've let myself in for something now!)

                best wishes

                Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                Justice for the 96 = achieved
                Accountability? ....


                • #23
                  So he's a shy sort of chap who didn't give his name.

                  And my personal favourite he took a friend along.

                  Felt a bit lonely on the first two did he?


                  • #24
                    How come no one has ever found a diary saying "I got Jack's Back?"
                    Regards Mike


                    • #25
                      if this kevin blackwell is so clever why are sheffield united so bad this season(sorry to non footballing follwers)

                      Btw have to agree why didn't he just ask "what is your name?"

                      still learning


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by dixon9 View Post

                        Btw have to agree why didn't he just ask "what is your name?"
                        still learning

                        Perhaps he didn't like to pry


                        • #27
                          Lets be honest all this fraud has done is to interpret snippits about the Ripper case and incorporate them into a message from beyond.
                          Dismissing Tabram, as a victim[ which many of us dont], placing Stride as a victim[ which many of us dont] and including an accomplice in Berner street, which would explain Pipeman.
                          Then because of the month of october was murder free, interprets that as, the end of the killers reign, and therefore concludes[ which many of us do] that MJK was a copycat.
                          In other words answers all the much discussed aspects of the case.
                          Was Tabram a victim.?
                          Was Stride a victim?
                          Was Pipeman involved?
                          Why no murders in october?
                          Was MJK a Ripper murder?
                          We could all to precisely that, and i would conclude rather better.
                          Regards Richard.


                          • #28
                            hear hear

                            Hello Mike. Your post pretty well says all that needs be said.

                            Killed in his homeland? Where was that?

                            The best.


                            • #29
                              The biggest question for me would have been "How and when did you die?"

                              But I figure that the usual vague cold reading response would have been given!

                              I'm off for a cuppa, then I am gonna read my tea leaves, if I find Druitt at the bottom i'll let you all know!
                              Regards Mike


                              • #30
                                Another go?

                                Perhaps, just for us all, Kevin Blackwell might have another go at Jacky and be armed with the right questions this time.

                                Including the location of the removed body parts? as proof you know.

                                I'm with you Belinda, the friend along explains the different knife, too. Being a good host, Jacky-boy perhaps allowed his friend first honors.

                                "After you, chum."

                                "No, after you, Jacky."

                                "No, after you, I insist. You're my guest."

                                well, a little levity here early on a Sunday morning is a good thing.


