The rubbish is always presented by you, Ben. Never by me.
But seriously though, you did select a very poor website to extract your excruciatingly pointless celebrity BMIs from. Bad googling, Fisherman! The most reliable website tells us her BMI is 19.5, which is perfectly more normal. By all means, spend your evening researching Gwyneth Paltrow's weight and produce the results here if you really think that's a worthwhile thing to talk about on a serial killer website. Poor Gwyneth would be pretty freaked out if she knew! Similarly, I think you've worn poor James Stewart's name out enough times now, so that'll have to be you all done with that distracting, irrelevant nonsense too.
A person with a BMI of 17 is only “mild” in their "thinness" in comparison to the even more severe cases, but that doesn't mean that a BMI of 17 should be considered "mild" in isolation, just as a BMI of 16 is not remotely "moderate". It is simple medical terminology used for convenience in order to convey a grading system. You've presumably heard of a "mini stroke", but according to your reasoning, I suppose the word "mini" implies something utterly inconsequential (like a sneeze perhaps? That’s pretty “mini”), despite the reality being anything but. The other name for a mini stroke is a Transient Ischemic Attack, which sounds a lot more scary, doesn't it?
I never suggested that anorexia was a BMI. I simply observed that according to all reputable medical sources, 17.5 is considered very low, and is a BMI most commonly associated with anorexia. A BMI of 16, meanwhile, is considered dangerous. That's "extreme" enough for me to describe it as such, thanks very much, unless we're to engage in time-wasting, life-wasting pedantry.
And do I really have to waste time explaining how ludicrous it is to argue that Fleming's dietary habits suffered after being taken off the slum streets as a wandering lunatic, and taken into proper medical care? I've already explained how ludicrous it is to argue that he was that incredibly tall (taller perhaps than the tallest man in England at the time), that ridiculously thin at 11 stone, a pauper mental patient taken off the streets, yet miraculously in "good" bodily health. But I can do that again too if you fancy going round in endless circles forever. I'm game.