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How about the "Bad Cop" ???

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  • How about the "Bad Cop" ???

    Hello you all!

    To put it simple;

    How credible you find the theories about a bad cop within the police force?

    All the best
    "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"

  • #2
    Reckon there were several who made sure Jack was not caught.

    Look at how quickly Abberline was on the case.


    • #3
      This news clip below was when Abberline left the Ripper case to handle the Cleveland Street Scandal, but it shows a hint of either somebody messing with Abberline to allow an escape to save reputations of certain people or he made the decision on his own. The last sentence is interesting. Not saying Abberline was a "Bad Cop", but there were higher influences perhaps in play.

      And then in the testimony of Jack Saul in the Ernest Parke trial, also involving the Cleveland Street Scandal, he had this to say about the police:

      And were you hunted out by the police? – No, they have never interferred. They have always been kind to me.
      Do you mean they have deliberately shut their eyes to your infamous practices? – They have had to shut their eyes to more than me.

      Times, 24 Jan 1890 (borrowed from a post from Chris Scott in 2004)

      Last edited by jerryd; 12-07-2017, 12:15 AM.


      • #4
        have you read the bank holiday murders there is a lot about shady police business


        • #5
          Like today a lot of suspect cops, don’t think they had anyth8ng to do wit( these murders but
          G U T

          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jerryd View Post
            This news clip below was when Abberline left the Ripper case to handle the Cleveland Street Scandal, but it shows a hint of either somebody messing with Abberline to allow an escape to save reputations of certain people or he made the decision on his own. The last sentence is interesting. Not saying Abberline was a "Bad Cop", but there were higher influences perhaps in play.

            And then in the testimony of Jack Saul in the Ernest Parke trial, also involving the Cleveland Street Scandal, he had this to say about the police:

            And were you hunted out by the police? – No, they have never interferred. They have always been kind to me.
            Do you mean they have deliberately shut their eyes to your infamous practices? – They have had to shut their eyes to more than me.

            Times, 24 Jan 1890 (borrowed from a post from Chris Scott in 2004)

            Wasn't the Cleveland Street scandal, "worse" than Jack as far as the social status of those involved? Or perhaps that's the rub, draw attention towards Cleveland Street and away from Jack?


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Station Cat View Post
              Wasn't the Cleveland Street scandal, "worse" than Jack as far as the social status of those involved? Or perhaps that's the rub, draw attention towards Cleveland Street and away from Jack?
              Hi SC,

              I'm not sure who you mean as being involved in the Ripper case? The police?

              The CSS involved a lot of very important figures in the British government, military and other men of high social status. The solicitor (Arthur Newton) for the Equerry to the Prince of Wales (Lord Somerset) and Charles Hammond, seemed to be complicit in the case as well. He was a key figure in allowing Hammond and Lord Somerset to escape. It's very interesting to see how the Ripper scare and the CSS played out about the same time in history. Previous to the CSS was the Dublin Castle Scandal of 1884, which also involved men of high status and involved the postal service, similar to the CSS. We see a few of the same players in both scandals.

              Was it possible some of the Ripper victims were employed by Hammond in some form or fashion? Hammond's wife was a French madame and it was thought that more than just boys were visiting the house on Cleveland Street.

              P.S- A police official was also named as a visitor to the house on Cleveland Street. His name was not mentioned.
              Last edited by jerryd; 12-11-2017, 10:51 AM.


              • #8
                Hello jerryd!

                The basic idea of this thread is if a 'bad cop' was Jack the Ripper.

                At least there has been a serial rapist in California who belonged to the local police force.

                All the best
                "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by j.r-ahde View Post
                  Hello jerryd!

                  The basic idea of this thread is if a 'bad cop' was Jack the Ripper.

                  At least there has been a serial rapist in California who belonged to the local police force.

                  All the best
                  Sorry to sidetrack. My fault.

                  I like Bernie Brown's idea on the railway cop theory. I think his theory has some credibility. I also have my own suspicions about PC Andrews in the Alice McKenzie murder, but I don't want to sidetrack again. Plus, she isn't considered by a lot of people to be a ripper victim.

