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taking the tour on your own.

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  • taking the tour on your own.

    Hi all,

    Having recently relocated at work, I now find myself placed a couple of steps from Mitre Sq, ten minutes from Batty and Henriques street, a short jaunt to Goulston Street.

    Although I have done all the sites separately and at different times over the years, now being able to take an extended lunch break, I have been able to get a better feel of the whole area when it comes to distance, this includes police stations, ect.
    This is one thing you don't get by just looking at maps, I now appreciate how close they all are to each other, where as a map seems to portray a very large area.
    So next time your in London, I really advise doing the whole thing in one go, starting at Batty street and ending at Hanbury street.


  • #2
    Starting at Durward street.
    And be aware due to a lot of construction work going on every where, not everything is viewable as was once the case sadly.



    • #3
      Originally posted by spyglass View Post
      This is one thing you don't get by just looking at maps, I now appreciate how close they all are to each other, where as a map seems to portray a very large area.
      Mitre Square was the size of my backyard.

      Not that Australian standards
      Last edited by DJA; 11-01-2015, 07:17 AM. Reason: was for is


      • #4
        Originally posted by DJA View Post
        Mitre Square is the size of my backyard.

        Not that Australian standards
        It certainly is getting smaller with all the work going on around it, let's hope there's something left of it when they finish.


        • #5
          While on vacation in 2008 I did a solo tour that began around 7 a.m. at the Whitechapel tube station and included all of the C5 murder sites plus Emma Smith, Martha Tabram, and Frances Coles, the Goulston St. graffito site, the Commercial Street police station, a drink in the Ten Bells and the graves of Nicholls, Eddowes, and Kelly, finishing a little after four p.m. I don't recommend that to just anyone unless you are really dedicated because you'll be exhausted, but it is possible and makes for an amazing day.

