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Where does Joseph Fleming fit into the equation?

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  • Ben, you may as well read my answers to David.

    You try to pin a consistent, never-changing BMI on Thurman, I see, but that is not so. BMI:s change more than Ripperologists levels of ignorance vary. Thurman is NORMALLY on the mildly thin side, but may OCCASIONALLY end up on the normal side. Nicole Kidman, by the way, has been recorded as 16.4 . She has also been at higher levels, but she is normally on the mildly thin or moderately thin side.
    Not that this has stopped her from working, eating, having a career, travelling over the world, working out etcetera.

    You really need to stop your nonsense, Ben. We can all see that 17.3 is thin, but not by any means necessarily unhealthy. I have contaced an authority on this errand, so in a weeks time we can hopefully hear you say that I must have bored this authority enough to try and get rid of me by agreeing with me!

    Posh Spice belongs in this category to, by the bye!

    And a lot of other famed beauty queens.

    Of course, they are writhing in pains when we look away, being close on the brink of death due to their freakishly thin bodies.

    Or not.

    I think you are the only person I met who believes that freakish thinness takes over where normal leaves off. I so wonder why? Could you have an agenda...? Anyway, if you have it is of course faulty!

    It was very revealing to hear you first speaking cleverly about how my number one giant was not in England, so he did not count, only to instead claim that it did not matter that my giant number two also outpaced your tiny Yorkshire giant. Says a bit about how you argue, jumping from one type of argument to another as it suits you.
    And in the end, the whole issue was never whether these ENGLISH giants travelled abroad or not, was it? It was about whether England produced men that were a lot taller that the man you claimed was Englands tallest.
    My, that WOULD have suited you, would it not? But easy come easy go, Ben ... and that one just went.

    All the best,


    • Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
      ... and nothing indicates the opposite. Not one word about his physical appearence was spoken at the inquest. So Barnett and Venturney would not have known, otherwise they would of course have indulged in speaking about physionomies, as per you brilliant suggestion... or ...

      The best,
      Hi Ben,

      do I have to answer that incredible post ?

      Oh sigh, Fish... You just make yourself look ridiculous.

      Indeed, not one word about his (most remarkable) physical appearance. And that's why you are wrong. Completely so.

      All the best (with little hope, though)


      • Common ground.

        Hullo Fish, DVV. Can you at least agree that the Peter Jackson Tolkien movies are atrocious? Start there and work your ways up.
        Valour pleases Crom.


        • I can't. Have to be fair to this family.
          I've dated the girlfriend of Tolkien's grandson when I was young in Aix.
          She was very fond of me, it gave him a long depression.


          • Ha ha ha ha ha

            Originally posted by DVV View Post
            I can't. Have to be fair to this family.
            I've dated the girlfriend of Tolkien's grandson when I was young in Aix.
            She was very fond of me, it gave him a long depression.
            Poor fellow. And all you Brits should be ashamed as you should know better. Actually we should all be ashamed. Big blemish on the human race.
            Valour pleases Crom.


            • Originally posted by DVV View Post

              We KNOW Mary has talked of Fleming to Barnett, Venturney and Mrs McCarthy. And she has talked quite a lot. Indeed, Fleming wasn't a mere acquaintance, it was a man she was once about to marry, and who was still dating her, although she was with Barnett.

              And we KNOW that 6'7 was more than a remarkable height in those days.

              What else do you need ?
              Dave, what you 'need' is some reason for any one of those people who knew Fleming's height to have brought it up at the Inquest.
              This is the detail you are missing. It makes no difference who gossiped about it in Millers Court, or anywhere else for that matter.

              Given that the public are asked specific questions, and are cautioned to only respond to the question being posed, none of the witnesses had any cause to mention Fleming's height to the Coroner.
              The Inquest is not a free-for-all.

              Dave, 'because it was not said means it never happened' is not a logical argument. There are any number of reasons Fleming's height was not mentioned at the Inquest.
              Regards, Jon S.


              • Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
                Not one word about his physical appearence was spoken at the inquest.
                Exactly. Like moustache, whiskers, beard, age, height, atire - nothing.
                Why should we be surprised that Macdonald had no interest in Fleming's appearance, or he would have asked.
                Given Macdonald's intimidation of the Jury at the outset it is hardly surprising that the witnesses were cautious not to revel in gossip.

                I don't really care what his height was, but these arguments that his height "had to have been mentioned at the Inquest" are purely ridiculous.
                Regards, Jon S.


                • The invisible giant, chapter 34

                  Now, Jon, do look for other arguments to explain why Mrs McCarthy said nothing either.

                  And btw, neither Barnett nor Venturney were "questioned" about Fleming at the inquest. They thought he was important enough to be mentioned, and said all they knew about him. Had he been a giant, we would have known. Alas, nothing at the inquest, nothing in the police statements (Barnett, Venturney), nothing in the press (McCarthy).

                  Who can believe that the most striking feature of Fleming would have never been mentioned ? Nowhere and by nobody.



                  • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                    Fish and you should avoid using this word at this stage.

                    A friendly advice, Jon.


                    • Originally posted by DVV View Post

                      Who can believe that the most striking feature of Fleming would have never been mentioned ? Nowhere and by nobody.

                      Ok, prove to me that nobody said anything about it at anytime, anywhere.

                      When you realize your mistake, maybe then we can pursue this question with a little more common sense.

                      Regards, Jon S.


                      • Go tell it on the mountains, over the hills, and everywhere...

                        Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                        Ok, prove to me that nobody said anything about it at anytime, anywhere.

                        When you realize your mistake, maybe then we can pursue this question with a little more common sense.

                        Oh, what a terrible challenge, Jon !

                        You should see me right now on my sofa.
                        Shivering !
                        And I confess my teeth are chattering !

                        From where shall I start ?
                        The police statements ?
                        The press ?
                        The inquest ?

                        You should instead realize how unlikely (understatement) is YOUR point of view.

                        Barnett, Venturney, McCarthy.
                        And so you think they did mention Fleming was a giant, but not at the inquest.
                        Not to the police.
                        Not to the press.
                        So where ?

                        Or is it that the journalists thought the detail, if I can call it so, was not worth a line ? It's well-known : they hate such things.



                        • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                          Exactly. Like moustache, whiskers, beard, age, height, atire - nothing.
                          Precisely not.
                          What a gross mistake.
                          In London 1888, thousands and thousands of men had beard, moustache or whiskers.

                          How many were 6'7 tall ?

                          It's like comparing a mouse and an elephant because both are mammals.


                          • Originally posted by DVV View Post
                            Now, Jon, do look for other arguments to explain why Mrs McCarthy said nothing either.
                            Are you referring to this?

                            "...Mrs. Carthy states that the deceased when she left her place went to live with a man who was apparently in the building trade, and who she (Mrs. Carthy) believed would have married her."
                            Regards, Jon S.


                            • Originally posted by DVV View Post

                              From where shall I start ?
                              The police statements ?
                              Ok, and why?
                              What does the height of Kelly's ex have to do with a murder inquiry?

                              The press ?
                              Specifically, which press interview are you talking about?

                              The inquest ?
                              When did the issue come up at the inquest, and why would it?

                              You should instead realize how unlikely (understatement) is YOUR point of view.

                              Barnett, Venturney, McCarthy.
                              And so you think they did mention Fleming was a giant, but not at the inquest.
                              Not to the police.
                              Not to the press.
                              So where ?
                              Yes, just like Mrs McCarthy said about a customer meeting some strange looking man in Millers Court!
                              That, was relevant, but that was not mentioned either.

                              And again, Bowyer met a weird looking man in Millers Court talking with Kelly, but this was not brought up at the inquest either.

                              The physical height of Joseph Fleming had absolutely nothing to do with the police nor the Inquest, your reliance on gossip is where you are going wrong.
                              Nobody is interested and the witnesses were smart enough to know (contrary to a handful of posters here) that this is one detail that is completely irrelevant to what is going on in a murder inquiry.
                              Regards, Jon S.


                              • You're swimming in nonsense, Jon.

                                You're asking me to provide an article talking about Fleming's height ?

                                You seem to need some rest.

                                My point is precisely that there is nothing, nowhere, about MJK having known a giant. And you know what ? Because there was no giant in her life.

                                As for Mrs McCarthy, I was referring to Mrs McCarthy from Breezer's Hill, of course. The one to whom Mary said so much about her dear Joseph. She even knocked her door at two in the morning to speak with her.... about her dear Joseph....

                                And once again, no mention of him being a giant, although there was no coroner around to intimidate them.


