Originally posted by JeffHamm
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"proximity to murder site"
And then have an added separate score for "timing" that works in conjunction with the former proximity to murder site.
In other words, the likes of...
Goldstein, Schwartz, Hutchinson, Lechmere, Cadosche, Lawrende, Paul etc...etc... should ALL score a point for being within CLOSE PROXIMITY of the murder site AND at a TIME that was relatively close to a murder having been committed.
So for example someone like Bachert who lived close to the epicentre of the murders for many years, but has no direct physical link to any of the murder sites in terms of the timing, would score 1 for proximity but 0 for timing.
Someone like Lechmere would score 2 (one for Proximity and 1 for Timing)
Dr Barnardo is an interesting one because we know for certain that he was at a conference giving a speech in Dundee within 36 hours of one of the Canonical 5 murders.
However, to get to Dundee, we also know he took a train from London.
This then confirms that Dr Barnardo left London on the morning train to Dundee on the morning of one of the murders; ergo, just a few hours after a Ripper victim was found.
Barnardo would then score 1 for proximity because he was in London for sure, but 0 for timing because he has no known link to a murder site relative to the timing.
Regarding Long; while she should technically score 2, 1 for proximity and 1 for timing; anyone with common sense would know that she has no chance of being the Ripper; not just because she was female, but because of every other factor that rules her out.
While it's tempting to introduce minus points; I would resist the temptation because having a base value of 0 works perfectly.
100% of nothing...is still nothing, despite the percentage value.
Therefore, with Deeming, there is no proof he was in London, but we know that he did visit London sometime between 1887-1889 because he accumulated debts in London...and the only way he could have done that...is if he was there in London in person.
Deeming would score 0 for proximity and 0 for timing because he has no physical link to any of the murder sites whatsoever.
However, to give minus points then by proxy assumes he wasn't in London, but considering there's no proof of that either, then he should score 0 and not be given a minus point
By allocating minus points, it subtly implies the passive ruling out a suspect that may not be deserved of that.