Originally posted by Monty
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Here's the thing, no one will ever know the true identity of Jack the Ripper. The murders happened over 120 years ago and it's still a mystery. It might as well have been the elephant man because the concept of a former circus freak with Proteus syndrome killing prostitutes in London is too awesome of an idea to ignore.
Hell it could have been a tag team between Treves and Merrick for all we know. There is little to no evidence on the case to name a "real" murderer. Anyways, does it even matter if a few prostitutes were murdered? It wouldn't be the first time, or the last.
Cinematically Jack the Ripper should be the elephant man, Dr. Victor Frankenstein, or Daniel Day-Lewis. Then Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper have a sword fight on Big Ben ending in a screen death. It would be revealed that Professor Moriarty orchestrated the entire thing, using the Ripper as a middleman for some satanic plot.
