If I ever commit a crime, Sally, I hope you have to interview me. I'll run rings around you!
Where's your cynicism, your lack of surprise at how deeply human evil can run?
Where's the rigourous questioning ans scepticism required?
And as for the brutality of Kelly's murder beinga little extreme, don't you think? - how often have police been shocked that their presumptions and presuppositions have misled them?
Oh and is being "boring" (even "Deeply" boring) a reason why someone cannot be a killer?
Sorry to challenge you (I do it with a twinkle in the eye, I assure you!),
Where's your cynicism, your lack of surprise at how deeply human evil can run?
Where's the rigourous questioning ans scepticism required?
And as for the brutality of Kelly's murder beinga little extreme, don't you think? - how often have police been shocked that their presumptions and presuppositions have misled them?
Oh and is being "boring" (even "Deeply" boring) a reason why someone cannot be a killer?
Sorry to challenge you (I do it with a twinkle in the eye, I assure you!),