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Where does Joseph Fleming fit into the equation?

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  • DVV:

    1 : Is a 6'7 tall plasterer and dock labourer likely to weight only 11st during three years while taking food and sleeping well ? No.

    He was not working as a plastere during the years you name to begin with. He entered the asylum in a condition of slight thinness, according to the WHO. Why would a slightly thin man not eat and sleep well?

    2: Is it likely that the medics made no mention at all of such an uncommon height and thinness ? No.

    They DID mention the height in the asylum records, David - they recorded it as 6 ft 7 in. And much aas the height was uncommon, the weight was not, according to the WHO. He was slightly thin, that´s all.
    Do you have any records to show us that the staff at the asylum normally mentioned when the inmates were slightly thin? Do you have any examples of them commenting on when somebody was uncommonly tall - or short? I think not.

    3: Was Mary likely to be so fond of Joe-the-freak who ill-used her ? No.

    Once again, you may need to extend some lang lost courtesy to asylum Fleming and his relatives. He was tall. That does not equal being a freak.

    4: If her ex-fiancé was that tall, she would have probably told Mrs McCarthy, Barnett and Venturney. (When a giant ill-use you, you're likely to mention he's a giant)

    Maybe she did. And if she said that he was a very tall guy, what guarantee do we have that they would reiterate it to the police? If her ex-fiancée was Evans/Fleming?

    5 : Was this giant likely to pass unnoticed in the area when he came to visit Mary ? No.

    A 6 ft 7 man was not likely to pass unnoticed anywhere, David. And you can bet your socks that Evans/Fleming WAS noticed. However, it would seem that the witnesses at the inquest, Venturney and Barnett only HEARD of him - it becomes rather apparent when reading their testimony.

    6 : Is 6'7 likely to be a mistake ? Yes

    Is an asylum record of somebody´s height likely to be a mistake? No. Considering that it represented a height that - though uncommon - was not outlandish in any shape or form, it is likely to be correct. And given that the asylum people would have taken down heights of 4 ft or 5 ft to a 99 per cent degree, the mere fact that they started out with a 6 this time without hesitating seems to me to be a good indicator that it was the real thing to do.

    7 : Is Fish likely to be plain wrong ? So it seems.

    If I had not had the recorded entry to go by, If James Stewart was a skeleton freak and if cows wore guilded armour and recited Byron, then the better guess would be that I was wrong.

    8: Is David going to see sense?

    Yes, absolutely - he has already seen it. He´s not blind. And he knows the significance of officially recorded entries in asylum books.

    9: Is he going to admit that?

    Not very likely, no.

    All the best,



    • Originally posted by Chris Scott View Post
      That made me laugh out loud and I have just spat tea all over my PC monitor!!!
      Thanks for brightening the afternoon
      Yes he occasionally has that effect Chris - I hold him entirely responsible for my family deeming me gaga whilst laughing out loud at my PC!

      All the best



      • Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
        Why would a slightly thin man not eat and sleep well?
        Fish, I don't know exactly how long were the beds in Stone, but I guess they were not long enough for the freak who never was.

        I also guess Peter Crouch doesn't drive a Renault Twingo.

        All the best


        • Originally posted by Sally View Post
          Gigantism had recently been 'discovered' at the time
          I don´t think gigantism is normally coupled to being thin, Sally. The ones suffering from this disorder normally grow to be very tall and with a body that answers to the height.

          It would help if we knew how tall Evans/Flemings parents were, and if it was a trait that ran in the family as such. Otherwise, we know that some people with no tall relatives and with no medical disorders may grow very tall just the same.

          And he was not Robert Wadlow 2.73 - he was 2.01. Very tall by comparison, yes, but not extremely exceptional, I should think. We have very tall people all around us, so it may be wise not to overestimate the value of such a thing. It would have been much more strange if there were only 5 ft 7 men behind the Stone asylum walls. "One flew over the cuckoos´nest", remember that film? Ten or fifteen men on that ward, one of them way more than 2 meters, one down at one and a half.
          And still it won a bagful of Oscars - amazing!

          All the best,


          • Originally posted by DVV View Post
            Fish, I don't know exactly how long were the beds in Stone, but I guess they were not long enough for the freak who never was.

            I also guess Peter Crouch doesn't drive a Renault Twingo.

            All the best
            Well, that settles it then - they would never have provided a longer bed for Evans/Fleming, and he would not have been able to put his feet over the edge and sleep like that, the way I always do when I end up in 1.90 long beds at youth hostels, sleeping away just fine.
            They would have crammed a 1.70 bed in between two walls, disenabling him to stretch out, and thus causing severe sleeping problems for him, something that would have gone down in the entries.
            Why did I not think of that myself? This pretty much proves that you are correct, David. Good job!

            All the best,


            • Originally posted by Cogidubnus View Post
              Yes he occasionally has that effect Chris - I hold him entirely responsible for my family deeming me gaga whilst laughing out loud at my PC!

              All the best

              You're most welcome, gentlemen.
              Some of Fish's posts have the same effect on me - except that I seldom spit tea.



              • Originally posted by DVV View Post
                You're most welcome, gentlemen.
                Some of Fish's posts have the same effect on me - except that I seldom spit tea.

                By the way: " Peter Crouch drives an Aston Martin DB9 which was built in Warwickshire, England."

                A sportscar that is not very large inside and quite low, thus.

                Then again, he IS named Crouch.

                ... and maybe it´s a convertible.

                The best,


                • Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
                  Well, that settles it then - they would never have provided a longer bed for Evans/Fleming
                  There was a nice staff in Stone, I stand corrected.
                  He enjoyed his bucket of coffee every morning.



                  • Fisherman,

                    It makes little sense to criticise the length of my posts after you've written far more words in a very short space of time than I did in my two posts last night.

                    As for the "it's what it says, so we must accept it" line of reasoning, you'll just have accept that very few people are buying into it and move on. As far as many are concerned, the Fleming height entry is not "likely to be correct". It is likely to be wrong. There are many historical records associated with the ripper murders that are endorsed as accurate by only a minority of adherents despite being clear and unambiguous in appearance. I've mentioned the Robert Anderson claim to have identified the killer as a "definitely ascertained fact" as one example, but there are many others. These entries are rejected by the majority because they are considered to be wrong, in spite of the clear manner in which they were originally presented.

                    Joseph Fleming had a BMI of 17.3, which is most emphatically NOT "mildly thin". Take a look at Wikipedia's thoroughly sources entry on "Body Mass Index", specifically this bit:

                    A BMI nearing 15 is usually used as an indicator for starvation and the health risks involved, with a BMI less than 17.5 being an informal criterion for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.

                    If you have a BMI of less than 18.5, you are considered "underweight" and are advised to consult your doctor. Fleming's was 17.3, which is drastically and eccentrically underweight - indisputably and definitely so.

                    Then there's this from the NHS website:

                    People with anorexia generally have a BMI below 17.5.

                    And this from

                    A normal BMI for an adult is 20-25. Above that you are overweight, and below that you are underweight. Adults with anorexia have a BMI below 17.5.

                    Note the consistent theme.

                    The point is that BMI is considered in conjunction with other concerns, such as lifestyle and general health. In Fleming's case, this did not mean earning millions as a footballer or athlete, but rather wandering the streets as an insane person. So we have a poor lifestyle and an extreme height and an extreme weight (for that extreme height)...and yet "good" bodily health. No. The concept is ludicrous.

                    ... and I have pointed out that the two entries were written by different men, so there is nothing pointing to a record writer that habitually changed all his fives for sixes.
                    No, that was never the argument.

                    The argument is simply that there is more than one questionable "6" in the document. I'm not pretending to have all the answers, but it is rightly considered unusual.

                    I'm not disputing the lack of evidence to suggest that either Barnett or Venturney ever met Fleming. If you ask me, they probably didn't. The point is that Kelly was almost certain to have mentioned his extreme physique if he had one. The silence in this regard may be regarded as yet another very strong indication that he didn't.

                    Don´t you change your mind in the face of overwhelming evidence telling you that you would have been wrong, Ben?
                    Yeah, I used to think that Walter Dew's memoirs were a really useful guide to the events of 1888, but then you came along and told me that they were, in fact, "riddled with mistakes" and got lots of things "terribly wrong". You helped me see the light there, for which many thanks.
                    Last edited by Ben; 07-07-2013, 12:08 PM.


                    • Originally posted by DVV View Post
                      You're most welcome, gentlemen.
                      Some of Fish's posts have the same effect on me - except that I seldom spit tea.

                      No? But hopefully not whisky? That would be terrible...


                      • Don't tell. My screen smells Islay peat.


                        • Birds of a Feather?

                          Why is it that whenever I communicate with David the subject always eventually turns to Scotch?

                          All the best



                          • Originally posted by DVV View Post
                            Don't tell. My screen smells Islay peat.
                            I wish mine did. Wine is lovely, but it doesn't smell as good...

                            Er... are we off-topic yet?

                            Seems to be a fashion for it these days...


                            • Originally posted by Cogidubnus View Post
                              Why is it that whenever I communicate with David the subject always eventually turns to Scotch?

                              All the best

                              Yes, that's true Dave. I blame you - I would never mention whisky myself unless provoked.


                              • 6' 7" - A lot of bottle

                                Er... are we off-topic yet?
                                Not if Fleming came from Islay, but otherwise yes...

                                All the best


