Bearing in mind McNaughtons suspicion of Druitt,is it reasonable to believe that Druitts family ,or rather descendants,have had no knowledge of those suspicions,other than what they have read from press reports,enquiries from researchers etc.?
Surely Mcanaughtons suspicions ,and conclusions (be they right or wrong) would have reached ears of the Family at the time,and would no doubt have been handed down through the generations (if only whispered even) to the present day?Indeed ,if the suspicions originally ,were voiced by the Druitt Family ,as some suggest,then its hard to believe that the present day Druitt family couldnt add a bit of flesh to the bare bones of the story...if of course they wished it.
Surely Mcanaughtons suspicions ,and conclusions (be they right or wrong) would have reached ears of the Family at the time,and would no doubt have been handed down through the generations (if only whispered even) to the present day?Indeed ,if the suspicions originally ,were voiced by the Druitt Family ,as some suggest,then its hard to believe that the present day Druitt family couldnt add a bit of flesh to the bare bones of the story...if of course they wished it.