Originally posted by Ben
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You might do well not to compare today's 'Politically Correct' society with the late Victorian 'Class-based' society.
I was suspicious of your failure to provide the sources for these quotes, and for good reason, because when I did some digging, I quickly discovered that they are two different versions of the same piece of inquest testimony
(GLRO) I remained a quarter of an hour in my room. Then went out she was still singing. I returned about one o'clock. She was singing then. I warmed my hands and went out again, she was still singing. I came in again at 3 o'clock. The light was out and there was no noise. I did not undress at all that night. I heard no noise, it was raining hard. I did not go to sleep at all. I heard nothing whatever after one o'clock. I heard men going in and out, several go in and out. I heard some go out at a quarter to six. I do not know what house he went out of. I heard no door shut, he did not pass my window.
Both comments in the same paragraph.
Simply because Prater and Lewis were both closer to Kelly's room. Nothing complicated here at all. Lewis's room was situated opposite Kelly's room, while Prater's was a floor above. Mary Cox's room, by contrast, was located as far away from Kelly's room as it was possible to be within the court.
Whatever she saw, or heard, one thing comes to mind, Cox appears to have got her times all wrong.
Well, I was trying to suggest a return to the topic, but people seem to prefer dredging up Hutchinson arguments again.
Hutchinson's name will be used periodically in this case, but your sole intent is to jump right in there and make another issue about his credibility. This is what you enjoy, and it does not go unnoticed.
If you don't want to have the "Hutchinson-discredited" argument for the millionth time, don't pick the fight.
What you choose to interpret is your business, but beyond having an opinion, you have nothing else.